Friday, May 31, 2019
Currency hedging Essay -- essays research papers
What is hedgerow? Hedging is a strategy used to protect stakes posed by worldwide currency fluctuations. One hedges the currency luck by contracting to sell foreign currency in the future, at the current transfer rate (Fries). If fund managers think the dollar is going to be stronger when they are ready to change the foreign currency back into American dollars, then they take out a foreign futures contract (a hedge). Thus, they lock in the veer rate beforehand, so that they will not lose profits gained from holding devalued foreign currency (Hedging, 1999). If the manager guesses correctly, he will lift the funds overall return because the profits will be worth even more when they are commuted into American dollars.The foreign exchange market is one of the most important financial markets. It influences the relative price of goods between countries and can shape trade. It influences the price of imports and can have an effect on a countrys price level (inflation rate). In addi tion, it influences the international investment and financing decisions. commutation rates present many risks to a association and a company must be able to hedge itself (Gray, 2003). The price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency is called an exchange rate (Gray, 2003). Foreign investors need to sell in a foreign currency to be competitive. By making the most of the exchange rate risk, it may take away some of the risk of the cross border trade from customers. This in turn may encourage a customer to buy products.central rates are the amount of one countrys currency needed to purchase one unit of another currency (Gray, 2003). Typically, vacationers wanting to exchange money will not be bothered with shifts in the exchange rates. However, for multinational companies, dealing with very large amounts of money in their transactions, the rise or fall of a currency can mean receiving a surplus or a deficit on their balance sheets, which is an example of translation risk. explanation risk is more of an accounting issue, and refers primarily to the impact of exchange rates on earnings and balance sheet items (Hedging, 1999).Another type of exchange risk faced by multinational companies is transaction risk. If a company sells products to an overseas customer, it might be subject to transaction risk. Transaction risk refers to actual conversions of gold flows from one c... the American dollar will affect the total loss or gain on the investment when the money is converted back. This risk usually affects businesses, but it can also affect individual investors who make international investments, also called currency risk (Investorworld).Referenceshttp// retrieved February27, 2005Fries, Bill. Thornburg Articles. Currency Hedging retrieved February 24, 2005 fromhttp//, Phil and Irwin, Tim. (2003). Allocating Exchange Ra te Risk in PrivateInfrastructure Contracts retrieved February 24, 2005 fromhttp// Currency Risk with Options and Futures retrieved February 25, 2005 fromhttp//, Peter (1990). The CPA Journal Online Foreign currency hedging transactions under Section 988Temporary regulations Retrieved February 24, 2005 from http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock :: essays research papers fc
TS Eliots PrufrockThe ironic character of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," an early poem by T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) in the nervous strain of a dramatic monologue, is introduced in its title. Eliot is talking, through his speaker, about the absence of love, and the poem, so far from being a "song," is a meditation on the failure of ro publicce. The break image of evening (traditionally the season of love making) is disquieting, rather than consoling or seductive, and the evening "becomes a patient" (Spender 160) "When the evening is spread out against the sky / handle a patient etherized upon a table" (2-3). According to Berryman, with this line begins modern poetry (197). The urban location of the poem is confrontational instead of being alluring. Eliot, as a Modernist, sets his poem in a decayed cityscape, " a drab neighborhood of cheap hotels and restaurants, where Prufrock lives in solitary gloom" (Harlan 265). The experience of Pr ufrock is set against that of obscure "women" (13), collectively representing womankind. Their unattainable status is represented by their constant movement- they "come and go"- and their "polite chitchat about Michelangelo, who was a man of great originative energy, unlike Prufrock" (Harlan 265). We cannot imagine that they would listen to any love song by Prufrock, any more than they would find his name or his person attractive. "A man named J. Alfred Prufrock could hardly be expected to sing a love song he sounds too well dressed" (Berryman 197)."J. Alfred Prufrock" indicates his formality, and his surname, in particular, indicates prudery. The powerful metaphor, a optical image of the "yellow fog" (15) in the fourth stanza, represents the jaundiced environment of the modern city, or Eliots "infernal version of the forest of Arden" (Cervo 227). The image is ambiguous, however, because Eliot also makes it particularly attr active in the precision he uses in comparing the fogs motions to that of a cat who "licked its tongue into the corners of the evening" (17). We also hear the fog, disquietingly, in that image, in the onomatopoeia of "licked." repeat of "time", in the following stanza, shows how the world of Prufrocks being is bound to temporality. "Prufrock speaks to his listeners as if they had come to visit him in some circle of unchanging hell where time has stopped and all action has become theoretical" (Miller 183). "Time" is repeated, several times, but it is not only its inescapable presence that Eliot is emphasizing, but also the slenderness of the ways in which we use it "the taking of a toast and tea" (34).
Agatha Christie Biography :: essays research papers
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christy (September 15, 1890 - January 12, 1976), was a British crime fiction writer. Christy published over lxxx books and other works, chiefly whodunits. While her work is not considered part of the literary canon, she is a major figure in detective fiction. In particular, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is observe for its use of narrative and its twist on the established genre. Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some umteen times over (Murder on the Orient Express, last on the Nile, 4.50 from Paddington). The BBC has do television versions of most of the Poirot and Marple stories. She alike used the pen name Mary Westmacott for romantic novels. She was married to Sir Max Mallowan, a British archaeologist, which contributed accentuate to several of her novels ring in the Middle East. Other novels were set in Torquay, Devon, where she was born. During World War I she worked as a pharmacist, a job that also influenced her work many of the murders in her books are carried out with poison. In December 1926 she disappeared for eleven days and caused quite a storm in the press. Opinions are unchanging divided as to whether this was a publicity stunt or an emotional breakdown. Famous characters include Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple. Her stage play The Mousetrap holds the record for the longest blend ever in London, opening in London in November 1952 and still running after 50 years and more than 20,000 slayings. Sir Richard Attenborough, who was in the original production, participated in an anniversary performance "It lasted so long because it is a bloody good play. Agatha Christy is very, very clever indeed." Two of her novels were written at the height of her career, but held affirm until after her terminal they were the last cases of Poirot and Miss Marple.Agatha Christie Biography essays research papers Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christy (September 15, 1890 - January 12, 1976), was a British crime fiction writer. Christy published over eighty books and other works, mainly whodunits. While her work is not considered part of the literary canon, she is a major figure in detective fiction. In particular, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is noted for its use of narrative and its twist on the established genre. Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some many times over (Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile, 4.50 from Paddington). The BBC has made television versions of most of the Poirot and Marple stories. She also used the pen name Mary Westmacott for romantic novels. She was married to Sir Max Mallowan, a British archaeologist, which contributed background to several of her novels set in the Middle East. Other novels were set in Torquay, Devon, where she was born. During World War I she worked as a pharmacist, a job that also influenced her work many of the murders in her books are carried out with poison. In December 1926 she disappeared f or eleven days and caused quite a storm in the press. Opinions are still divided as to whether this was a publicity stunt or an emotional breakdown. Famous characters include Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple. Her stage play The Mousetrap holds the record for the longest run ever in London, opening in London in November 1952 and still running after 50 years and more than 20,000 performances. Sir Richard Attenborough, who was in the original production, participated in an anniversary performance "It lasted so long because it is a bloody good play. Agatha Christy is very, very clever indeed." Two of her novels were written at the height of her career, but held back until after her death they were the last cases of Poirot and Miss Marple.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Capitalism Essay -- essays research papers
By definition, Capitalism is an economic system controlled chiefly by individuals and common soldier companies instead of by the government. In this system, individuals and companies avow and direct most of the resources used to produce goods and services, including land and other natural resources labor, and capital. Capital includes factories and equipment and some clock the m wizardy used in businesses (Friedman, 5).Capitalism stresses private economic decisions. People are free to decide how they will earn and spend their income. Companies may choose which goods and services to produce and how much to charge for them. They as well compete with one another to sell products. Nations whose economies are based on capitalism include the United States, Ger some(prenominal), Canada, and Japan.Although a private individual or congregation of individuals may control their income and a large section of an economy, the government can control some aspects of the economy in every nation. Capitalism is some times called Free enterprise, despite its limits established by the government. Many governings and businesses flourish from the existence of capitalism. Non-profit organizations prosper from capitalism such as The Roman Catholic Church.As one of the largest and most common religions in the world, the Roman Catholic faith is sustained through capitalism, for it is a capitalist organization. It can be considered a Capitalist organization in the fact that income is freely given in return for nothing. Ones religion can definitely influence their economic decisions, lifestyle and societal status. The Roman Catholic Church believes that capitalism can become a type of injustice. For example, some people in capitalist nations can afford many luxuries. But at the same time, others lack adequate food, housing, and other needs. This unequal distribution of wealth results largely from capitalisms emphasis on individuality. The Catholic Church cites examples of inequality as incorrect. However, the church and other religious denominations thrive from others prosperity and income. Capitalism is a definite social justice issue. One movement why people do not necessarily feel obligated to help others less fortunate than him or herself is because the economy focuses on individualism, which leads to greed and hoarding. some other reason why capitalism is a social justice issue is that it deprives certain... ...ject to all kinds of taxation and regulation.Today in our society, we need governments permission to drive, to work, to open and to get off a business, and even to own and hold property. The government is no longer our servant it became our master. The government, once established to ban the use of force among men, now is the greatest aggressor of all. In the name of helping the needy, it assaults the productive and strips them of their rights and property. But if productive Americans have no rights then no American has them either. America, bo rn as a free country, has been transfigured into a welfare state, where the needs of some became a blank check on the fortunes of others (Tate, 44,45).But we are still in time to call back our rights if only we understand better their meaning, their value and their power. If Americans are to be the free again, and America is to remain the greatest nation on Earth, we must hold unutterable our individual rights to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."America was founded on the noblest of ideals the right of every individual to his life. America will only live as long as its ideals live in our hearts and in our minds (kronen, 102).
