Monday, September 30, 2019
Child abandoment Essay
Many babies are abandoned by parents who avoid their responsibilities. It could be have really serious problems, but it is irresponsible behavior. In addition, some parents abandon the babies outside. It is cruel behavior. We should not ignore this problem. There are three solutions: controlling illegal abandonment, allowing abortion legally, and educating people to use contraception. Controlling illegal abandonment is a good way to prevent babies from being abandoned. The police should catch and punish the parents who abandon their babies. Because it is the same as murder. So it has to be strictly controlled. However, it’s hard to find and catch the parents because they abandon babies secretly. Therefore, the government should set cameras that track everything everywhere, and warn people that if they abandon their babies, they will be punished intensely. Allowing abortion legally can prevent babies from being abandoned. There are some countries in which abortion is illegal. So the women who want abortion decide to do dangerous illegal abortion or abandon the babies. So the government should allow abortion. Nevertheless, some people will disagree if the government allows abortion. In this case, the government should persuade women to make their own decisions about their bodies. Education people to use contraception is the best way to prevent babies from being abandoned. Many people don’t know how important contraception is. So the government should educate people to do contraception to prevent unwanted babies. However, some people ignore or don’t believe this kind of education. Thus, the government should educate people since they are children. In conclusion, we can try some solutions to prevent babies from being abandoned even though it is not easy. The government should set cameras that track everything, and warn people to control illegal abandonment. And the government should allow abortion legally and persuade people who disagree of abortion. Also, the government should educate people since they are children to learn how important contraception is.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age
Running head: The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age 1 The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Tara Brooks Professor Bristow, J. D. Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance, LEG 500 4 May 2012 Abstract How many of us have paused during conversation in the past several years, suddenly aware that you might be eavesdropped on? Probably it was a phone conversation, although maybe it was an e-mail or instant-message exchange or a conversation in a public place.Maybe the topic was terrorism, or politics, or your church service. You pause suddenly, momentarily afraid that your words might be taken out of context, and then you laugh at your paranoia and go on. But your demeanor has changed, and your words are subtly altered. Privacy is a growing concern in the United States and around the world. As we increasingly use the Internet and the seemingly boundary less options for collecting, saving, sharing, and comparing information trigger consumerâ€℠¢s worries.Online practices of business and government agencies may present new ways to compromise privacy, and e-commerce and technologies that make a wide range of personal information available to anyone with a Web browser only begin to hint at the possibilities for inappropriate or unwarranted intrusion into our personal lives. Privacy is very important-especially on the Internet. It is amazing how many websites are designed to reveal private details about peopleâ€â€actually it is a little scary. In this paper, I will be discussing different topics on the value of digital privacy. Keywords: privacy, personal information, digital privacy . List and describe at least three (3) technologies that allow an individual to research citizens’ private data. The three technologies that allow an individual to research citizens’ private data are Bluetooth, GPS, and Google (Internet). The first technology I will discuss is Bluetooth. Bluetooth has several ways it can be hack ed. Some ways are blue jacking, blue snarfing, and blue bugging. In blue jacking, someone might send unsolicited messages to the victim in the form of a business card or a mobile contact with a text that may look intimidating to read. In many cases, someone may also send sounds like a ring tone.The victim’s mobile could then be infiltrated and he/she might never know what has happened. Blue jacking messages can also be viewed as spam messages with emails. There have also been reports about people getting hacked by Trojan Horses which could mean a serious compromise. Blue snarfing is considered a serious compromise in the category of Bluetooth hacking especially if the information vulnerable, is quite critical, as such attacks can allow someone access to victim’s contact list, text messages, emails and even private photos and videos. In blue bugging, someone uses sophisticated attacks to gain control of victim’s mobile.It works just like Trojan horses, where some one can manipulate the user’s phone the way he/she desires by executing commands on the victim’s phone. The hacker could forward mobile calls from the victim’s mobile to his own device and can even manipulate the mobile to follow a Bluetooth headset instructions like; receive call, send messages etc. (Hubs by Hassam, 2011) The second technology is GPS. A GPS tracking unit enables you to determine the precise location of person, vehicle or other object. GPS (Global Positioning System) is the only functional system, which can record the position of an object at regular intervals.A GPS tracking unit is so helpful that it