Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ancient Greek Flood Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha

Ancient Greek Flood Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha The story of Noahs ark is not the only flood story in mythology: There are many others. The story of Deucalion and Pyrrha is the Greek version. Like the version found in the Old Testament, in the Greek version, the flood is a means to punish mankind. The Flood in the Context of Greek Mythology According to Hesiods Theogony, there were five â€Å"ages of man†: the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Ages, the Age of Heroes, and the Iron Age. The Golden Age was a time of virtue and plenty under the leadership of the Titan Cronus. This delightful period, however, ended in a war when the children of Cronus joined together to battle against the Titans.The Silver Age began after Cronus was deposed by his children, led by Zeus. Now, instead of the Titans, the world was ruled by the Olympians. Less brilliant as the Golden Age, the Silver Age was a time during which human beings refused to obey the gods. Zeus ended the Silver Age by killing the humans who had displeased him and sending them to the underworld.After a period of time, Zeus decided to create a new type of human being. The men of the Bronze Age were strong and aggressive, with weapons, armor, and homes made of bronze. These terrible men worshiped the war god Ares, ate the hearts of their enemies, and finally destroyed one another.Disappointed by the Bronze men, Zeus sent a great flood. The flood was followed by a new era called the Age of Heroes, during which the gre at Trojan wars were fought. Great men were born during this era; after their deaths, they spent eternity in the delightful Elysian Fields. Finally, after the heroes had played their role, Zeus created the Age of Iron. As with all the other ages, it is doomed to a final failure, at which point Zeus will return to remake the world. The Story of the Flood Warned by his father, the immortal Titan Prometheus, Deucalion built an ark to survive the coming Bronze Age-ending flood that Zeus sent to punish mankind for its wickedness. Deucalion and his cousin-wife, Pyrrha (daughter of Prometheus brother Epimetheus and Pandora), survived for 9 days of flooding before landing at Mt. Parnassus. All alone in the world, they wanted company. In answer to this need, the Titan, and goddess of prophecy ​Themis cryptically told them to throw the bones of their mother behind them. They interpreted this as meaning throw stones over their shoulders onto Mother Earth, and did so. The stones Deucalion threw became men, and those Pyrrha threw became women. Deucalion and Pyrrha settled in Thessaly where they produced offspring the old-fashioned way. Their two sons were Hellen and Amphictyon. Hellen sired Aeolus (founder of the Aeolians), Dorus (founder of the Dorians), and Xuthus. Xuthus sired Achaeus (founder of the Achaeans) and Ion (founder of the Ionians).

Friday, November 22, 2019

Famous Blessings, Sayings, and Songs About Hanukkah

Famous Blessings, Sayings, and Songs About Hanukkah The name of this Jewish holiday can be spelled many different ways, but the two most widely accepted are Hanukkah and Chanukah. The holiday is also known as the Festival of Lights. In honor of the celebration of Hanukkah, here are some blessings, proverbs, thoughts, and even a song from famous people such as American film producer Ralph Levy, American author Dave Barry, poet Hannah Senesh, and many others. Dave Barry In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it Christmas  and went to church; the Jews called it Hanukkah and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say Merry Christmas!  or Happy Hanukkah! or (to the atheists) Look out for the wall! Chinese Proverb It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Allen Ginsberg From: Psalm III Let the crookedness and straightness bespeak the light. Ralph Levy Now, near the Winter Solstice, it is good to light candles. All the nice meanings of bringing light to the world can be beautiful. But perhaps we are concentrating on lighting the world because we dont know how to light up our own lives. Hanukkah Blessing May This Festival of Lights bring Blessings upon you and All Your Loved Ones for Happiness, for Health, and for Spiritual and Material Wealth, and May the Lights of Chanukah Usher in the Light of Moshiach and a Better World for All of Humankind. Rabbi David Hartman The major question, which we must ponder on Hanukkah, is whether the Jewish people can develop an identity that will enable it to meet the outside world without feeling threatened or intimidated. The choice, hopefully, need not be ghettoization or assimilation. We can absorb from others without being smothered. We can appreciate and assimilate that which derives from foreign sources and at the same time feel firmly anchored to our particular frame of reference. Emma Lazarus, The Feast of Lights Kindle the taper like the steadfast star Ablaze on evenings forehead oer the earth, And add each night a lustre till afar. Ralph Levy Hanukkah - Another View We have focused on the miracle-thing and I think we often overlook the message of Hanukkah. To me, the core of the holiday is the cleaning of the temple... The accomplishment was in restoring the temple to the purpose for which it was built. Now think of the temple as a symbol. Perhaps it represents my life. The world has tried to use me for its own (perhaps good, but none-the-less extrinsic) purposes. But now I can rededicate myself to my own original purpose. II Maccabees 10. 6-7 They celebrated it for eight days with gladness like Sukkot   and recalled how a little while before, during Sukkot,   they had been wandering in the mountains and caverns like wild animals. So carrying lulavs ... they offered hymns of praise   to God who had brought to pass the purification of His own place. Charles Reznikoff From the poem: Meditations on the Fall and Winter Holidays The miracle, of course, was not that the oil for the sacred light - in a little cruse - lasted as long as they say; but that the courage of the Maccabees lasted to this day: let that nourish my flickering spirit. Adam Sandler From the song: The Hanukkah Song   Put on your yarmulke, Here comes Hanukkah! So much funukah, To celebrate Hanukkah! Hanukkah is the festival of lights. Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights. Hannah Senesh Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Homo Economicus Myth or Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Homo Economicus Myth or Reality - Essay Example The question which arises at this point is; why do economists use this model of Homo Economicus? There are basically three reasons for this practice:-†¢Ã‚  In real life it is very difficult to accurately predict or explain human behaviour. Therefore, economists assume humans to be perfect i.e. perfectly rational, perfectly self-interested etc. Thus by simplifying humans they simplify their task of economic analysis. [1].†¢Ã‚  This practice enables economists to enumerate their assumptions in mathematical terms which makes them easier to understand. [1].†¢Ã‚  Picking the right assumptions enables economists to generate the desired results. [1].  Ã‚  Prominent economists of the Austrian school like Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes, Herbert Simon etc. consider homo economicus as an actor in understanding macroeconomics and economic forecasting. [3]. In their view, since perfect knowledge never exists therefore, all economic activity entails risk. Their stress is on bounded rationality and uncertainty in making economic decisions. [3].  Ã‚  Another angle to the concept of Homo Economicus is that â€Å"  Classical economics did not assert that the economizing individual, whether engaged in trade or as a consumer, acts as if the greatest monetary profit were the sole guiding principle of his conduct. The classical scheme is not at all applicable to consumption or the consumer. It did not escape even the classical economists that the economizing individual as a party engaged in trade does not always and cannot always remain true.