Janie Crawford’s Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays
Janie Crawfords Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie Crawford, the main spirit of Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes WereWatching God, strives to find her own voice throughout the novel and, in myopinion, she succeeds even though it takes her over thirty years to do it. individuallyone of her husbands has a different effect on her ability to find that voice. Janie discovers her will to find her voice when she is living with Logan.Since she did not marry him for love, tensions arise as time moves on and Loganbegins to order her around. But Janie is young and her will has not yet beenbroken. She has enough strength to say No and to leave him by outpouring awaywith Joe. At this point, Janie has found a part of her voice, which is her notwilling to be like a slave in her husbands hands. After Janie marries Joe, I deal that she discovers that he is not thepe rson she thought he was. He tells her what to do the same way Logan did, justa little bit more finely by saying that it is not a womans job to dowhatever he does not want her to do. Throughout her twenty years of life withJoe, Janie loses her malaise because she becomes like a little kidbeing told what to do by an adult, Joe. She does it without even questioningherself, which is why I think that she loses the part of her voice that she has discovered by running away from Logan. At times, she has enough courage to sayno to Joe, but he always has something to say back that discourages Janie fromcontinuing her argument. But, in my opinion, Janie does not lose her will tofind herself and it might have even become stronger because the reader can seethat Janie is not happy with the way things be now and that she will probablywant to change them in the future. When Joe dies and Janie marries Tea Cake, she feels free becaus e eventhough Tea Cake asks for her opinion when he does something and cares around her.Since this is Janies first marriage where she actually loves her husband, shefeels free and discovers many new things in life that she has not noticed before.She becomes more sociable, wants to go places with Tea Cake, enjoys workingwith opposite people, and likes shooting game. Although she never shot a riflebefore, she becomes a better shooter that Tea Cake, and he respects her for that,
Monday, May 27, 2019
bill cosby :: essays research papers
Bill CosbyBill Cosby was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on July 12, 1937 as William Henry Cosby, Jr. In the 1950s, Bill Cosby dropped out of high school to join the Navy. He did attend college on a football knowledge at Temple University years later. He also completed his doctorate in education at the University of Massachusetts during the 1970s.In 1965, Bill Cosby married his wife, Camille Hanks. They concur celebrated 35 years of marriage, and this year will make 36 years. They had five children Erika, Erinn, Ens, Evin, and Ennis (who was tragically killed in January of 1997). Today Bill Cosby is one of the richest entertainers in America. His wealthiness is estimated at about $325 million. Bill Cosby started perform stand-up comedy routines during the 1960s in night clubs. In 1965-1968, Bill Cosby co-stared with Robert Cult in a punt series called I Spy. He earned 3 Emmy Awards for his performance in I Spy. His success at that time was a true breakthrough for calamitous pe ople.Bill Cosby has always provided the world with fresh, clean, family comedy. His comedy albums often received Grammy honors. In the 1980s, Bill Cosby had the nations top-rated TV series, The Cosby Show. The books he has written on the defeat 2the humor in just plain everyday life, starting with the book he entitled, Fatherhood, were successful best-sellers.Bill Cosby has a starred in a long list of funny movies. His recent television series, Cosby, has not been very successful. His movie, Leonard Part 6, was a big disappointment, also. Bill Cosby continues to work hard to entertain us with quality humor. He has more successful shows to his credit than disappointments.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Police Code of Silence Essay
When a new recruit joins a patrol military he is bursting with excitement and anticipation to fulfill all of the principles and standards that get on with being a police military policeman dedication, loyalty, trust and integrity. He has a high set of standards and a set of goals he wants to achieve as an ships officer of the faithfulness such as stopping crime, improving the moral of the neighborhoods and becoming a positive mentor to the youth of the community. He has a new esthesis of belonging he is now a member of a team, a brotherhood, an official member of an elite club he is an officer of the law.What this new officer will soon discover is that there is an unwritten law amongst his fellow officers a law that does non bode well with his fresh sense of principles and standards. This law is called the Blue Wall of quiet down. It is an expectation that an officer will overlook or not speak about the bollocks up violations of another officer.Why Officers Keep unspokenOn e of the reasons a police officer might go against his own moral grave is because of his internal dilemma of whether to be loyal to the officer code of conduct or to be loyal to his fellow officers who he has formed a friendship and a brotherly bond with. The dilemma might besides be applyd when the corrupt officer is a supervisor or is superior in rank.Another reason an officer might keep motionless when there is act present within the force is because he is afraid of retribution. When an officer snitches on a fellow officer there may be a whole plethora of concerns that come from the corrupt officers indiscretions. willing he be fired? Will his family be affected? Will there be negative impact on the precinct? Will there be further legal actions taken? The officer that is snitching also has to fear curse from his fellow officers. He has to worry if his fellow brothers will continue to have his back and support him in the line of duty if he rats out a fellow officer.There m ay also be scenarios where the officer will question his morals and what is the ethical path to take. There might be robin Hood typesituations where an officer is doing wrong to create a means to a positive end. An example would be of an officer falsifying documents to be for certain that the serial rapist that he apprehended is held in custody. If an officer were to snitch that the arresting officer falsified the documents hence a dangerous serial rapist may be set free to continue to commit harmful crimes against others.Leaderships RoleThe heed and leaders in a department play a prodigious part in the ethical behavior of that department. Leaders are mentors, role models, leading examples of what type of behavior is to be expected at that particular police station. How management acts to misconduct will set the standard for what is acceptable and unacceptable conduct. Rookie officers look to their leaders and management to set the ethical guidelines for the station and to enfo rce the written code of conduct. When leadership and/or management are corrupt themselves, it is probable that they will not be held accountable for their unethical actions nor will they donjon their fellow officers accountable for misconduct.When the leaders and management of a force are a positive example and conduct themselves in an ethical manor then their subordinates will be more likely to follow suit and hold themselves to the standards of their leaders. When leaders enforce responsibility and accountability for unethical actions there is an understanding that misconduct will not be tolerated and neither will silence of other officers misconduct.Breaking Down the WallEven though the Blue Wall of Silence is an ethical issue for nearly every police precinct around the world, there are steps that can be taken to help reduce misconduct and corruption by police officers. As stated before, a strong and ethical leadership and management system must be in power to be able to enfor ce ethical standards and accountability and set proper examples. Next, hiring practices need to include procedures that screen for critical animadverting skills these skills allow officers to think and react quickly and to be able to react in an ethical manner when in a stressful situation. This skill can also help officers think out of the box and come up with ways to perform their duties without stepping outside their moral boundaries. Psychological evaluations before hiring can help determine ifan individual is likely to give into peer pressure or to choose solidarity with his peers over police integrity.Training from the beginning of a police career and throughout on how to lease with moral dilemmas, ethical situations, and reporting the misconduct of fellow officers. Training and information must also be conducted to teach what is the expected behaviors and what the repercussions will be for misconduct. charge and leaders also need to be trained to identify early warning sign s of unethical behavior. Citizen reports of misconduct and a high number of incidents involving excessive force are a couple of warning that management needs to intervene.A written code of conduct and a discipline guide line should be set in place so that expectations are known and disciplinary actions for unethical behavior are also known. A disciplinary guideline gives management less discrimination on how to handle misconduct so that they will be less likely to be swayed or perform unethically themselves.No matter how strong a police officers moral and ethical values are, there will always be a sequence in his career when he will have to question whether his loyalty to his fellow officer or the police code of conduct is more important. It is the officer that has had the good example and backup of ethical leadership and management, the training to deal with those difficult situations, and the resources to know how to deal with those situations that is going to make the right choi ce to not hide behind the blue wall of silence.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Room 101 Talk Ideas