can store the recorded location data within the tracking unit. Satellite transmits signals that can be intercepted by GPS receivers to find the precise location of any object you are searching for. Aside from making driving easier, the on-board electronics revolution has given some people a new direction in their lives. Unfortunately, it could take them right into your bedroom or living room. These people are GPS thieves. When they steal your device, they sometimes get more than just an electronics item they can sell for $100 or more on the street. They get your home address.With the push of a button, one common navigational feature, the home setting, fully automates the process of directing you to your home  a convenience that burglars and stalkers are sure to appreciate. It's enough to turn your free-floating anxiety about data theft into full-blown paranoia about home invasion. About two years ago, thieves stole a number of Acura cars from a corporation's garage in Atlanta, and, in three cases, they used the GPS units in the cars to find and then burglarize employees' homes. (Gary Thomas, â€Å"Thieves Target GPS Devices to Find Out Where You Live†, December 2009)The final technology is Google. Our class exchanged names with one another. We went to the lab to find information on the person that we were given . It is amazing and scary to see how much information can be discovered from Google. Some information is phone numbers, addresses, and where someone actually lives. I can simply type in the name of the person or business, preferably with quotation marks around the name, and if the phone number has been entered somewhere on the Web, than it will come up in my search results. I can also find all sorts of useful information with Google Maps, simply by typing in an address.In fact, I can use Google Maps to view an entire neighborhood. 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public access to this information, both for the researchers and those who are being â€Å"investigated. †One main advantage and disadvantage of blue tooth is that I am in Control: From a researcher’s view, I’m able to exchange data across my cell phone, I’m still have the ability to keep my information private. In order to make a transfer or allow someone to access the files on the phone, I would have to give them access by accepting or rejecting the request through my phone.As someone being investigated, I need to ensure if I have the Bluetooth feature enabled on the phone and not disabled while using it, others that I may not even know request to send me a file. Implementing security, even for these types of device pairings, can prevent an unauthorized user from using the headset. As someone that is â€Å"investigated†, I would definitely want to keep my information such as contacts, addresses and other information private and safe. Some of the advantages of GPS are that it can track lost items and it can track people.As a researcher, I realize that the crime rate keeps on increasing in every part of the world and a lot of highly valuable objects have been, and will, be stolen. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant you think an object or equipment is to others if it is something that is very expensive you should make sure you install a GPS tracking system on it. As a researcher, I can found my item or child quickly. Many phones have GPS capabilities that young children and teens may not know about; this is a great access if a child goes missing.As a person that is â€Å"investigated†, the disadvantage of GPS technology that can save lives can also provide a framework for invasion of privacy. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, locational privacy â€Å"is the ability of an individual to move in public space with the expectation that under normal circumstances their location will not be systematically and secretly recorded for later use. †(Peyton Brookes, Advantages ; Disadvantages of Mobile Tracking, 2012) As a researcher, information is probably the biggest advantage that Internet offers.Internet is a virtual treasure highway of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service on the Internet. The re is a huge amount of information available on the Internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is endless. Also as a researcher, Internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services I can now perform all my transactions online.I can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc. , from my computer. Some travel websites even plan an Itinerary as per my preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservations etc. As someone that is â€Å"investigated†, if I use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, I may risk a theft to my personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. Evil people can access this information through unsecured connections or by planting software and then use my personal details for their benefit. Needless to say, this ma y land me in serious trouble.Google stores enormous amounts of data to power its Web search and advertising engines, and many privacy advocates have repeatedly raised concerns over the amount of personal information Google has the ability to access. 