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Leadership and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership and management - Essay Example According to Waite, leadership â€Å"covers a complex set of circumstances that include the psyche of the period, the economic situation, and the structure of a culture. In other words, leadership transcends all boundaries† (1). However, not all individuals have the attributes of becoming capable leaders. Influence is the primary concept involved in leadership. It is a human invention process that is compared with successful business control, with powerful, influential and charismatic leaders, and Chief Executive Officers. Daft defines leadership as a relationship between followers and leaders that is based on influence in order to achieve actual changes and results based on their common objectives (4). Daft defines management as â€Å"the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling organizational resources† (14). The efforts in management involve members of an organization focused on a particular goal. Management is therefore a group of people responsible for directing the workforce and ensuring that the organization meets its goals and objectives. Management is the act of getting work done through people. Management has various functions which include, planning, organizing, staffing, motivating, and controlling. Planning involves setting organizational objectives and outlining plans to achieve the objectives, organizing involves classifying and allocating tasks, and supplying necessary power to perform tasks. Staffing includes recruiting relevant and qualified individuals for various positions, motivating involves inspiring people to make great efforts in attaining organizational goals, while controlling involves seeing to it that organizational goals are achieved. Although leaders are sometimes managers and managers have to be leaders, leadership and management are different in a number of ways. While management concentrates on achievement of results through effective acquisition, arrangement, implementation, and regulation of all resources such as money, facilities and people, leadership â€Å"focuses on the most important resource, people. It is the process of developing and communicating a vision for the future, motivating people and gaining their commitment and engagement† (Armstrong and Stephens 5). Management is focused on managing complex issues pertaining planning and budgeting with an aim of producing results, while leadership focuses on producing change by developing a vision that will last for the future, along with strategies that bring about the changes needed. Management involves itself with the development of the capacity to achieve pl ans by creating an organizational structure and developing human system, while leadership organizes people by communicating the new created direction, and the creation of collaboration that understands the vision and is committed to achievement. Management ensures that plans are undertaken through controlling and problem solving, while leadership uses motivation to energize people, leadership tries to satisfy basic human needs through achievement (Armstrong and Stephens 6). Management is the most important human activity; because it’s the basic task of managers at all levels in all business and institutions. A leader has the ability to influence people, while a manager may not. Leaders have three major roles; defining a task, where they ensure to make it clear what they expect a group to do, achieving a task, where they ensure that the group`s purpose and goals are achieved, and maintaining effective relationships. They ensure that a good relationship is built between themsel ves and group members, and among the group

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Existentialism 7a.4 Themes Essay Example for Free

Existentialism 7a.4 Themes Essay After reading this unit you will be able to : Understand the concept of existentialism. Explain features of existentialism. Identify the exponents of existentialism their views. Deliberate on some themes in existentialism. Describe the educational philosophy of existentialism. 7A. 1INTRODUCTION Existentialism is a way of philosophizing that may lead those who adopt it to a different conviction about the world and man’s life in it. Existentialism is mainly a European philosophy that originated before the turn of the twentieth century, but became popular after World War II (1939 – 45). The seeds of existentialism may be traced back to an earlier period of the history of philosophy. During the 18th century reason and nature were given more importance, objectivity was very much emphasized, leading to industrial and technological developments and science was given utmost importance. From the scientific viewpoint, man was also regarded as an object. Man became a slave to machines in developing industrial society. Against this situation existentialism emerged as a protest against the society and asserted the supremacy of individuality of man. The existentialist philosophy is not a creation of any single philosopher. The existentialist writings scattered in the works of many philosophers, the important ones of which are : Friedrich Nietzsche, Soren Kierkegaard, Gabriel Marcel, Martin Heidegger, Jean Paul Sartre, Karl Jaspers, Abbagnamo, Bardyaev and Albert Camus etc. In American education, such people as Maxine Greene, George Kneeler, and Van Cleve Morris, are well-known existentialists who stress individualism and personal self-fulfillment. 7A. 2FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH 1. Existence precedes Essence: This philosophy begins from man, but from man as existent (CURRENT, Present, existing) rather than man as a thinking subject, having a definite nature or essence. A man first exists, encounters himself, and defines himself afterwards. Existence comes before man is set with value or essence. It is because to begin with man is nothing, has no essence, he will be what he makes of himself. Man defines himself in his own subjectivity (Bias, Partiality), and wanders (Walks) between choice, freedom, and existential angst (Sorrow, Trouble). Existentialism often is associated with anxiety, dread, awareness of death, and freedom. 2. Importance of Subjectivity: The Danish philosopher S Kierkegaard has said that truth is subjective (Personal, Individual), truth is subjectivity: objectivity and abstraction (Concept, generalization, idea) are hallucinations. (Vision). Existentialism is the philosophy of subject rather than of the object. Each individual by probing into the depths of one’s subjectivity can discover the truth of one’s being and discover his authentic role in life. This is a creative process which gives rise to fresh insights. 3. Man’s Freedom: The basic feature of human person is his freedom – unfettered and unrestrained. Society and social institutions are for the sake of man and not vice versa, as believed by idealists and others. There is no â€Å"general will† to which the â€Å"individual will† is subject. 4. Criticism of Idealism : Existentialism has emerged and developed as a reaction against idealism. Existentialist philosophers are highly critical of idealism and conceptualism. They criticize idealist’s contention about universal element and man’s good being subject to general good. They regard the search for essence a mistaken pursuit and according to them it is not the essence but existence which is real. 5. Criticism of Naturalism : The existentialist philosophers are also critical of the philosophy of Naturalism. According to naturalists, life is subject to physico – bio – chemical laws, which in turn, are subject to the universal law of causation. Human acts are mechanical as the actions of an animal. This, however, is anathema to the existentialists and they stoutly defend the freedom of man. As a matter of fact, man is so free, according to J.P. Sartre, that he is fearful of his freedom. 6. Criticism of Scientific Culture : With tremendous progress in science and technology, rapid industrialization and urbanization have taken place. This has given rise to crowded towns in which individual is lost. Everything is done or happens on a large – scale and all personal values, individual likes and dislikes are altogether lost sight of. Today, it is not the individual who chooses his end; rather all decisions are made by computer or statistical laws and data. Thus, science has made the value of man negligible. This is why the existentialists are opposed to scientific philosophy and culture. 7. Attention on Human Weakness and Security : In this scientific life of today, the individual is leading a life of tension, worries, frustrations, fear and sense of guilt. His individuality is getting continually blundered, therefore for security of individuality the individual should be given an environment free of worries, anxieties and tension. Thus, existentialism is a philosophical movement that is generally considered a study that pursues meaning in existence and seeks value for the existing individual. It, unlike other fields of philosophy, does not treat the individual as a concept, and values individual subjectivity over objectivity. As a result, questions regarding the meaning of life and subjective experience are seen as being of paramount importance, above all other scientific and philosophical pursuits. Check your progress – 1 : 1. What is meant by existentialism? 2. What were the consequences of industrial developments? 3. Bring out existentialist’s criticism against idealism and naturalism. 4. Discuss importance of subjectivity and human freedom in terms of existentialism. 5. Existence precedes essence. Do you agree? Justify your answer. 