Arun day 9D1 English (go compare adverts-traffic wardrobes-midges) 20/12/12 the first thing i would put in populate 101 would be the most irritating thing probley on TV which of course would be the go compare adverts. now how many people would exigency to listen to a crazy dancing loony tick running around yelling go compare. Also to make matters worse at the demise of the advert you have probley got a headache from his deafening voice.I bet that quite a few people have literally turned off their TVs because of the adverts. so overall i think thats why the go compare adverts should go in room 101 and fast. ow the second thing i would put in room 101 would be traffic jams. traffic jams in my opinion are just a waste of valuable time where you could be doing something best than sitting in your car somewhere half way down a motorway not moving. but when you do carry you commonly move at least 100 yards before stopping again. now for example say youre going to a family get together or meeting up with a old friend you dont want to be late. but guess what theres probley a 3 mile long traffic jam and when you finally chain of mountains your destination you get moaned like it was your fault for not being on time.But what really annoys me is when you have your window open in a traffic jam and all of a sudden a midge decides to appear then of course it bites you. Now that brings me onto my third thing i hate. the reason i hate this belittled bugs are because of their annoying but painful little bites that dont stop hurting for around a week. also i hate it when i walk into Tescos and come across the midge repellents which say they work but trust me they dont. theres nothing at all that can stop these flys from biting your skin and ruining your summer holidays. I apprehend you all see why these three things should go into room 101. thank you for listening.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Pros Cons of Free Trade Essay
I hypothesise Free Trade has its good and its bad. A good example is, the Auto sedulousness. Here in indium we energize a lot of foreign auto manufactures such as Subaru, Toyota, and Honda, just to name a few. As for American there is Chrysler and Ford. This can decrease the entertain of the American car, because of all the choices from the foreign market. This could eventually cause a loss of sales and money for the American manufactures, which could cause layo%s and loss of income for their employees in the future.However, boilersuit the advantages of free trade de&nitely outweigh the disadvantages, by creang to a greater extent jobs. Pro Indiana workers need trade to maintain and create jobs. In 2010, 761,500 jobs in Indiana depend on trade. In 2008, 20. 5 percent of jobs in Indiana depended on trade, up from 10. 0 percent from 1992. Indianas trade-related employment grew more than &ve mes faster than total employment from 2004 to 2008. (Business Roundtable, 2010).Con Free tra de is a convenient, well-packaged ideology that resonates well with consumers, and lines the pockets and ambions of CEOs and policians. (He%ner, Thomas, May 2012) As a result, in Indiana and the US nearly 50 percent of all new cars now sold are foreign. Unfortunately, because of Free Trade more people think buying an American product is cheap or not good quality.As a result of this the middle-class that rely on an American industry for employment and opportunity is being destroyed and falling further into debt. References h=p//trade. businessroundtable. org/ h=p//economyincrisis. org/content/why-free-trade-hurts-america.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Reflection on Concussions
I versed many things from the completion of my senior exit project. My seek has taught me the most because it furthered my thesis statement. The research proved that if the padding was reorganized and strategically placed into the helmet, that more protection would be offered to players and the severity of the injuries would be significantly less. When I discuss this topic with my teammates, they strongly agree with my new post of the padding because they themselves have suffered concussions and other serious injuries due to the poor choice of padding placement in helmets.I have also suffered many injuries myself due to the lack of properly placed padding, but I have never had a concussion. I learned many things about myself throughout this project. I learned that I can manage my time a lot better than I thought and receive to scheduling in order to complete this project without getting distracted. I demonstrated that I am able to do extensive research on a topic that I am intere sted in as well as being involved with by being an athlete, without getting bored.Lastly, I learned I can push myself to strive to be my best. In the past I have struggled with staying on task and battled Attention Deficit distract which I thought would have hindered my progress, but to my surprise, I was able to finish this project with confidence. I feel that I possess the qualities needed to succeed ulterior in life because my confidence has risen. The research developed, gathered, analyzed, and studied from this project has helped me to gain a new perspective of myself when it comes to studying and working hard.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cultural Considerations in Conveying Bad News Essay
AbstractI am researching what are the cultural considerations needed, to convey bad news to people of opposite cultures.Cultural Considerations in Conveying Bad NewsBad news is inevitable, but how we convey them is very important. Technology and globalization has made the world very much smaller, and we are interacting and doing business with people from different cultures more frequently than we did in past years. Because of this, we also need to very much aware of how we deliver minus messages.The following are some suggestions to delivering bad news across different cultures North Americans prefer to present bad news indirectly, to minimize disappointment. In Asian countries, people try to avoid disrupting the harmony with bad news. To avoid saying no Japanese communicators may change the subject or may respond with counter question or with silence. Brazilians as well prefer high-context communication.Maybe or I will try is understood as No in Brazilian culture. But German comm unicators tend to present bad news directly. Directness is an important aspect in business for Germans. British communicators also hold the direct approach when it comes to bad news. In Latin countries, however, the question is whether to present bad news, because reporting bad news to superiors is impolite and disrespectful.From the above examples, we can converge that cultural differences must be considered before the message can be sent, if we want the message to be received, and understood by the receivers.ReferencesSandeep (March 19, 2011) http// for Word 97.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Basic Lesson in Finance
The article A Basic Lesson in Finance discusses the consequences of stock securities industry falling. The article contributes significantly financial and economic fields as it offers well-structured and logical study of the riddle. The author describes the Black Monday stressing that it was really unexpected and financial sphere appeared not to be prepared for such situation. Actually, the US stock market has dramatically dropped, and it has been the largest crash since 1929.Nevertheless, equities benefited from such situation as inflation had fallen. The author underlines that the Black Monday passed harmlessly in contrast to credit crunch occurred in the country. I think the article is rattling analytic and informative as it offers detailed analysis of stock market falling stressing the causes, flowing and consequences. It is known that stocks are very attractive for investors and for common people who are willing to earn money. So, fluctuations at stock market cause worries am ong people.Nevertheless, economists argue that recession is inevitable and investors should pull tolerate on consumption. In such a way the author cites economists and financial analytics to show the current situation at the stock market. For example, he cites John Kenneth Galbraith who argues that clinical depression caused more serious damages than stock market falling. Further, the author suggests that stock market recovered from the crisis only since nine months, though he didnt impart evidence to support his position.Moreover, he writes that stock market falling didnt affect countrys economy, though I dont jibe with his point. I think that even the slightest fluctuations at the market do affect economic stability as small problems in not managed properly whitethorn become disastrous. The credit crunch is said to become easier, though the borrowers dont see expected returns. Finally, it was interesting to find information about securitization because this problem is relative ly new and there is little available information how to manage the problem.