3. Determine what measures citizens can take to protect private information or information they do not want to be disclosed. Some measures that citizens can take to protect private information are use different passwords for every account. It is easy to use the same password for each account that you have, but it is not safe or wise. Hackers have tools specifically designed to crack into accounts.A strong password contains letters, numbers, different cases, and symbols. Another way, if you have old online accounts that are not being used, closes them. Hackers could use them to infiltrate your more important accounts. Get rid of them. If you can't remember where you have old accounts search your email inbox with queries like â€Å"regist ered†, â€Å"confirm†or â€Å"your account†to find email records of old accounts. Another measure to do is go paperless. Bank and credit card statements can contain social security or account information. Check with these agencies to see if you can go paperless, and use a secure online portal for your transactions. . Discuss a federal law that grants the federal government the legal right to make private information on U. S. citizens available to the public, and whether or not you agree with this law. to fire for any reasons that are not unlawful, such as discrimination, etc. Since she did not obey company policies, she will be terminated. Human Resources will inform her if she will be receiving benefits or compensation from the company. 5. Determine whether there are â€Å"electronic privacy laws†that can prevent others from having access to â€Å"private information†as well as how effective they are. . . FEATURES- Internet – DNS Securit y 610 -8References Halbert, T. , & Ingulli, E. (2012). Law & ethics in the business environment (7th ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning http://autos. aol. com/article/gps-thief-home-invasion/ http://www. ehow. com/list_6068148_bluetooth-advantages-disadvantages. html#ixzz1u3e6jVDc http://hassam. hubpages. com/hub/Types-Of-Bluetooth-Hacks-And-Its-Security-Issues http://techgyo. com/index. php/3-major-advantages-gps-tracking-system/#ixzz1u44hGdujsOME
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Ports in the Storm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ports in the Storm - Essay Example This is a great opportunity that can really open up Portugal and its neighbouring countries. European markets will be the first beneficiaries of an improved Lisbon port. First, this is a great investment where European companies can drive their investments. After certain duration, Lisbon harbour will call companies to tender for services like offloading containers, uploading containers, and ship repairs. This will provide business to big and small companies improving on the European economy. Secondly, besides providing business to companies, employment opportunities will increase, as individuals will operate cranes and other machines. Thirdly, Improvements of Lisbon harbour will allow the bulkiest of the vessels to dock in it. According to Economist magazine, â€Å"The bulkiest vessels can carry 14,000 twenty-foot containers that would require a train 85 km if transported by rail†(The economist Newspaper, 2012). Big vessels enhance economies of scale since there is a considerable fall in the cost per container. Cost of industrial raw materials falls as the cost of transportation falls, this eventually causes low cost of products. Fourthly, big ships do not stop in many destinations of Europe. This means that Lisbon harbour will open up a faster means of transportation of bulk materials fastening up the process of production. In addition, consumers and businesses will receive complete products in good time. This will attract prime shippers looking for value, speed, and reliability. The first beneficiary of an improved Lisbon port is Portugal. This is because as the port expands, Portuguese industries will get cheap raw materials for their productions. Heavy metal industries and those that depend on bulky materials that come from Asia will benefit greatly. In addition, Southern part of Spain will grow because of this port. The growth will come about as goods from Lisbon port are transported via good
Friday, September 27, 2019
Marcia.ehret_inspiration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Marcia.ehret_inspiration - Essay Example However, we can set parameters and working definitions, but the importance and impact of these biblical inspirations will only be manifested depending upon the individual’s personal belief. To the atheist/ agnostics, no matter how defined the subject matter of biblical inspiration is, it will be impossible to come to point where he levels off and agrees with a believer. A believer, on the other hand, will perpetually argue on the grounds of established facts such as Jesus being able to acknowledge and refer to specific scriptures in his teachings, in the way he prepared his apostles to document his existence and the various lessons he taught, in the way all these survived despite dramatic efforts to destroy it, and the way how the teachings, virtues, lessons are true and applicable regardless of era or period. This religious relativity is difficult to compromise especially that the trend nowadays focuses on two extremes: religious pluralism at one end and denomination-centered belief on the other end. In a gist, the bible is a worthy and credible source of God’s word since its contents were written and recorded by people who embodied the authorized representative of god to deliver a specific message.