7A. 3CHIEF EXPONENTS OF EXISTENTIALISM Soren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) is regarded as the father of modern existentialism and is the first European Philosopher who bears the existentialist label. In his view, subjectivity and intensity should be priced as the criteria of truth and genuineness. We touch reality in intense moments of existence especially moments of painful decision. These moments are characterized by deep anxiety, and life is known in such moments and cannot be reduced to just system of ideas. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as a key figure in the rise of existentialism. According to him Christianity is to be overcome by putting in its place the doctrine of Superman, that is, man surpassing himself. Martin Heidegger (1889 – 1976) in his book Being and Time, gave a very impressive analysis of human existence, the prominence of the important themes of existentialism like care, anxiety, guilt and above all death is brought out here. Jean – Paul Sarte stressed that man’s existence precedes his essence. â€Å"Man is nothing else but what he purposes, he exists only in so far as he realizes himself, he is therefore nothing else but the sum of his actions, nothing else but what his life is. † 7A. 4SOME RECURRING THEMES IN EXISTENTIALISM : Themes such as freedom, decision, and responsibility are prominent in all existentialist philosophers. These matters constitute the core of personal being. It is the exercise of freedom and the ability to shape the future that distinguishes man from all other beings that we know on earth. It is through free and responsible decisions that man becomes authentically himself. Another group of recurring existentialist themes includes such topics as finitude, guilt, alienation, despair, moods, changing feelings, emotional life of man and death. Discussions of these have not been prominent in traditional philosophy, yet they are discussed at length in existentialism. For the existentialist man is never just part of the cosmos but always stands to it in a relationship of tension with possibilities for tragic conflict. Check your progress – 2 : 1. Name some of the existentialists. 2. Bring out the views of Sartre and Nietzsche. 3. Which are the most frequently repeated themes in existentialism. 4. Write 10 sentences about the philosophy of existentialism in your words. 7A. 5EDUCATIIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EXISTENTIALISM : The object of education is to give man the unity of truth†¦ In the field of education the contribution of existentialism is as follows : The aim of Education : Existentialists believe that the most important kind of knowledge is about the human condition and the choices that each person has to make, and that education is a process of developing consciousness about the freedom to choose and the meaning of responsibility for one’s choices. Hence, the notion of group norms, authority, and established order – social, political, philosophical, religious, and so on – are rejected. The existentialists recognize few standards, customs to traditions, or eternal truths; in this respect, existentialism is at odds with the ideas of idealism and realism. Total Development : The existentialists have aimed at total development of personality through education. Education should aim at the whole man. It should aim at character formation and self – realization. In the existentialist classroom, subject matter takes second place to helping the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Since feeling is not divorced from reason in decision making, the existentialist demands the education of the whole person, not just the mind. Subjective Knowledge : The present age of science has made too much of objective knowledge, so much so, that the term has come to mean unreal, non-sense, ignorant and irrelevant. The existentialists rightly, point out that subjective knowledge is even more important than objective knowledge. They rightly hold that truth is subjectivity. It is a human value and values are not facts. Reduction of values to facts has led to widespread loss of faith in values. Therefore, along with the teaching of science and mathematics, the humanities, art, literature should be also be given suitable place in curriculum at every stage of education. Most of the ills of the modern man are due to over – objective attitude. This requires a subjectivist correction in the light of existentialist ideas. Importance of Environment : The present industrial, economic, political and social environment is valueless. Therefore, it helps confusion and corruption, tensions and conflicts. The existentialists seek to provide an environment proper to self – development and self – consciousness. This environment in the school requires contribution from humanities, arts and literature. These will help in the development of individuality in the educand so that he may cease to become a cog in the social wheel. Rather he should develop to a self – conscious and sensitive individual. Child – Centred Education : Existentialist education is child – centred. It gives full freedom to the child. The teacher should help the child to know himself and recognize his being. Freedom is required for natural development. Education should convert imperfection into perfection. Education should be according to the individual’s needs and abilities of the child. The relation of the child to himself should be strengthened by education. Curriculum : Existentialists prefer to free learners to choose what to study and also determine what is true and by what criteria to determine these truths. The curriculum would avoid systematic knowledge or structured disciplines, and the students would be free to select from many available learning situations. The learners would choose the knowledge they wish to possess. The humanities are commonly given tremendous emphasis. They are explored as a means of providing students with vicarious experiences that will help unleash their own creativity and self – expression. For example, rather than emphasizing historical events, existentialists focus upon the actions of historical individuals, each of whom provides possible models for the students’ own behaviour. Existentialist’s approach to education is almost an inversion of the realist approach. In the field of curriculum while the realists exclusively emphasize science, the existentialists find out that science and objective education severs our relation with ourselves. Science cannot help in inner realization and achievement of peace. This, however, does not mean that science education should be ignored. It only means besides science the curriculum must include humanities, ethics and religion. In keeping with this viewpoint contemporary engineering colleges have included some philosophy, ethics and social studies, in their curriculum. Without this synthetic approach to curriculum the aim of character formation and personality development will be defeated. Learning Experiences : An existentialist curriculum would consist of experiences and subjects that lend themselves to philosophical dialogue and acts of choice making. Because the choice is personal and subjective, subjects that are emotional, aesthetic and philosophical are appropriate. Literature, drama, film – making, art, and so on, are important, because, they portray the human condition and choice – making conditions. The curriculum would stress self – expressive activities, experimentation, and media that illustrate emotions, feelings and insights. The classroom would be rich in materials that lend themselves to self – expression, and the school would be a place in which the teacher and students could pursue dialogue and discussion about their lives and choices. The Teacher : According to the existentialists the teacher creates an educational situation in which the student may establish contact with himself, become conscious of it and achieve self – realization. This requires existential approach in the teacher himself. He should also have an experience of self – realization so that he may be capable of guiding the students in this process. The teacher’s role is to help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they may take in life and creating an environment in which they may freely choose their own preferred way. Existentialist methods focus on the individual. Learning is self-paced, self directed, and includes a great deal of individual contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly and honestly. The student : The student should feel completely free for realizing his ‘self’. Under the guidance of the teacher, the student should try to realize his ‘self’ through introversion. The student accepts the discipline prescribed by the teacher and does not become irresponsible. The purpose of freedom given to him should be to enable him to effect the full development of his individuality. Religious and Moral Education : The existentialists particularly lay emphasis upon religion and moral education. Religion allows a person to develop himself. Religious education gives him an understanding of his existence in the cosmos. It shows the religious path of self – realization. It also makes him capable of utilizing faith in self – development. Moral education is closely related to religious education. Both develop the inner self and help in the realization of the infinite within the finite. 