Monday, May 20, 2019
A Personal Educational Philosophies
My personal ism of program line is holistic, and focuses on the role of the teacher as a facilitator of students. This personal philosophy is beta in manoeuvre my future c atomic number 18er goals to pop off a better educator.I believe that inform and learning atomic number 18 concepts that often skunknot be easily teased apart. Often, we learn even as we teach, as in the teddy of a new teacher who learns a great deal about the importance of keeping the care and respect of children as she teaches her very first real kindergarten class. In addition, we teach as we learn, as in the case of a child who shares his familys Christmas traditions with a class who is learning about holidays throughout the world.Students, in my opinion, are active participants in the teaching process. Often, professional educators see themselves as teachers, and focus strongly on their teaching skills, abilities, philosophies, and plans. I see teachers instead as facilitators of learning among studen ts. This belief takes the emphasis off the importance of the teacher as the authority who imparts familiarity to children, and instead focuses importance on the learners role in acquiring knowledge or skills.My personal philosophy of education encompasses a little bit from each of the atomic number 23some philosophies of education. The five philosophies are Essentialism, Progressivism, Perennialism, existential philosophy, and Behaviorism. While many in the educational community tend to attach themselves strongly to wholeness philosophy, and discount the others, I believe there is a lot to be learned from each of the theories.That said, the philosophies of Existentialism and Perennialism have special appeal for me. Existentialism places a strong focus on the unique education of the student, with the teachers role to help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they may take in life and creating an environment in which they may freely choose their o wn preferred way (Shaw, Existentialism). Perennialism excessively holds as strong appeal, which espouses the the notion that some ideas have lasted over centuries and are as relevant today as when they were first conceived, Perennialism urges that these ideas should be the focus of education ((Shaw, Perennialism).I strongly feel that the ability to learn, quite than simply rote learning of facts or beliefs, is absolutely worth knowing. Enabling students to become critical thinkers, who can learn on their own, in a number of different environments, is the most important facet of teaching. This is especially true today, in a world that is brimming with information. Individuals in our society, more than ever before, need to be able to obtain knowledge from the multitude of information in the world today. It is impossible to know everything in the world today, and this is often even true among specific specialties. As an example, who among us would be arrogant teeming to say that he or she knows everything there is to know about education?The key components of my personal philosophy of teaching followA teacher is simply the facilitator of learning.All educational philosophies have some important ideas.The ability to learn, rather than simply rote learning of facts or beliefs, is absolutely worth knowing.Teaching and learning are concepts that often cannot be easily teased apart.Taken together, these components form my personal philosophy of teaching. I plan to use these beliefs to become a better teacher, who focuses strongly facilitating learning in students. I willing use these beliefs as the key basis of my instructional practice. Personally, I plan to use these beliefs to empower my friends and family (and myself) to become active learners.In conclusion, my personal philosophy of teaching focuses on the student, rather than the teacher. I see myself as a facilitator of learning, whose job it is to empower students to learn on their own. I also see a rich role in a holistic view of teaching, with much to be learned from each of the five educational philosophies.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Health and Health Promotion Essay
A traditional approach to health make out in general is one in which the goal of intervention is disorder management in an attempt to minimize the harmful effects of a health crisis. Once a health crisis occurs, the character of life for an individual is already negatively impacted. Therefore, health advance is an equally, if not more important, component of health fright that aims to improve the spirit of life. Through the primary prevention efforts of health furtherance, emphasis on avoiding disease and adopting a healthy lifestyle offers the greatest opportunity for a healthy and fulfilling life. As primary sympathize with givers, nurses play an important utilization in health promotion by demonstrating proper attitudes and behavior modeling, by providing valuable persevering instruction and by advocating for and empowering patients and their families. There are numerous nursing theories which provide a framework for nurses to employ health promoting strategies in th eir practice. Defining wellness and health PromotionOne of the intimately widely used definitions of health is that of the World health Organization (WHO) Health is a soil of over(p) physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Since the publishing of the WHO definition, changes in population demographics, the aging of society, and the changing nature of disease have caused researchers to question the relevance of this definition in todays world. One criticism is that the concept of complete health disregards those with chronic illnesses who grass contemplate to live fulfilling lives (Huber et. al, 2011). According to ODonnell (2009) health is not a constantstate, but a state that continually evolves with life circumstances. Regardless, health isclearly a complex state that exists two to, and apart from, its relationship to illness.Health promotion is a butt on that benefits both the individual and society. The essence of health promotion is the preservation of health. care for the sick is a reactive intervention to health care issues whereas health promotion is a proactive strategy for prevention. An important step necessary to shift the momentum of health care to a proactive role is making the public aware of how they pot actively participate in managing and improving their own health. As noted by Jadelhack (2012), Health promotion is carried out by and with mickle, not on or to people (p. 85). Education is a key factor in this step, as well as providing people with the resources infallible to live out strategies for a healthy lifestyle. Improved health reduces healthcare costs and improves the overall quality of life. The Role of Nursing TheoryNursing theory and nursing practice are interrelated processes, and uncomplete one holds value without the other. Theories unapplied are speculative, and practice without purpose is ineffective. To competently participate in health promotion strategies, nurs es must understand the basis for, and the goal of, their practice. Two theories that demonstrate health promotion are Neumans Systems Model and Roys Adaptation Model of Nursing. Both models provide a solid framework for nurses to split and employ health promotion strategies when caring for their patients. In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (neonatal intensive care unit), application of these theories can contribute to the health status of both babes and their families. These theories complement each other in the process of the developmental care practices that are found to be an essential component of health promotion in this unique patient population. Two TheoriesBetty Neumans System model condensees on how patients respond to environmental pureeors, and on how nurses can help maintain wellness through the use of prevention strategies aimed at attaining, maintaining, or retaining what Neumans model refers to as patient system wellness. According to this theory, patients are multidimensional beings, having a physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, spiritual and developmental element.Maintaining stability in all these elements is necessary for preserving the state of wellness. The internal environment, the external environment, and the created environment can both positively or negatively affect wellness. Neuman proposes that illness and death are the results of environmental stressors that deplete the patients energy resources needed to maintain a state of health. It would stand to reason then, if stressors are cut or eliminated, less energy would be consumed and could be available for the process of health maintenance. Similarly, Sister CallistaRoys Adaptation Model addresses the interaction between an individual and their environment. This model considers an individuals ability to conform to a changing environment. According to Roy, obligeation involves how a person views themselves, their role in a situation, interdependence, and run into ph ysiological needs. Two important processes in the adaptation theory include an automatic physiological resolution and a coping mechanism which facilitate the adaptive process. Practical ApplicationBoth Neumans and Roys theories are applicable in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a highly alter area of nursing that cares for one of the most vulnerable patient populations the preterm and critically ill infant. Both theories focus on the patient and their environment. The very nature of the NICU environment can negatively affect the infant who is already struggling with an imbalance in their internal environments. Immature physiological, structural, and neurological systems are not wide-awake to handle the external world outside the womb. Using Newmans model, nursing practices aimed at reducing stress from the external environment and those facilitating stability within the internal environment of the infant are key to optimizing outcomes for the at-risk untimely infant. The practice of developmentally ancillary care evolved from the realization that preterm infants are not only affected by the external environment of the NICU, but are also active members responding to their environment and caregivers (Gibbins et. al, 2008). affection measures for developmentally supportive care include protected sleep, pain and stress assessment and management, developmental activities of daily living, family-centered care and a healing environment are identified as health promotion interventions for the NICU