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Taking Care of Teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Taking Care of Teenagers - Essay Example Given that reasoning, one must wonder as to whether or not it pays off in the long run to raise a teenage kid. Those that oppose raising teenage kids do so on the premise that anybody between the age of 13-18 require too much parental supervision in their academic, social, and family lives. It becomes difficult to keep track of the teenagers activities at these ages because of their quest for self discovery and self-understanding. Some parents get confused because the teenager seems to wear his personality the way he wears his clothes, it changes everyday. One minute you can have a loving, clingy teenage child who wants nothing more than to cuddle with mom and dad. Then the next minute, you have a kid asking you to park the car 3 blocks from school so his classmates wont see him being dropped off by mom or dad. So, it becomes understandable when parents say raising a teenage kid requires volumes of aspirin in order to combat the headache that it is. But if you analyze it, these mind boggling personality changes within a teenager are exactly the stuff that a parents memories are made up of. T hese are the very moments that are to be cherished for a lifetime and make it all worthwhile to raise a teenager. Parents say that teenagers are rebellious and do not have a clear understanding of life and its intricacies. They get into so much trouble that sometimes a parent wonders if he should just prepare bail money instead of an allowance for the kid. These are the parents who give up on raising their teenager when they should be the most involved in the raising of their teenager. A parent has to understand that a teenager is on the verge of adulthood. Their problems are caused by the fact that they want to be treated as adults but still act like the children that they are during certain situations. This is the time when a teenager needs his parent the most. The teenager needs to know how to be an adult before he turns 18 and is officially given the reins to his life
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Personal philosophy reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal philosophy reflection - Coursework Example Any behavior that may go against the lines of conduct may be deemed as inappropriate and unprofessional, and in the end, might diminish the benefits of nursing to patients, and society at large (Hannigan, Pattison & Pill, 2010). Today, nurses are shown on how to make these boundaries visible to the people in their care, thus; ensuring that patients receive the utmost help in their quest to attain health. Nurses have been given the responsibility of ensuring that patients get the necessary attention and provide an environment where the provision of healthcare is done in an ethical and effective manner (Hannigan, Pattison & Pill, 2010). From this, patients can comprehend the extent of their caregiver’s duties to them, and learn to appreciate them during the entire process. Times are changing, and it is fundamental for nurses to change with them. This may work toward ensuring that any and all relationships formed in the healthcare field reflect the nursing code of conduct and profession, and also indicate their commitment and affection for the people in their care. It is my belief that nursing is one of the most reliant and dependable vocations globally (DeLaune & Ladner, 2010). This is because there are lives that depend on the code of conduct of all nurses, and it is these responsibilities that help them uphold upright morals and values in this profession. There are lots of lives at hand, not just the patients’ that might be affected; it is my duty to ensure that being effective every time is at the top of the to-do-list. It is vital to be a team player in a bid to ensure that patients receive the care they need. This requires proper communication skills, with both my colleagues and the patients in my care. Proper decision making is one of the most vital aspects of this course that might ensure I execute my duties
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Caveolin protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Caveolin protein - Essay Example l of three (3) variants known as the caveloin-1 (CAV-1), caveolin-2 (CAV-2), and caveolin-3 (CAV-3) (Gussak and Antezelevitch 234; Williams and Lisanti). CAV-1 and CAV-2 can be found in most cells whereas CAV-3 can be found in muscle cells of the heart (Yuan, Garcia and Hales 275). Having a complete sequence status, the size of amino acid length of CAV-1 is 178 (UniProtKB). As a 21- to 24-kDa protein, CAV-1 is composed of 16 amino acids longer than CAV-2 and additional N-terminal 27 amino acids as compared to CAV-3 (Fielding 177). CAV-1 has two variants known as CAV-1ÃŽ ± (contains amino acid tyrosin 14) and CAV-1ÃŽ ² (does not contain the â€Å"first 31 amino acid present in CAV 1ÃŽ ±) (Mercier, Jasmin and Lisanti 18). Both CAV-1ÃŽ ± and 1ÃŽ ² can be found in the lungs whereas CAV-1ÃŽ ² can be found in the epithelial cells (Yuan, Garcia and Hales 275). With regards to internalization of the material, Garcia and Hales (275) explained that CAV-1 can be phosphorylated in â€Å"Rab4-labelled, Rab5-labelled or the early endosome antigen-1-labelled compartments which then subsequently move to the Rab11-associated compartment†. Tang, ZhaoLan, Philipp E. Scherer, Takashi Okamoto, et al. "Molecular cloning of caveolin-3, a novel member of the caveolin gene family expressed predominantly in muscle." Journal of Biological Chemistry 271.4 (1996):
Monday, September 23, 2019