7A. 6CRITICAL EVLAUATION Some critics (mainly traditionalists or Conservatives) claim that existentialism as philosophy for the schools has limited application because education in our society, and in most other modern societies, involves institutionalized learning and socialization, which require group instruction, restriction on individual behaviour and bureaucratic organization. Schooling is a process that limits students’ freedom and that is based on adult authority and on the norms and beliefs of the mass or common culture. The individual existentialist, exerting his or her will and choice will encounter difficulty in school – and in other large, formal organizations. Check your progress – 3 : 1. What is the role of teacher and the student according to the existentialist? 2. Bring out the importance of learning experiences in teaching – learning process. 3. What is the aim of education according to the existentialist? 4. What kind of curriculum do the existentialist recommend? 5. Bring out the importance of existentialism in today’s education system. Illustrate your answer. 6. Critically evaluate existentialist general and educational philosophy. 7A. 7SUMMARY : Philosophy and education are two sides of the same coin, and thus different philosophies bring out a different facet of education and as education can change the philosophy of man and his life. Existentialism as a philosophical idea was revolutionary, dynamic and passionate, it changed the way of thinking and brought to forefront the cause of individualism. Moreover its views on education may seem dramatic but taken in right sense and moderation is necessary in today’s materialistic society. In this unit, we have seen the philosophy of existentialism, the criticism of them prevailing traditional rigid systems. The philosophy of existentialism brought man, his existence, his emotions and his subjectivity into forefront, they were forerunners of individualism and uniqueness of each man. The views of various exponents of existentialism and the themes they brought out makes their philosophy better understood. The philosophy of education of existentialism speaks about aims, curriculum, the role of teacher, method of teaching, learning experiences and religious and moral education. References : Macquarrie, J. (1968) : Existenatialism, Pelican Book. Chaube S. P. Chaube A. (1996) : Foundations of Education, Publishing House, New Delhi. Chandra S. S. Sharma R. K. (2004) : Philosophy of Education, Atlantic Publishers.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Losing weight requires a gradual approach and maintainable lifestyle changes. Although metabolism slows down with age, it's not impossible to lose weight after the age of 50. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do the trick. The latter stimulates muscle tissue, giving your metabolism that much-needed boost so you burn calories and lose weight. You'll look and feel better, and reduce your risk of age-related health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. (See References 1) Create a Caloric Deficit When you're over the age of 50, a daily deficit of 500 calories is sufficient to lose weight at a rate of 1 pound a week without sacrificing essential nutrients. (See References 2) This deficit can come from calories burned through exercise, or from calories reduced from food. Depending on your physical activity level, Helpguide.org recommends that older females generally consume anywhere from 1,200 to 1600 calories a day, and older males consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day. The more active your are, the more calories you can consume. (See References 3) Eat Healthy Foods In addition to helping you lose weight, a sensible diet keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp. Avoid skipping meals, and eat smaller portions consisting of the basic food groups; include complex carbs and fiber from veggies, fruits, and whole grains; consume protein from sources, such as fish, beans, and nuts; and consume low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, to get the daily needed 1,200 mg of calcium. (See References 3) Salt, sugar, and simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice, should be limited. Also, consider taking a multivitamin or eating fortified foods to get vitamin B and vitamin D. (See Refere... ... you can't do another repetition with good form after finishing a set. (See References 5) Key Concepts senior weight loss reducing body weight healthy weight loss References Helpguide.org: Exercise and Fitness Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_fitness_sports.htm] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition for Older Adults: Diet and Health Guidelines For Weight Loss [http://fcs.okstate.edu/documents/nutrition/T-3200%20Large%20Print%20Weight%20Management.pdf] Helpguide.org: Eating Well Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_nutrition.htm] Weight-Control Information Network: Young at Heart [http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/young_heart.htm] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Growing Stronger: Strenghth Training for Older Adults [http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.pdf] Essay -- Losing weight requires a gradual approach and maintainable lifestyle changes. Although metabolism slows down with age, it's not impossible to lose weight after the age of 50. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do the trick. The latter stimulates muscle tissue, giving your metabolism that much-needed boost so you burn calories and lose weight. You'll look and feel better, and reduce your risk of age-related health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. (See References 1) Create a Caloric Deficit When you're over the age of 50, a daily deficit of 500 calories is sufficient to lose weight at a rate of 1 pound a week without sacrificing essential nutrients. (See References 2) This deficit can come from calories burned through exercise, or from calories reduced from food. Depending on your physical activity level, Helpguide.org recommends that older females generally consume anywhere from 1,200 to 1600 calories a day, and older males consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day. The more active your are, the more calories you can consume. (See References 3) Eat Healthy Foods In addition to helping you lose weight, a sensible diet keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp. Avoid skipping meals, and eat smaller portions consisting of the basic food groups; include complex carbs and fiber from veggies, fruits, and whole grains; consume protein from sources, such as fish, beans, and nuts; and consume low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, to get the daily needed 1,200 mg of calcium. (See References 3) Salt, sugar, and simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice, should be limited. Also, consider taking a multivitamin or eating fortified foods to get vitamin B and vitamin D. (See Refere... ... you can't do another repetition with good form after finishing a set. (See References 5) Key Concepts senior weight loss reducing body weight healthy weight loss References Helpguide.org: Exercise and Fitness Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_fitness_sports.htm] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition for Older Adults: Diet and Health Guidelines For Weight Loss [http://fcs.okstate.edu/documents/nutrition/T-3200%20Large%20Print%20Weight%20Management.pdf] Helpguide.org: Eating Well Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_nutrition.htm] Weight-Control Information Network: Young at Heart [http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/young_heart.htm] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Growing Stronger: Strenghth Training for Older Adults [http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.pdf]

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Effects of Sexism in schools