patient (Coughlin, Gibbins, & Hoath,2009).Practices such(prenominal) as cycled lighting, low noise levels, facilitated handling, and kangaroo care are measures which help reduce the negative effects of the NICU environment, stabilize the internal environment of the infant, and promote positive human relationships. The principles of Roys Adaptation Model can be applied to the process of family-centered care as it relates to a parents ability to adapt to the unex pected delivery of a premature infant. This unexpected event interferes with the psychosocial adaptation of the family, complicating transition to parenthood and the incorporation of a new child into the family system (Zimmerman & Bauersachs, 2012). Allowing parents to be active participants in their infants care is a key factor toward promoting emotional, psychological, and physical health of the members in the family unit. Barriers to Health PromotionBecause of the unique environment of the NICU, barriers to health promotion activities through developmental and family-centered care efforts lie in family, health care supplier and institutional challenges rather than in the NICU patient themselves. Problems with inadequate resources, insufficient staffing, and a lack of education and support for both nursing and parents a lot impede these efforts (Bamm & Rosenbaum, 2008). Interventions used in the stabilization of infants and competition for resources often draw nurses toward tas k oriented care, pushing parents to the periphery of the NICU environment (Galarza-Winton et. al., 2013). Fear, insecurity, and powerlessness are barriers for parents that can be abated by developing strong nurse-parent relationships based on mutual respect and trust, and through the promotion of family-centered care. Successful health promotion through developmental care practices are evidenced by maternal(p) bonding and confidence in caregiving as well as alter weight gain, earlier discharge, and improved developmental outcomes for infants. ConclusionDespite advances in health care, health care costs continue to rise. In 2006, costs in the U.S. exceeded two trillion dollars, with three-fourths of that money used to treat chronic diseases (Goetzel, 2009). Smoking, alcohol and drug use, obesity, inactivity, poor quality nutrition, and limited access to health care are all examples of modifiable risk factors that contribute to illness and chronic disease. Poor health reduces the g eneralquality of life and places a burden on individuals, families, and societies. Strategies for health promotion must be developed at many levels including the community, healthcare providers and the government. The aim of health promotion is empowering people to take responsibility for their health, as well as providing them with adequate preventative care. As Benjamin Franklin once noted An ounce of prevention is worth a worst of cure.ReferencesBamm, E., & Rosenbaum, P. (2008). Family-centered theory Origins, development, barriers, and supports to implementation in rehabilitation medicine. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(8), 1618-1624. http// Betty Neumans System Model. (2012). Retrieved April 30, 2014, from http// Coughlin, M., Gibbins, S., & Hoath, S. (2009). Core measures for developmentally supportive care in neonatal intensive care units theory, precedence and pra ctice. Journal of groundbreaking Nursing, 65(10), 2239-2246. http// Galarza-Winton, M., Dicky, T., OLeary, L., Lee, S. K., & OBrien, K. (2013). Implementing family-integrated care in the NICU Educating nurses. Advances in Neonatal Care, 13(5), 335-340. http// Gibbins, S., Hoath, S., Coughin, M., Gibbins, A., & Franck, L. (2008). The universe of developmental care a new conceptual model for application in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Advances in Neonatal Care, 8(3), 141-147. http// Goetzel, R. A. (2009). Do prevention or treatment services save money? The wrong debate. Health Affairs, 28 (1), 37-41. http// Huber, M., Knottnerus, J. A., Green, L., Van der Horst, H., Jadad, A. R., Kromhaut, D., Smid, H. (2011, ). How should we define health? British Journal of Medicine, 343 (6). http// Jadelhac k, R. (2012). Health promotion in nursing and cost-effectiveness. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 19(2), 65-68. Retrieved from http// Roys Adaptation Model. (2013). Retrieved April 30, 2014, from Modelhttp// Theelectric Ben Franklin A quick biography of Benjamin Franklin. (n. d.). Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http// World Health Organization. (1948). Official Records of the World Health Organization. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from http// Zimmerman, K., & Bauersachs, C. (2012). Empowering NICU parents. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27(1), 51-53. Retrieved from http// intensive care unit+parents)&bdata=JmRiPWM4aCZ0eXBlPTEmc2 l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl
Jared Diamond
The question motivating the book is wherefore did autobiography much(prenominal) differently on different continents? (Page 8, lines 1, 2, and 3) Well, due to the fact this book covers 13,000 years of history in a brief time it Is hard to properly write a thesis that would cover everything he entrust talk closely. For one thing he has to talk about history on different continents, why did some societies progress slower or faster than differents, and whyEurasia was more advanced or modern than the moderation of the world. All these things made It harder for him to write a solid concrete thesis for face Ill start with why Eurasia was typically more advanced (by modern standards) than the rest of the world. So, to start it off, most hoi polloi would in all probability plead that Eurasia probably had more environmental advantages, such as more land, rivers, trees, and former(a) materials that ar so called meaty to a better civilization.Another power would be the mount of resources that they had available to them, such as iron, might not have been enough for them to fully sympathise its potential. Now let us talk about why some societies may have progressed slower or faster than other societies. Well one reason could have been religion. Religion can impact a society In many carriages wish well technologically, politically (if they have a political system), but mainly medically.I say mainly medically because if you are a polytheist and a disease that is spreading mom to your village or town your people would probably assume that your gods and/ or goddesses are either angry or they have cursed your land, which would cause the people to not even think that there may be a cure. While on the other hand another religion akin Christianity, Judaism, and Islam mentions nothing of god causing famine, diseases and other things Just because he Is angry. O they look for the reason of what Is causing the famine, or disease, and then they try to find a way to e nd the famine, or cure the disease. A societies political views may change because of a religion, like Christianity. For example before the birth of Sis (Jesus) the Roman Empire was run by the senate and an Emperor. Tater Christianity was accepted by the pagans of the eastern Roman Empire a. K. A. The Byzantine Empire the political slowly shifted from the emperor to the Patriarch or as he would later be called the Pope. We are finally going to talk about how history unfolded on different continents.Now as youll probably see the problem with this subject is we are not taught about hat happens In other continents such as Australia, South America, and North America, even f we are it has to start out with what led Eurasian to go there. Also they focus so much on Eurasia that they forget about the rest of the world, like at the time of the Dark ages Muslims were actually in a Golden age. We were discovering new things, inventing new things such as the first water clock, successfully perf orming surgeries that other civilizations had not even thought of doing.So Just cause Eurasia had the black plague going on they focussed so much on one event that occurred mainly in Eurasia that they claim it was the dark age. Thats like one Off person saying Mondays should be holidays and majority to that world agreeing without a second thought. last we are done, but youre probably like Im lost. That is exactly my point, the reason his thesis is hard to understand in concrete terms is because he is sort of Jumping from place to place trying to link up it all but at the same time trying to go in order.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A brief for an awareness campaign
For my project, I discombobulate chosen to create an awareness compress, about pincer abuse, which can come under the marketing and take careising part of the course. My campaign is going to be chiefly foc employ on sexual abuse, as it is quite a sensitive topic and not umteen people choose to do it. I am aware that it is going to be ch eachenging, and that I would have to use some very effective techniques in order to give out the right message. The master(prenominal) aim is to educate people and inform them about what is going on in the world, as salutary as marketing for the charity organisation.These are very covert marketing techniques, as it is quite astute and focused on the organisations activities rather than the organisation itself. The project is going to be consisted of 4 posters that could be used in either magazine pages or on billboards. They will all have the same layout as well as the same thinker, to get at it as simple as possible for readers insofar ef fective. puzzle will play a big role in my posters, as they will all be linked, as if it is like a series of pages and they all complete each other.By looking at advertisements by organisations such as NSPCC, I have realised that the use of dull and dark work are very common, same as the close up shots. However, my use of innovative ideas will make the campaign more appealing, and the enigmatic factors will attract many readers. I will use the idea of including a childs picture in the poster, just unlike the others I will use as more bright colours as I possibly can, that will wherefore be contrasted with the telescope. The main background is going to be an grey-haired journal opened, in quite olive-drab and dark colours.The wordings dear diary are going to be used on the first three posters. The diary connotes that it is real deportment events, and just like how the book is opened, a person is opening their life for us to look at and go into it. Diaries are usually symbo ls of truth, as they are very secretive and owned by matchless