CRJS350(4) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CRJS350(4) - Research Paper Example The investigator may also need an expert with analytical skills during post-scene investigation, for examination of documents, financial data or other reports, to identify, confirm or analyze theories or conclusions. Law enforcers may also be needed to keep the public away from the scene, as well as medical experts for first aid and counseling of victims and family members. The fire investigators should also get training to enable them evaluate fire spread, ignition dynamics, as well as fire detection. As a Metropolitan Arson Squad training and logistics officer, I articulate the training and equipment needed for arson scene investigations. There are several tools and equipment needed during and after an arson investigation. The most essential include a barricade tape to keep the public away from the scene, camera and spare batteries for photography of the scene to preserve evidence as well as a tape recorder (IAAI, 2011). Communications equipment is also important to get in touch wi th other agencies, for instance, the police or medical experts. Catalytic combustion detectors that speed oxidation reactions from certain chemicals and fuels are also important for the investigators. Photo-ionization detectors are also important for detecting the presence of hydrocarbon vapors. ... Training is important for the unit to carry out satisfactory investigation of the scene. For instance, training on several accelerants such as gasoline and kerosene and others is important to educate on their effect of speeding up the growth and spread of fires (IAAI, 2011). Most accelerant liquids have unique characteristics as seen in fire development and after the fire is out. The same also goes for chemicals, fuels and other ignitable materials. The investigator should know what to collect in terms of importance. Photography training for the investigators is important, as evidence inside and outside will be needed before excavation can be done. Pieces of evidence recovered should also be photographed. Training should also be done on how to collect trace evidence which will be used in the investigation. This includes skin, blood and hair, from which DNA can be identified. Fingerprints can also be taken from accelerant containers and devices. There are personal items that the inves tigator should carry. These include identification cards, uniform and badges for identification and their own protection (IAAI, 2011). Flash lights would be used to light the scene so as to facilitate the investigative process. A good dependable flashlight can be used by individual investigators but it cannot light up the whole scene. Thus a larger lighting device is needed. Electrical generators can be used if the main power supply has been interrupted. If a gasoline generator is used, it must be kept away from the origin of the fire and all cords must be examined to ensure the scene is not contaminated with hydrocarbons (Schottke, 2013). Inverters, though not as strong as generators, can
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Personal Statement for Sorbbone university Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
For Sorbbone university - Personal Statement Example It has always been my priority to make sure that I fulfilled my parent’s expectations, and I can say without a doubt that seeing my father become a successful man that he is right now, I feel the urge in me to follow his footsteps and make my name in the field of law as well. His achievements have had a great impact on me, and influenced by his success, I also want to pursue law as a career. I believe that Sorbonne University is the best place to pursue law as a career because I am confident that Sorbonne would develop in me the skills that are essential for me to follow my passion with a renewed and a consistent vigor, and the international exposure that I will receive during my studies at Sorbonne will be incomparable to any other place. Therefore, it is my utmost ambition to land at a place in Sorbonne, because I believe that studying in such a prestigious university will equip me with an experience that will help me grow not only academically, but also professionally. Hence, I will be grateful to the university to grant me a place in this university so I’m able to pursue my goals and thrive in an environment conducive to the achievement to those goals. Moreover, the international exposure that will be follow once I acquire the Paris-Sorbonne degree will not only add to my knowledge and learning but will also take me places in terms of chances of being better employed than my peers. And I believe that this degree in law will bestow on me a competitive edge on me in the face of cut-throat competition, and it will be because of the latter that I will hopefully be able to make the most of my university education. Apart from my keen interest in building a career in law, I’m also interested in reading and knowing about politics. For this, I read political books as a hobby and watch the news regularly to keep myself abreast of all changes occurring in the political world. Secondly, I’m also enthusiastic about hunting, the regal art of
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Shakespeares tragedy Essay Example for Free
Shakespeares tragedy Essay Two texts that portray food to lack comfort and nourishment are Text 21 – The extract â€Å"Act V Scene II and Act V Scene III†, from one of William Shakespeare’s earliest tragedy’s from 1590 â€Å"Titus Andronicus†, and text 22 – An extract from the beginning of â€Å"The Modest Proposal†by Jonathan Swift published in 1729. The purpose of Text 21 is to entertain the reader. It is mainly aimed at adults and fans William Shakespeare. Similarly, text 22 is also meant to entertain the reader. However, even though text 22 could be considered to have an entertainment factor, text 22 is a satirical essay which is argumentative and a rhetorical social commentary, on a solution to the problem of hunger in Ireland in the 18th century. It is mainly aimed at Government and politicians as well as both the rich public of the 18th century. Text 21 is structured in chronological order. It starts with the scene, where Titus reveals the characters Murder and Rape to be Chiron and Demetrius respectively. Then Titus re-enters with Lavinia and reveals all the wrong that these two people have done to him and his family. This is to remind the audience what has