The subject about stereotypes and bias is truly of import in our society. Walter Lipmann is the adult male, who defines foremost the term stereotype in his book â€Å" How society thinks â€Å" ( 1922 ) . † He says that stereotype is something that helps us live in the world easy. That is the positive said, the negative is, that stereotype thought Michigans us from out of the box thought and unfastened head. Walter Lipmann besides defines the term stereotype – aˆz stereotype is a normally held popular belief about specific societal groups or types of persons, standardized and simplified constructs of groups based on some anterior premises. † Prejudice is a term, which defines our inclination for judging person before we know him. These footings have a positive said too- they make communicating easy for us. But I think that the negatives about stereotypes and bias are more than the positives. There are many stereotypes even in the instruction system. One of th e most common stereotypes is sexism. It affects every said of our lives. Almost every work forces and adult female have same stereotypes about the gender functions. The truly of import facet of this job is that sexism is good known in instruction system and many childs are enduring from it. It begins in simple school and continues till graduating from college, sometimes even after that. Small boys and misss are invariably told about their gender functions and how they should respond and act, because of those functions. They are given no pick – they should act as expected and no other manner. There is another facet of the job. In schools and colleges, instructors and professors expect different consequences by male childs and misss. The male childs are considered with less possible and everyone expects lower classs by them. Girls are considered as good in some things, but atrocious in math, natural philosophies and other scientific discipline like that. Those sentiments can do things truly hard for the kids, because they ca n't demo their existent abilities and accomplishments. â€Å" Sexism, which entered the vocabulary in 1970 as an parallel to racism, connotes a cardinal and permeant institutionalized prejudice on the footing of sex, with favoritism normally directed against adult female ( Frazier and Sadker 1973 ) .The principle for sexism is the biological difference between males and females that dictates differential societal functions, position, and norms ( Sleeter and Grant 1988 ) . † From â€Å" Sexism in single-sex and co-ed independent secondary school schoolrooms † by Valerie E. Lee, Helen M. , Marks and Tina Byrd. In thos pharagraf of theyre survey, they explain the term sexism. The survey begins with account that sexism begins manner back in the history. Likek other socialising establishments, the household and the church, have necessarily transmitted sociocultural sexism, so did the schools. † Classrooms, where the procedure of schooling mostly occurs, are primary sites for sexist socialisation. † aˆz In an ideal universe, kids would be raised in a society free of gender stereotypes. Such freedom from these stereotypes would let kids to exhibit behaviours and get accomplishments based entirely on their personal penchants devoid of the restraints of the social norms that surround their peculiar gender ( Bem 1983 ) . However, in the existent universe, from the minute of their birth, kids are placed into either a â€Å" male child † or â€Å" miss † class ( Bem 1983 ; Fagot andA Leinbach 1993 ; Kimmel 2004 ) . This apparently fundamentalA physiological differentiation is automatically surrounded by a system of social outlooks that determine whichA behaviours are appropriate for â€Å" male childs † and which are appropriate for â€Å" misss † ( Fagot and Leinbach 1993 ) and ease the creative activity and care of gender function stereotypes ( Ridgeway and Correll 2004 ) in Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 Abstract Eagly ‘s societal function theory ( Eagly and Steffen 1984 ) . † From this paragraph, we can do the logical decision, that something in our society and educational system is incorrect. We raise our kids in a universe, in which these stereotypes are really common. These classs that we put childs in have an consequence on their full life. In school, male childs and misss come with some thoughts how to act. They learn that from their household direct, or by get bying theoretical accounts of behaviour. Since the first class, everyone continues to anticipate from kids to move as they are told to- like a miss or a male child. Girls ca n't play with autos and plaything soldiers, because they will go adult females, and this is non good for a adult female. The adult female should we nice and stamp. If the male childs are sometimes a small rude- this is non a job, because from them this is expected. If they want to play with dolls – this is non write, because they can turn up feminize. This is something that reflects truly difficult on kids psychic. When they grow up, they continue to follow that theoretical accounts of behaviour and that is cosign a batch of jobs. In the instruction is the same- the male child should we truly good in math, but if he can compose, this is a small unusual. A miss should compose beautiful, but cipher would belief, that she knows a batch about natural philosophies. This is a immense job, because it makes communication, turning up, developing a difficult and intense procedure, which is put in frame and ca n't travel out of it- other manner the child is consider as strange. As an illustration for that frames may be considered state of affairs of gender and mathematics in England and Wales. Teresa Smart wrote an article on that mater, which is explains why misss â€Å" abandon scientific discipline before go forthing school † – â€Å" Gender and mathematics in England and Wales † . In the article, Smart explains, that the stereotype- male childs are good in mathematics is seting misss under force per unit area and they prefer to concentrate on other scientific disciplines. The difference between male childs and misss are besides discussed in the survey â€Å" Gender differences in mathematical accomplishment related to the ratio of misss to boys in school categories † by Terje Manger and Rolf Gjestad. This survey discuss the importance of the figure of male childs and miss in the schoolroom. The writers are analysing a research, done in 3 class in categories with many male childs and less misss, many misss and less male childs, and a category with a balance. The consequences do non back up the single-sex instruction theory. That theory clames, that single-sex school gives an chance for developing to both sexes. In that survey, writers besides prove, that there is a difference between male childs and misss in mathematics: The differences in mathematical accomplishment between male childs and misss are good documented in the educational and psychological literature. While the differences in general samples are diminishing ( Feingold 1988 ) dispara te proportions prefering male childs are well-known in mathematically gifted samples, ( Benbow 1988 ; Benbow and Stanley 1983 ; Hyde, Fennema and Lamon 1990 ) .The differences besides vary harmonizing to mathematical subskills. Boys seem to execute better than misss on undertakings necessitating application of algebraic regulations or algorithms, every bit good as on undertakings in which the apprehension of mathematical constructs and figure relationship is required ( Mills, Ablard and Stumpf 1993 ) . The newest researches on that affair are turn outing something different- every one of us has different portion of the encephalon developed more than the other. Peoples, who have more developed write portion, are with better accomplishments in mathematics and other scientific disciplines like that ; people, who have more developed left portion of the encephalon are good in history, literature and other. That is a prove, that the difference is non coming from the gender. â€Å" From grade school to graduate school to the universe of work, males and females are separated by a common linguistic communication. This communications gender spread affects self-esteem, educational attainment, calling pick, and income. But its concealed lessons by and large go unnoticed. † â€Å" Sexism in the schoolroom: from grade school to graduate school † by Myra Sadker and David Sadker. Myra and David Sadker are researching schoolroom interactions in simple and secondary schools. Their article is concentrating on four of their decisions of the research. The first decision they made is: male pupils receive more attending from instructors and are given more clip to speak in schoolrooms. † The 2nd decision: â€Å" Educators are by and large incognizant of the presence or the impact of this bias. † . The 3rd decision: â€Å" Brief but focused preparation can cut down or extinguish sex prejudice from schoolroom interaction. † . The four deci sion: â€Å" Increasing equity in schoolroom interaction increases the effectivity of the instructor every bit good. Equity and effectivity are non viing concerns ; they are complementary † . Myra and David Sadker ‘s first survey is turn outing, that male pupils are involved in more interaction than females. Teachers are speaking more to them and let them to speak more in category. The instructors observed in this survey were both male and female ; they represented both white and minority groups ; they taught in the countries of linguistic communication humanistic