person, so the fact that it is the main background connotes that the organisation is very h unrivaledst about its activities, and that it is simply covering the viewing audience nothing but the reality.In the middle, there is going to be a very simple, yet colourful picture of a child, each one showing the situation developing, and then followed by brief sentences beneath it, symbolising the child writing in their diaries. It shows a sequence of events as it starts by a picture of a girl happily sleeping in her bed, with the word My first night in my new bed. he said I was a princess. The enigma in the text makes the interview marvel who the he is and what the advert is about.The second poster shows a little boy at the jet blithesome and enjoying his time, however this time there is a hand holding onto his hands. It is then followed by the words went to the park today, he played with me on the swings. There we can immediately feel the enigmatic meaning of the next, where the audience feel the worry and almost know what it really wants to show, especially with the pun on the word vie with me.Even though it builds up tension, the readers would still want to get to the end and know what it is about. The third one is a picture of a little girl with two man hands on her shoulder, and over again with the words He said no one would understand he is my only outflank booster dose. Now, it gets clearer to the readers, as the point would have been successfully showed. The last picture consists of the organisations name, followed by some facts, a helpline and then the slogan which is This smile this child ead between the lines. The slogan refers back to the smiles of the children in the pictures, and the appearance of a diary supports the idea of reading between the lines, in order to find the truth. The logo of the organisation is going to be placed on every single poster, adding to the confusion a nd enigmatic effect, but also helping the readers to understand. The advert is very disturbing to readers, as they are seeing innocent childhoods being taken away without realising, and how brainwash the children get.The contrast in colours shows the active and bright life of children however surrounded by the gloomy colours connoting the dangers around them. The idea is targeted to a more educated, and clever audience, as it is based on challenging the readers to get to the point instead of giving it to them. This means that the advert is targeted at ABC1 audience from both genders, however since it is common for children to get abused in the lower class if society, then the advert is very beta to appeal to them too.So overall it appeals to both ABC1 and C2DE audiences, with a very wide range, starting from young children to old grandparents both reporting the same problem. The billboards are going to be created using the same pictures, however with all of them stitched together, making it seem like a storyboard. It could be placed anywhere, however it would be best put at a place such as a shopping centre where viewers can stand and read all of the writing.Stickers are also going to be created with the logo of the campaign and distributed around. I am working in a pair with Kirstie Browne, and we have both decided to evenly divide the work, and use a program called Easy media creator 10 Suite to help us create our posters, and make them seem professional. We will start by taking the pictures we need on digital cameras then use them for our final piece. The organisation that we will most probably choose is going to be NSPCC as it is mainly focused of the sexually abused children.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Some pot think that p bents should see tikeren how to be severe processs of corporation. Others, however, desire that school is the short letter to hear this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion As our society progressed, people atomic number 18 placing to a greater extent emphasis on education. This is because human beingsy feel that education is the key for high standard of living. With such smell in mind, many pendent on school to give their kidskinren shell education and stockpile children to be much rounded people.Thus, many blamed schools and our ducational system when a meliorate person turns to be denigrating and destructive to society. Whereas, others hold the view that p arnts should be responsible for(p) for such cases. In my view, both family and schools argon authorized in enforcing the sound moral concept in children. There is no doubt that schools should be a place where to teach children moral concepts while naturing talents. Ide all toldy, schools book the responsibility to make children what is right and rail at.This is because children ar commonly too young to understand the consequences of being wrong, they al persuadeive styles go harmonize to their curiosity. Hence, schools should exercise a business office as guidance or supervisor to constantly remind them what to do and non to do. Moreover, the thoroughgoing and buffer purpose of school is establishing a constitution to guide and teach youths not only to be more(prenominal) know leadgeable, notwithstanding more importantly to be a better man who is useful and responsible to society. Therefore, schools select the responsibility to guide children and pull them back if they are on the wrong track.However, with increasing combat among all the schools, more and more schools only emphasis on academic accomplishment of children in now. This led to wishing of moral education for children. Hence, schools should gestate the responsibility to instill moral senses in children, only when it is more and more unheeded by our educators in nowadays. However, we should not fully blame schools for the responsibility of not teaching children the right moral senses, parents is equally important factor in exploitation ones character and moral.As a famous saw goes, parents are childrens first teacher. It is true that parents influences are much more designerful than schools. check to a plow, cardinal thirdly of the criminals are from broken or brutal family. From psychological point of view, it is excessively more seeming for a child to become a violent person if his parents are brutal. It is likewise possible for this child to annoyance or resent towards society. Hence, it is clearly demonstrated that parents should hold the responsibility to teach children how to be good member of the society.Thus, it is undeniable that parents play a significant role in developing ones moral concept. interrogate nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of engine room. In what ship canal has applied science bear upon the types of races people make? Has this become a positive or negative emergence? With the invention of communicating engineering science, our mundane life has been greatly reshaped in many aspects. People seem to be more dependent on parley engineering such as telephones, internet.Many was then questioned that technology has do us to be terra incognita to each other. However, the withstanders of technology development defend that technology has benefited us in many ways. In my view, technology has enabled us to have a closer relationship than before. Critics often struggle that technology has make us to be stranger to each other. It is observed in that respect s little brass section to grammatical case inter run between people. This is because people see little needs for them to carry face to face with the figurehead of dialogue technology.Communi cation technology allows us to send our messages instantaneously and conveniently. Thus, many people, especially the youths are afraid of communicate with strangers or speak up in public. Therefore, it seems that people become less prosperous towards their neighbour. Hence, communication technology and then changed our relationship among neighbors. The communication technology does not only changed our neighborhood relationship, but also our family elationship. It is not comical for one to heard complains that children are less engaging in family fundamental interaction from parents.Many parents complained that children always play calculating machine game instead of spending time with them. Many youths like to express their feelings or attest their secrets to online strangers quite an than their family members. Hence, it appears that the relationship between family members is weakening. This can be further supported by a naked report which conveyed a Japanese mother left he r 5 moths old child starve to demise as she was so indulged in computer games. This clearly demonstrated how technology has thusly affect the relationship we have now.However, it is undeniable that communication technology does improve our fond relationship in one way or another. Communication technology such as internet enables us to stay on in arrest with our family and friends until now from far distant. Web camera enables us to meet with our friends oversea and which in turn strengthens our friendships. Moreover, with comportment of social ne 2rks such as Facebook and Twitters, we are now able to find more new friends at heart our social groups like schoolmates. It also allows us to find old friends whom e have earlierly bemused contact.Thus, technology provide a platform for us to make more friends and diversify our social cycles. Therefore, communication technology strengths and provide new opportunity for our relationships. In conclusion, without and the friends w e make. Technology is like a coin which has two sides. However, it is alone a tool for us communicate. Hence, we should not blamed technology for changing our social life, but , in fact, it is the way we use it which changes our lifestyle. oppugnIn an essay I read titled To What remove Military Power? by Robert J. fraud he looks at how and when pull out should be used. He suggests that there are four purposes of using forces defensive, deterrent, compellent, and swaggering. Considering their usefulness today. What do you think Art means by his closing quote that The best way to keep the peace is first to realise for war?Military power or military machine assistance is not relevant to the Statess policy. Rather military action is secondary even third to military assistance policy. This is due to inhering administrative problems such as demilitarization or the commercialization of the military, political subversion, and not direct military eruption is not in the decreed age nda of American military after its experience during Korean War.Globalization, in turn, opens up the door for the American to become vulnerable toward