happened in the play and, to evoke sympathy for Lavinia and Titus, and to feel hatred toward Chiron and Demetrius. Titus uses monosyllabic lexis which is short and direct such as â€Å"Come, come†. This hints that the speech he is about to give is spontaneous, and it also shows that he doesn’t think he needs to be formal and speak with any respect to the villains. This is different to text 22 as text 22 has long complex sentences with lots of polysyllabic words and punctuation. This makes the text sound formal and educated, because the intended audience was the higher class people of society. The speech has complex sentences mixed with simple ones. For example, â€Å"villains for shame you could not beg for grace†. This is to help the audience feel the pace, and to allow the actor to slow down slightly to catch his breath. Titus then addresses the villains directly, divulging how he is going to kill them, and bake them into a pastry, and serve it to their mother to eat. The manner in which he reveals his plans is almost like a recipe. He goes through each step methodically. He talks about how he will prepare the ‘dish’â€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"I will grind your bones to dust†, â€Å"with your blood and it I’ll make a paste†. These phrases create disturbing vivid images in the readers and audiences minds. This shows that food and what they are made of aren’t always nourishing. This is very similar to text 22. In text 22 the author, Jonathan Swift, suggests that to stop the children being a burden to their families and their country, people should eat children and use the hides of children to craft gloves and boots. Again the detailed methodical step by step guide on how to achieve this is akin to how Titus in text 21 tells the villains how he is going to kill them. Again this vivid description is to help the audience and readers imagine he gruesome acts that are about to be performed. This only enhances the fact that the food might not be a source of comfort or nourishment. In text 21, during Act V Scene III when Titus is encouraging them to eat â€Å"Will’t please you eat? †is creating dramatic irony, as the audience knows what the pasties are made of but, the characters don’t. The audience will feel nauseated watching the actors eat pies which have human flesh and bones. This only enhances the fact that food is not always a source of nourishment. Text 21 uses archaic language. This is associated with the date of its productions and reception. Also his intended audience was of the 16th century. Text 22 also uses archaic language but is a bit more modern than text 21. Text 1 has words such as â€Å"coffin†, which meant pastry in the old days but now it is like a foreshadowing of their deaths. Also phrases such as, â€Å"Like to the earth swallow her own increase†is again painting vivid images in the audiences and readers heads. It is referring to the fact that she will bury her children in her stomach. This again shows that food is not always a source of nourishment because she is eating the carcass of her own children. This is similar to text 22, where it is suggested that a â€Å"young healthy child well nursed†is a â€Å"most delicious nourishing and wholesome food. This makes the readers feel repulsed at the concept of the flesh of humans, let alone children. This only further supports that fact that food is not always a source of nourishment. Also, the author suggests that the parents themselves could eat their own children if the need arose and, the carcass of the child could make â€Å"admiral gloves†and â€Å"summer boots†. This shows that food is not always a source of comfort, as people eat so that they may have a comfortable life with plenty of food and clothes, however, butchering your kids to give you that lifestyle is atrocious and the parents. Or any person would gain any comfort from the meal or clothes. The first paragraph of text 21 is similar to stock taking of the goods or cattle. The word â€Å"breeders†is used to suggest that we should treat children as animals. The paragraph is all calculations, about how many children are born annually and, how much each would be worth at each age. The use of mathematical lexis such as â€Å"subtract†and â€Å"calculate†shows how ridiculous this solution is and only adds to the satirical aspect of the essay. Also, phrases like â€Å"I am assured by our merchants†and â€Å"assured by a very knowing American†suggests that he has done his research. All of this adds to the very sarcastic tone of the whole text. Even though, the readers will be able to recognise that the whole text is meant as a satirical essay, the idea will still repulse people and show them that food can not always be nourishing. However, the mention of actually baking people and serving them to guests is genuine. This shows that the ingredients in foods do not always provide nourishment or comfort. In conclusion, text 21 shows food is not always a source of comfort or nourishment as pasties with human flesh is served to guest at a dinner party. Similarly, in text 22 children is compared to cattle, as in using the children as a source of food. Even though this is similar to the concept in text 21, the author in text 22 is being sarcastic and mocking the government about the poverty in Ireland, unlike in text 21, where human meat was served at a meal. So, text 22 shows that some foods are not always a source of comfort or nourishing.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The effect of concentration of sugar on osmotic activity