disciplines, societal surveies, and mathematics. This proves, that the instructors were affect chiefly by the sexism stereotype in schoolrooms. The pedagogues are non cognizant of the impact of sexism in the schoolroom. They do n't recognize, that their behaviour in non equal. They do n't understand, that this manner they are halting females developing, and mooing their opportunities for having good instruction. This unknowingness of the pedagogues is a large job in schools. Sexism cant be removed, when cipher realizes that its there. All it takes, to taking sex prejudice from schoolrooms is to develop the pedagogues. They need to cognize, that sexism has to be removed from the schoolrooms, that this is cosign jobs to females non merely in school, but besides subsequently, when they are working. When there is sexism in the schoolroom, the instruction procedure can non be effectual. When instructors are non recognizing the job and ca n't take it, they ca n't be utile to the kids. If there is equity in the schoolroom, the procedure will be effectual, this will increase the opportunities of kids to hold a good instruction. In her paper: â€Å" Gender freedom and the nuances of sexist instruction † , Barbara Houston is discoursing the thought of gender-free instruction. â€Å" aˆÂ ¦ the undermentioned three distinguishable significances. In the first sense, the strong sense, a â€Å" gender-free † instruction would be one that made active efforts to ignore gender by killing gender distinctions which arose within the educational domain. aˆÂ ¦.Another illustration of this attack is the riddance of activities, such as wrestle, in which there are thought to be important gender differences in accomplishments due to natural and ineradicable biological differences between the sexes. † In her paper, Houston is concentrating on the instruction, that eliminates gender and its ignoring it. The thought is, that gender should be no longer used as a standard, that male childs and misss should non be separated and non be given instructions how to act, judged by their gander: â€Å" aË⠀ Ã‚ ¦ â€Å" gender-free † to intend freedom from gender prejudice. On this apprehension, a gender-free instruction would extinguish gender prejudice. † From this beginnings, discoursing the subject about sexism in school, can be made several decisions. Sexism, as sociological and civilization apprehension of the gender differences, exist in schools of all sorts. Sexism is the separation between male childs and misss, based on their biological differences and affects a batch their instruction. Male pupil are given precedence, females are underrated- they can non demo their existent potency. This is large job in schoolrooms, because sex functions are seting educational procedure in frames, they stop male childs and misss to develop, larn everything they want to, non what they supposed to. Teachers sometimes are non cognizant that there is sexism in their schoolroom and they do n't cognize how to extinguish it. The good instruction is one, that is gender-free, which is non focused on the gender differences and is taking this as a standard for educating.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Literature Step by Step Wicked Essay

Theme In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, the theme that can be found is surviving divorce and remarriage The first challenge is getting used to complicated living arrangements. Ralph had to remember whose house to go to on different days of the week. He ended up having two different lunch boxes to remind him where to go. Another challenge is to accept a stepparent and stepsiblings. Pixie had a tough time trying to get along with her  stepsisters, Hetty and Sophie. She was annoyed when she had to share a room with Hetty The last challenge is loyalty. Claudia was not friendly to Stella at first because she did not want to hurt her  mother. She was worried that being nice to Stella would mean that she is disloyal to her mother It is not easy to cope with divorce and remarriage. It takes a lot of patience, tolerance and acceptance Most Interesting Character In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, the most interesting character is Pixie Pixie is interesting because she is smart. She was the first to realize what the five pupils had in common Besides that, Pixie is very imaginative. She is able to create ghost stories to scare Hetty from staying in the same room with her Pixie is outspoken and honest. She tells Lucy exactly what she thought of  her daughters. She also told Lucy that she hated pretending that everything is all right Pixie is interesting because she is smart, imaginative, outspoken and honest One Moral Value In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, a moral value that can be found is love and devotion The first character who showed love and devotion is Richard’s mother. She spent a lot of money seeking for  Richard although she had to suffer  Reverend Coldstone’s anger and disapproval. Another character who demonstrated love and devotion is Charlotte. She continued her mother’s search for her  brother, Richard. Since she did not have any money, she married a rich man she did not love at 16. Colin showed love and devotion too. He kept his Dad’s tobacco tin and hummed their favorite song. He does three paper rounds to earn money to search for his Dad when he is old enough These characters have greatly showed their love and devotion. They proved that people will do anything for the ones they love A Memorable Incident In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, a memorable incident is the death of  Richard’s father The first change that Richard had to face is his mother’s marriage to Reverend Coldstone. Richard hated his stepfather  because he enforced strict rules and made Richard feels that his house was like a prison. He also sent Richard away to Mordanger School for four years Another change is betrayal. Richard felt that his mother had betrayed him when she allowed Reverend Coldstone to treat him  badly. He also felt betrayed when Charlotte persuaded him not to hate his stepfather Finally, Richard decided to run away and vanish. His departure caused financial ruin and heartbreak to his mother and sister. His mother spent a lot of money to search for  him. Charlotte married a man she did not love to continue the search after their  mother died The death of Richard’s father brought about a lot of changes to Richard’s family. Most of them are sorrowful. From this incident, we must remember that we should be courageous in difficult times and not let others suffer from our bad decisions Problems Faced By A Character In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. Colin had a few problems and had his own ways of overcoming them The first problem that Colin had is when his mother suddenly decided to move away without his dad’s knowledge. He was always waiting for his dad to come to see them but he never did. So, he wrote a letter to his dad, but he never received any reply Another problem is Colin missed his dad very much. Colin consoled himself by pretending his dad was around. He would put his dad’s tobacco tin under his pillow, hummed their  favorite song and finally unscrewed the lid of the tin to take in the smell of his dad Colin wants to find his dad. But he cannot do it now as he does not have enough money and is not old enough. So, he does three paper  rounds to save enough money to find his dad when he is older Problems are common in life. We must think  carefully of how we want to solve it so that the consequences of our decision will not trouble others Compare Two Characters In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, I choose two compare two characters that are similar Richard and Colin The first similarity is both Richard and Colin are missing their fathers. Richard’s father  died of an illness while Colin was missing his father after his mother decided to move away without his father’s knowledge Another similarity is their mothers ignore both of them. Richard’s mother did not defend him when Reverend Coldstone treated him badly. Colin missed his dad a lot but his mother did not seem to be aware of how Colin felt Both Richard and Colin decided to run away to make things work. Richard ran away from home as he thought that his action would make life more pleasant for everyone. Colin wants to run away to find his dad whom he misses a lot. He does three paper rounds to save money and will leave when he is old enough The two characters suffered much pain and sorrow. No one cared how they felt. Running away is not a solution. But, it may have been the best option for the both of them, as they had no one to advise them Point Of View In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, the story is mostly written in the first person point of view Richard wrote his story in his diary/album so it is in the first person point of view. We as readers learn of the events in his life through