attacks from the global nations. Hence, our defence force must be powerful.America is being put into a containment policy and is elevated to its commitment to defend other countries. It is compelling the military use in distant policy.This policy increases the defense budget because it requires, besides military or defense equipment and accessories, administrative strategic and alliances in the forms of military commitments and military intervention.Question2 (145 words) What is redundancy and why is it prerequisite when looking at change of the military.Redundancy is to simulate the military administrative structure and functional concepts which was conventional early in the previous American warfare but with some modification.Some of the redundancies, with a transition strategy, may include flavorous entry of mounted forces, e stablishment and enhancement of battle command, enhancement of soldiers, platforms, and forces apology capabilities, enhancement of theatre support capabilities, deployment and support root word.In addition, the key functional concepts of the military are the substructure of modularity, tailored and multifunction forces that can be rapidly deployed increasing special operation forces enhancing explosive ordinance judicature capabilities enhancing security and protection capabilities enhancing encompassing medical diagnostic, prevention and treatment capabilities to the soldiers increasing effort of counter-terrorism and deploying support infrastructure as just-in-time soldiers inventory.As fictional character of conjugation functional concepts, the redundancies require inter-dependencies in terms such as joint battle command, joint fires and effects, joint air and missile defense, joint force projection, and joint containment.QuestionIn an essay I read titled To What End Mili tary Power? by Robert J. Art he looks at how and when force should be used. He suggests that there are four purposes of using forces defensive, deterrent, compellent, and swaggering. Considering their usefulness today. What do you think Art means by his final quote that The best way to keep the peace is first to prepare for war?Military power or military assistance is not relevant to Americas policy. Rather military action is secondary even third to military assistance policy. This is due to internal administrative problems such as demilitarization or the commercialization of the military, political subversion, and not direct military attack is not in the official agenda of American military after its experience during Korean War.Globalization, in turn, opens up the door for the American to become vulnerable toward attacks from the global nations. Hence, our defense must be powerful.America is being put into a containment policy and is elevated to its commitment to defend other coun tries. It is compelling the military use in foreign policy.This policy increases the defense budget because it requires, besides military or defense equipment and accessories, administrative strategic and alliances in the forms of military commitments and military intervention.Question2 (145 words) What is redundancy and why is it necessary when looking at transformation of the military.Redundancy is to simulate the military administrative structure and functional concepts which was established early in the previous American warfare but with some modification.Some of the redundancies, with a transformation strategy, may include forcible entry of mounted forces, establishment and enhancement of battle command, enhancement of soldiers, platforms, and forces protection capabilities, enhancement of theatre support capabilities, deployment and support infrastructure.In addition, the key functional concepts of the military are the creation of modularity, tailored and multifunction forces that can be rapidly deployed increasing special operation forces enhancing explosive ordinance disposal capabilities enhancing security and protection capabilities enhancing comprehensive medical diagnostic, prevention and treatment capabilities to the soldiers increasing effort of counter-terrorism and deploying support infrastructure as just-in-time soldiers inventory.As part of joint functional concepts, the redundancies require inter-dependencies in terms such as joint battle command, joint fires and effects, joint air and missile defense, joint force projection, and joint containment.QuestionSome people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion As our society progressed, people are placing more emphasis on education. This is because many feel that education is the key for higher standard of living. With such belief in mind, many d ependent on school to give their children best education and expect children to be more rounded people.Thus, many blamed schools and our ducational system when a educated person turns to be harmful and destructive to society. Whereas, others hold the view that parents should be responsible for such cases. In my view, both family and schools are important in enforcing the right moral concept in children. There is no doubt that schools should be a place where to teach children moral concepts while naturing talents. Ideally, schools have the responsibility to guide children what is right and wrong.This is because children are usually too young to understand the consequences of being wrong, they always go according to their curiosity. Hence, schools should play a role as guidance or supervisor to constantly remind them what to do and not to do. Moreover, the fundamental and original purpose of school is establishing a constitution to guide and teach youths not only to be more knowledgea ble, but more importantly to be a better man who is useful and responsible to society. Therefore, schools have the responsibility to guide children and pull them back if they are on the wrong track.However, with increasing competitiveness among all the schools, more and more schools only emphasis on academic achievement of children in nowadays. This led to lack of moral education for children. Hence, schools should have the responsibility to instill moral senses in children, but it is increasingly neglected by our educators in nowadays. However, we should not fully blame schools for the responsibility of not teaching children the right moral senses, parents is equally important factor in developing ones character and moral.As a famous saying goes, parents are childrens first teacher. It is true that parents influences are much more powerful than schools. According to a report, two third of the criminals are from broken or brutal family. From psychological point of view, it is also m ore likely for a child to become a violent person if his parents are brutal. It is also possible for this child to hatred or resent towards society. Hence, it is clearly demonstrated that parents should hold the responsibility to teach children how to be good member of the society.Thus, it is undeniable that parents play a significant role in developing ones moral concept. Question nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development? With the invention of communication technology, our daily life has been greatly reshaped in many aspects. People seem to be more dependent on communication technology such as telephones, internet.Many was then questioned that technology has made us to be stranger to each other. However, the supporters of technology development defend that technology has benefited us in many ways. In my view, tech nology has enabled us to have a closer relationship than before. Critics often argue that technology has made us to be stranger to each other. It is observed there s less face to face interaction between people. This is because people see little needs for them to communicate face to face with the presence of communication technology.Communication technology allows us to send our messages instantaneously and conveniently. Thus, many people, especially the youths are afraid of communicate with strangers or speak up in public. Therefore, it seems that people become less friendly towards their neighbour. Hence, communication technology indeed changed our relationship among neighbors. The communication technology does not only changed our neighborhood relationship, but also our family elationship. It is not uncommon for one to heard complains that children are less engaging in family interaction from parents.Many parents complained that children always play computer game instead of spend ing time with them. Many youths like to express their feelings or tell their secrets to online strangers rather than their family members. Hence, it appears that the relationship between family members is weakening. This can be further supported by a new report which conveyed a Japanese mother left her 5 moths old child starve to death as she was so indulged in computer games. This clearly demonstrated how technology has indeed affect the relationship we have now.However, it is undeniable that communication technology does improve our social relationship in one way or another. Communication technology such as internet enables us to keep in touch with our family and friends even from far distant. Web camera enables us to meet with our friends oversea and which in turn strengthens our friendships. Moreover, with presence of social networks such as Facebook and Twitters, we are now able to find more new friends within our social groups like schoolmates. It also allows us to find old fr iends whom e have previously lost contact.Thus, technology provide a platform for us to make more friends and widen our social cycles. Therefore, communication technology strengths and provide new opportunity for our relationships. In conclusion, without and the friends we make. Technology is like a coin which has two sides. However, it is merely a tool for us communicate. Hence, we should not blamed technology for changing our social life, but , in fact, it is the way we use it which changes our lifestyle.QuestionSome people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion As our society progressed, people are placing more emphasis on education. This is because many feel that education is the key for higher standard of living. With such belief in mind, many dependent on school to give their children best education and expect children to be m ore rounded people.Thus, many blamed schools and our ducational system when a educated person turns to be harmful and destructive to society. Whereas, others hold the view that parents should be responsible for such cases. In my view, both family and schools are important in enforcing the right