The effect of concentration of sugar on osmotic activity Scientific Theory: Osmosis is defined as the movement of water molecules through a semi- permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until a state of equilibrium is reached. Equilibrium is reached once enough water has moved to balance the solute concentration on both sides of the membrane. Semi-permeable membranes let small molecules such as water and oxygen to travel through it but large molecules such as proteins are prevented from going through it as it is only partially permeable. Osmosis occurs across a partially permeable membrane whenever there is a difference between the water concentrations on the two sides of the membrane. When this happens to the cells they will either become turgid if water flows into them, or flaccid if water flows out of them. In this diagram the membrane separates pure water from a solution of sucrose and water. The membrane is semi permeable, water molecules can cross it but the sucrose molecules are too large. The water solution will move from a lower concentration of solutes to one with a higher concentration of solutes. A solution with pure solutes has more molecules that are free to move about and follow their concentration gradient across the membrane; as a result there will be net movement of water across this membrane from left to right (shown by the yellow arrows on diagram above). Sugar solution has a low water potential (not many water molecules).The water potential in the solution would be lower than that in the potato cell so the net movement of water will move out of the potato through its membrane into the sugar solution and so the potatos mass will decrease. The opposite happens in water where the water potential is much higher than in the potato (almost 0). Here the net movement of water will move into the potato in order to reaching equilibrium and so the weight of the potato increases. AIM: To investigate the effect of varying concentration of a certain sugar solution on the amount of osmotic activity between the solution and two vegetables (potato and sweet potato) of the same mass. To investigate if the additional glucose in sweet potato has an effect on its mass compared to the normal potato. Preliminary work: Before I start to carry out an experiment to investigate my aim, I am going to conduct a simple experiment to verify my knowledge of osmosis. Doing this experiment will also help me to improve my main experiment. Plan: For my preliminary experiment I will be using three different solutions: sugar solution, pure water, a solution consisting of 50% water and 50% sugar solution. I will also be using potato chips which are all equal in mass. A cork borer will be used to cut out 3 potato cylinders, the mass of the potato cylinders will be Measured to make sure that they are equal in weight. Then the mass of each of the potato chip will be recorded. Next 3 measuring tubes will be placed on a test tube rack. Using a measuring cylinder tube 20ml of water, sugar solution and the solution consisting of 50% water and 50% sugar solution will be measured out and put into three different test tubes. In order to avoid any mix ups each test tube will be clearly labelled. One potato chip will be placed in each solution and left for half an hour. Afterwards the potatoes will be taken out of the solutions and their masses will be measured and recorded. Results: Starting mass (g) Mass after (g) Difference (g) Percent difference 100% Water 0.48 0.55 0.07 + 6% 50% Water and 50% sugar 0.46 0.43 +0.03 -14% 100 % Sugar 0.47 0.36 +0.11 -23% Diagram: Analysis: From the results that I have obtained, I can see a negative correlation between the concentration of the sugar in the solution and the mass of the potato chip at the end of the experiment. While the solution containing 100% sugar decreased in mass by 0.11g and the solution containing 50% sugar decreased in mass by 0.03g, the solution that contained 0% sugar increased in mass by 0.07g. This shows that in the two solutions containing sugar the mass decreased because water molecules moved out of the potato chips into the solution. The opposite happened with the water solution; water moved from the solution into the potato chip. Overall I was please with the results as they agreed with what I have already learned about osmosis. The results that I got also showed trends that could later be expanded in my main e experiment. Changes: Over all my preliminary experiment was a success and the results I obtained were precise and useful. However for my main experiment I am going to make some improvements so that I can get the best possible results. Firstly I am going to experiment with sweet potato chips as well as potato chips because I would like to investigate if the additional glucose in the sweet potato has an effect on its mass. In addition I am going to be using a wider selection of sugar concentrations in order to collect a larger quantity of accurate results. I am going to use water and 4 other concentrations. This will enable me to write a conclusion that is more accurate. In my preliminary experiment I only did the experiment once. I am going to repeat my main experiment three times, by doing so I will gain more confidence in my results as they will be more reliable. By repeating the experiment I will be able to identify any anomalies. Further more in my preliminary experiment I could not take the potato ch ips out of the solutions at the same time. I also encountered this problem when putting the potato chips into the solutions. For my main experiment I am going to overcome this problem by asking a few of my associates to help me put the potato chips into the solution and take them out at the same time. This will make my results more accurate and fair. Main Experiment Prediction: I predict that for the potato chip in water the mass will increase because water has a higher water potential than the potato chip so water molecules will