his eyes. We know from his writing that he had come home to find Charlotte’s letter, but we do not whether he decided to stay or leave Old Harwick Hall Claudia, too, told her story through her point of view. We only know her feelings and thoughts and not of her mother, father, granny and Stella. We know that Claudia sympathized Stella for the guests’ cold treatment, but we do not know how Stella truly felt Pixie also tells her story through her own point of view. We know all her thoughts as she speaks. For instance, from her point of  view, we find that the actions of the other  characters annoy her. Pixie is annoyed with most of Hetty’s actions like calling her  Priscilla, rolling the cat on the carpet like a sausage and sniffing while reading Writing the story in the first point of view helps us as readers to understand the story better. We get first-hand knowledge of the characters’ feelings, thoughts and decisions A Character That Changed After An Event In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, a character that has changed due to certain events in his life is Colin Colin changed into an unhappy and lonely boy when his mother decided to move. He had to start at another school. It was an unpleasant experience as everyone ignored him as they had their own set of friends already. Besides that, his mother was busy with work and was always too tired to listen to Colin’s problems Colin became a dreamy boy because he missed his dad. Every night, he would hold on to his dad’s tobacco tin and hum their  favorite song. He pretended his dad was around. This habit caused him to have less focus in class and do badly in school Being apart from his dad made Colin become very resourceful. He did three paper rounds to earn enough money to search for his dad when he is old enough At first, Colin responded negatively to the changes in his life. He was sad and dreamy. But at last, he decided that he must do something in order to see his dad again. This shows that he is optimistic and is determined in finding his dad Family And Relationship Portrayed In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, Richard’s family is portrayed to have a strong sense of love Richard showed that he had strongly loved his family. Although he ran away and vanished, he still came by the house twice to catch a glimpse of his mother and sister Richard’s mother, Lilith was the first to show her love and devotion. She spent a fortune seeking for Richard and suffered Reverend Coldstone’s anger as their money lessened. She died of broken heart because of her  undying love for her son, Richard Charlotte, too, showed her love and devotion. She wanted to keep searching for Richard after her mother’s death, but had no money of  her own. So, she married a rich man she did not love because he promised to help her find Richard Love leads to reunion and healing in a family. We should love our family unconditionally and be prepared to make sacrifices for them An Interesting Event In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, an event that I find interesting is when Robbo gave Dumpa an ice lolly This event is interesting because it showed how smart kids could be. Robbo gave the ice lolly to Dumpa because he wanted Dumpa to not be out in the cold. However, Dumpa outsmarted them by not eating it and stayed outside with Roy It is also interesting because it led Robbo, Callie and their mother talking realistically about their conflict. Robbo said that he was fed up with the whole situation and Callie confessed that she could never get along with Roy Lastly, this event is interesting because it brought a good change to Robbo’s family. Callie wanted to move to their dad’s house, so their mother helped made it more comfortable for her. In return, their dad agreed to look  after Dumpa to let their mother and Roy have a break It is important for all of us to be honest to each other. Pretending that everything is all right will not make things better. But once everyone is honest about their feelings, it is easier to make things work for everybody A Character That I Admire In the novel Step by Wicked Step, written by Anne Fine, the character that I admire is Claudia. There are many reasons why I admire her very much First of all, I admire Claudia because she is a gentle person. Listening to Richard’s sad story makes her weep. Besides, she is loyal to her mother. She tries not to sound too happy when speaking to her father because she does not want to hurt her mother’s feeling. She rejects Stella and refuses to enjoy her time with her father out of loyalty to her mother. She knows that her parent’s break-up is serious even though her mother sounded cheerful Apart from that, I really admire Claudia because she is a fair and sensible person. She does not blame Stella for her parents’ break-up. At the dinner party, she thinks that the guests are rude for not appreciating Stella’s hard work. She realizes that ignoring Stella would not help solving matters between her parents. Feeling sorry for Stella who is being ignored by the guests, she decides to help her get accepted by showing off the green pajamas that Stella gave her. In a nutshell, the character that I admire from Step by Wicked Step is Claudia because she is gentle, loyal, fair and sensible. I think we could learn a lot from her character. In The Midst Of Hardship Scratches – Cuts on the body/limbs Despair – Hopelessness Horrendous – Awful, dreadful Bloated – Swollen Carcasses – Dead bodies Chips – Broken pieces

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Grit and Gritty

Grit and Gritty Grit and Gritty Grit and Gritty By Maeve Maddox The word grit has been in the language since Old English times. It derives from a verb meaning to crush or to grind. Both the noun and the adjective have literal and figurative uses. Ill give the literal definitions first. grit noun: Minute particles of stone or sand, as produced by attrition or disintegration. gritty adjective: Containing, consisting of, or full of grit; sandy. As a verb, grit has the following meanings: to emit a grinding sound to spread or cover with grit to cause the teeth to grind or grate Note: Speakers agreeing to something against their will are said to speak through gritted teeth. Grit has industrial uses. Sandpaper is graded according to grit ranging from coarse to fine. Grit can be added to a final sealer coat to increase the coefficient of friction. Some kinds of grit are fed to caged birds as an aid to digestion. Unwanted grit is another matter:   I noticed yesterday at lunchtime that I had a piece of grit in my eye under the lid. We live in the desert and our  bread  contains a lot of  grit. Walking barefoot on hot or  gritty  surfaces for extended periods can cause foot blisters.    The figurative use of grit to mean, firmness or solidity of character, originated as nineteenth-century US slang. The novel True Grit takes its title from this sense of the word. In the movie, Colonel Stonehill asks Mattie Ross why she chose Rooster Cogburn to help her find her fathers killer:   Col. Stonehill: Do you entertain plans of ever leaving this city? Mattie Ross: Yes, Im off early tomorrow morning for the Indian nation. Marshal Rooster Cogburn and I are going after the murderer, Tom Chaney. Col. Stonehill: Cogburn. How did you light on that greasy vagabond? Mattie Ross: They say he has grit. I wanted a man with grit.    The most common figurative meaning of gritty is, harsh; bleak; unsparingly realistic:   Before Sam Spade, Hammett earned fame for his gritty detective fiction featuring the Continental Op, a nameless private detective in San Francisco. Some video games have been portrayed in a  film noir  style, using heavy,  gritty, dirty urban themes. It [the Hudson Yards area] was once a gritty stretch of Manhattan known for rail yards, warehouses and aging industrial buildings, so desolate it was dubbed The Wild, Wild West.    Thanks to a book by educational researcher Angela Duckworth, grit has become a buzzword in the education establishment. In her book, titled Grit, the word is defined as the quality that enables individuals to work hard and stick to their long-term passions and goals. Courses and techniques are being developed to teach grit. In this context, the adjective gritty is used to mean, having grit. When I was a child, grown-ups referred to such qualities with words like character and gumption, defined as follows: character noun: The sum of the moral and mental qualities which distinguish an individual. gumption noun: initiative, resolution, and effort. In those days, teaching grit at school would have been seen as ridiculous. Children with parents like the ones in my extended family had a start on grit before they ever got to school. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in SIn Search of a 4-Dot Ellipsis25 Favorite Portmanteau Words

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Harassed on LinkedIn® Take these steps to prevent and stop it now.