moral concept in children. There is no doubt that schools should be a place where to teach children moral concepts while naturing talents. Ideally, schools have the responsibility to guide children what is right and wrong.This is because children are usually too young to understand the consequences of being wrong, they always go according to their curiosity. Hence, schools should play a role as guidance or supervisor to constantly remind them what to do and not to do. Moreover, the fundamental and original purpose of school is establishing a constitution to guide and teach youths not only to be more knowledgeable, but more importantly to be a better man who is useful and responsible to societ y. Therefore, schools have the responsibility to guide children and pull them back if they are on the wrong track.However, with increasing competitiveness among all the schools, more and more schools only emphasis on academic achievement of children in nowadays. This led to lack of moral education for children. Hence, schools should have the responsibility to instill moral senses in children, but it is increasingly neglected by our educators in nowadays. However, we should not fully blame schools for the responsibility of not teaching children the right moral senses, parents is equally important factor in developing ones character and moral.As a famous saying goes, parents are childrens first teacher. It is true that parents influences are much more powerful than schools. According to a report, two third of the criminals are from broken or brutal family. From psychological point of view, it is also more likely for a child to become a violent person if his parents are brutal. It is a lso possible for this child to hatred or resent towards society. Hence, it is clearly demonstrated that parents should hold the responsibility to teach children how to be good member of the society.Thus, it is undeniable that parents play a significant role in developing ones moral concept. Question nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development? With the invention of communication technology, our daily life has been greatly reshaped in many aspects. People seem to be more dependent on communication technology such as telephones, internet.Many was then questioned that technology has made us to be stranger to each other. However, the supporters of technology development defend that technology has benefited us in many ways. In my view, technology has enabled us to have a closer relationship than before. Critics often argue that technology has made us to be stranger to each other. It is observed there s less face to face interaction between people. This is because people see little needs for them to communicate face to face with the presence of communication technology.Communication technology allows us to send our messages instantaneously and conveniently. Thus, many people, especially the youths are afraid of communicate with strangers or speak up in public. Therefore, it seems that people become less friendly towards their neighbour. Hence, communication technology indeed changed our relationship among neighbors. The communication technology does not only changed our neighborhood relationship, but also our family elationship. It is not uncommon for one to heard complains that children are less engaging in family interaction from parents.Many parents complained that children always play computer game instead of spending time with them. Many youths like to express their feelings or tell their secrets to online strangers rather than their family members. Hence, it appears that the relationship between family members is weakening. This can be further supported by a new report which conveyed a Japanese mother left her 5 moths old child starve to death as she was so indulged in computer games. This clearly demonstrated how technology has indeed affect the relationship we have now.However, it is undeniable that communication technology does improve our social relationship in one way or another. Communication technology such as internet enables us to keep in touch with our family and friends even from far distant. Web camera enables us to meet with our friends oversea and which in turn strengthens our friendships. Moreover, with presence of social networks such as Facebook and Twitters, we are now able to find more new friends within our social groups like schoolmates. It also allows us to find old friends whom e have previously lost contact.Thus, technology provide a platform for us to make more friends and widen our social cycles. Therefore, communication technology strengths and provide new opportunity for our relationships. In conclusion, without and the friends we make. Technology is like a coin which has two sides. However, it is merely a tool for us communicate. Hence, we should not blamed technology for changing our social life, but , in fact, it is the way we use it which changes our lifestyle.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Difference between the Jurisdiction of State of California and the Assignment
diversion between the Jurisdiction of State of California and the Federal Court System - Assignment Exampletheme security policy revolves around the major case security issues and concerns of the United States. This also emphasizes on how fountainhead the administration can implement the policy and how well they can plan out to deal with the issues addressing interior(a) security of the United States. In short, subject bea Security is a legal document that deals with the strategies and policies reviewed periodically by the executive bodies of the United States Government in order to preserve the national peace, security, and defense of the country.In late(a) years after the incident of 9/11, the United States National security Policy has faced numerous changes due to different reasons such as the rise and threats of terrorism that has struck the security of the entire nation, increase of new allies in the war against terrorism, dealing with political and economic security.The main objective of the national security policy of the United States is to safeguard the rights, security and to maintain the legitimate interests of its citizens against any threat each affected by the internal factors or the external ones. The idea of national security became an official exacting point of the United States foreign policy when U. S president Harry S. Truman signed on National Security Act of 1947 on July 26th, 1947. The key elements of national security policy are military, politics, economics, energy, natural resources, familiarity and diplomacy that are believed to be the core of the policy (Davis 2010).Executive bodies play an important role in structuring the basics of US foreign policy but at the same time there are some other players are also involved, those who affect directly the policy besides the power of US President.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
History of the Olympic Games Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of the Olympic Games - Term Paper ExampleZeus, an Olympic god, was said to be the father of humanity. Zeus is said to pick out fought a god cognize as Cronus in a struggle for the throne with other gods. The demigod, Heracles, staged games in Olympia in recognize of Zeus. The games aimed at encouraging good relations among the cities of Greece and showing the physical qualities accomplished by the youth in Greece. The ultimate importance of the games was religion. During the first recorded Olympic Games, a nude runner, by the name Coroebus, win the sole event at the competition. He was a cook from Elis, a town in Greece. He competed in 210 yards or approximately 192 meters and became the first Olympics champion in the history. The ancient Olympic Game events move to occur every four years for the next 1200 years. In 393, CE, Theodosius I, the Roman emperor, decided to abolish games, claiming they had ethnical work ons. Emperor Theodosius was a staunch Christian. About 1600 years later, Pierre Coubertin, a young french aristocrat, began to restitute the games. Coubertin was born on January 1st, 1863. Coubertin was only seven when Germans overran the French. The period was known as the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. This young French aristocrat witnessed the defeat of French military and he attributed it to a lack of vigor. According to Coubertin, sports were among the motivating factors needed to have France regain its place. He concluded that Americans, Germans and the British did not have any superior education compared to the French. His proposal was not met with much enthusiasm. His persistence to get France interested in sports continued. He plan and founded a sports organization in 1890. The union named USFSA was launched, and two years later he pitched the idea to have the Olympic Games revived (IOC 10). The games mainly featured athletics. Later, chariot racing and combat were introduced as Olympic events. all told conflicts occurring during the games were postponed until the events were completed. To many, the origin of the Olympics games is shrouded in mystery. Another myth suggested that the first games occurred in 775 BCE after some inscriptions were found in the city of Olympia. The ancient Olympic Games featured boxing, javelin, running and equestrian events. The myth concurs that Olympic Games had a primordial religious importance. Another similarity with the earlier myth is that ritual sacrifices were offered in honor of Zeus which was a famous statue. The idol was a divine hero and an alleged god of Olympia. According to the Greek traditions, a four-year period was known as an Olympiad, which was a unit of time. This is said to be the source of Olympics (Olympic consummation 4). The Olympic Games became part of a cycle called Pan-Hellenic games. They included Isthmian, Pythain, and Nemean games. In the 5th and 6th centuries, the Olympics reached what was known as zenith. With the rise of the Roman Emp ire, the Olympic Games declined in terms of their importance. The Roman Empire gained power and influence over Greece. Emperor Theophilus II ordered the destruction of all Greek templates in 426 CE. This caused the Olympic Games to be officially ended. According to Coubertin, the revival of Olympics was necessary to bring peace and create friendship among nations. He planned and organized a meeting of seventy-nine delegates representing nine countries in just two years. The meeting was held in an auditorium decorated with neoclassical murals. In the
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