Harassed on LinkedIn ® Take these steps to prevent and stop it now. There’s no question that social media, including LinkedIn ®, can expose you to unwanted attention, whether it be spam messages or actual threats. I’ve received some inappropriate emails myself (thankfully nothing threatening or truly stalker-like). But not everyone is so lucky. I have had many people share with me their fear about posting a photo or profile on LinkedIn ® due to the possibility that they might be followed in an unwelcome way. I am grateful to my colleague Rabbi R. Karpov, Ph.D. for providing tips on how to investigate followers before they become a problem. She credits Robin Schlinger for some of this information as well. Here is some of what she suggests: Check the person’s photo. Right click on any profile image and copy the image location. Next, run that photo through Google Images (https://images.google.com/). You can find it by typing google images into your browser. Click the camera icon and paste in the image URL. Now you can find some things out. Look for red flags: Stock photo. That wholesome-looking woman, it turns out, wasnt really an Apple Computer VP! Stolen photo. The photo is of someone living, such a military-man or Miss World Philippines contestant, or of someone deceased (hey, thats the late President of Zaire!) Check out the rest of the general picture: Run the email address you find under the connections Contact Info through Google. Did it come up as a known email address associated ONLY with a scammer/spammer? Run the connections name through Google. What turned up? Run the name AND the email address through Google. Sometimes that is what turns up information that will make you glad you took this extra 5 minutes. Hopefully this due diligence will prevent some unwanted connections. But sometimes there are bigger issues of LinkedIn ® users abusing their connected status to stalk other users. Due to the upswing in complaints regarding this problem, on February 20, 2014, LinkedIn ® implemented a member blocking feature. Blocking a member allows you to completely remove your profile from that connections view, and theirs from yours. In addition, says LinkedIn ®: You wont be able to message each other on LinkedIn. If youre connected, you wont be connected anymore. Well remove any endorsements and recommendations from that member You wont see each other in your Whos Viewed Your Profile Well stop suggesting you to each other in features such as People You May Know and People also Viewed How to block a LinkedIn ® member To block someone, visit their profile and hover over the down arrow to the right of the message button and click Block or report. You will then get a popup window with options to block this person or report them or both. If you choose to report them, you will need to provide a reason for doing so. Note that you do not need to disconnect from your contact first; blocking them automatically disconnects you. Once you have blocked someone, their name will appear on your block list. You can view the list by visiting your Privacy Settings under Manage who youre blocking. From here you can also unblock members, should you choose to do so. For more information on how the blocking feature works, including how to block from within a group environment, visit LinkedIn ®s Help Center article, Member Blocking Overview. Take additional privacy precautions Of course, ideally we would never want to have to block anyone, so take Rabbi Karpov’s advice to heart! In addition, here are a few more things you can do to protect your privacy: Only accept connections from people you know. LinkedIn ® is a great supporter of this philosophy; however, there is a trade-off between maintaining a small number of reputable connections and broadening your network (and thus increasing your leads) by connecting with people outside of your circle. Change your settings under Privacy Settings so that only those who know your email address or are in your imported contacts list can send you invitations (Go to Privacy Settings, Communications tab, and Select who can send you invitations). Go to Privacy Settings, Profile tab, and click on â€Å"Select who can see your connections† where you will have an option to prevent others from seeing see your network. This will prevent your 1st degree connections from seeing exactly how many connections you have; otherwise they will be able to get past the â€Å"500+† and see both your exact number of connections and who those connections are. None of these alternative actions is a perfect solution and you still may encounter unwanted attention on LinkedIn ®. If you do, it is your prerogative to block the offending member. You may also want to report any harassment to the LinkedIn ® Corporation; and if necessary, please seek legal counsel. Have you experienced harassment on LinkedIn ®? How did you handle it? What precautions will you take in the future? Please share below!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Healthy food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Healthy food - Essay Example This could translate to a mentally healthy disposition that we could make sound choices in life that would make us better us a person. Environmental health meant the desirability of the physcial world that would facilitate the other dimensions of health. And the physical health is the most popular dimension of health which involves the wellness of the physique that enables to pursue our aspirations in life. In this project, the physical aspect of health will become the subject of interest because it is the most basic dimension of health. If we are not physically well, we cannot pursue anything and would defeat other dimensions of health when we are sick. In addition, physical health can easily be observed and measured, either by the improvement of the physical stature or the increased ability to engage in a physical activity. I personally elected this dimension of health because I had been sick before and it did not only feel horrible but also prevented me to engage in any activity. Such, being physically healthy would be a positive pre-emptive measure of not being sick. To make myself interested and engaged with the training program, I have to device the training to be not that difficult so that I will be motivated to commit. Such, before engaging in a high intensity program, I will gradually condition my body first so that it would become more ready to engage in intense training program. There are two training programs selected. First is swimming that would serve as an introductory training to build endurance, stamina and circuit training (whole body training). Swimming is an ideal method to introduce the body to an exercise because â€Å"it does not involve bearing of bodyweight, due to the buoyancy of water, compressive joint forces are lower and, as a consequence, adverse impact on the musculoskeletal system as well as injuries are