move from the water into the potato chip, causing it to increase in weight. The opposite happens with sugar solution because sugar solution has low water potential so water molecules will move out of the potato chip into the sugar solution. Thus I predict that as the concentration of sugar in the solution increases the mass of the potato cylinders will decrease. I would expect sweet potatoes to have a lower water potential (not many water molecule) than normal potatoes, because they are sweet and therefore must have contain sugar. Hence for the sweet potato chips I predict that at first the mass of the sweet potato will increase but, as the concentration of sugar in the solution increases past the isotonic point the mass of the potato cylinders will decrease. I predict that the graphs for the both the vegetables will be similar.My prediction can be demonstrated in the following graphs: Sweet Potato Potato Safety: While I carry out this experiment, it is important to consider safety. Lack of safety in science labs can not only endanger me and my fellow class mates but can also produce poor and useless results. Following safety procedures protects the lab, its people and the environment. Safe labs also help produce effective results. These are the safety measures I took: All bags were kept well away from the area of work so that no pathways were being obstructed and the risk of someone tripping over was reduced. All stools were tucked in under the tables in order to avoid a passer-by tripping over. Both this point and the one above can prove to be fatal if the victim is holding any dangerous equipment e.g. Scalpel, acid etc. It can also cause spills. Loose hair was tied up; sleeves rolled up and head scarfs tucked away. Hair and clothing can get in the way while working. It is also dangerous and can cause spills, ruin experiments and even potentially harm me or others around me. No earphones, scarves or jewellery was worn as these can catch on equipment and cause spill or damages. Safely glasses were worn at all times to ensure our eyes were protected from and potential danger. It was made sure that the work area was clear of any unnecessary items such as reading books and folders as these can get in the way and cause accidents. Working quietly and carefully. Talking unnecessarily can be a distraction to me and others around me, when distracted it is easier to make mistakes that can not only be dangerous but can also affect my results. Chipped and cracked glass wear was not used as this could break more easily if handled a lot and create a mess. It can also cause injuries. Extreme care was taken when using equipment made of glass e.g. test tubes. Eating and drinking in the labs is forbidden as the food may come into contact with some harmful substance. This could be unsafe for the consumer. When using knifes a non-slip surface was used to cut on so that no one was injured. After finishing the experiments, I washed my hands because my hands could be contaminated with chemicals, even if they were not used by me. All equipment was safely stored away after use as leaving unwanted equipment around can cause accidents and get in the way. Accuracy and Reliability There are the tasks, which I undertook to ensure reliable and precise results were produced. To eliminate all possibilities of faulty errors; I repeated my experiment three times. In addition, I had no less than 5 different concentrations, so I obtained adequate results. In order to increase the reliability of the results, I found more precise values of mass by using an Electronic balance. When measuring the potato and sweet potato cylinders, I waited for at least 10 seconds to ensure that the figure displayed on the digital scale was not flicking. If any readings seemed anomalous, I took an additional reading just to be sure. I collaboratively, with the help of 3 other members, measured the mass of the potato and sweet potato cylinders individually. This gave more reliable results as the masses of all the potato cylinders were measured about the same time. I used pieces from the same potato and sweet potato for each of the 5 pieces in each test. I used exactly the same method for each test to make the comparison much more reliable. Equipment Goggles: These were worn for safety reasons to avoid anything from coming into contact with the eyes. Electronic balance: I used this apparatus to measure the mass of the potato and sweet potato cylinders before and after they were put in their molar solutions. Electronic balances are also more accurate that normal balances. Test tubes: These were used to hold the molar solution and the potato/ sweet potato cylinder for each molar solution for every experiment and test. Healthy potatoes: This was one of two main vegetables used for the experiment. Healthy sweet potatoes: This is the second vegetable that was used for the experiment. This vegetable was mainly used so that I could investigate if the additional glucose in sweet potato has an effect on its mass compared to the normal potato. Chopping board: This was used to cut the potato cylinders on. Using this not only kept the lad neat and tidy but also prevented injuries as it is a non-slip surface. Knife: This was used to cut the potato cylinders if the mass was too much. Timer/stop watch: This was used to time the experiment. It is also more accurate than using a clock. Paper towels: These were used to pat the potatoes dry before being measured at the end of the experiment. If the potatoes were measured without being dried first then the additional liquid on the potato can cause it to increase the mass. Test tube rack: This was used to hold the test tubes. Sugar solutions (1 molar and 2 molar): These solutions were very significant for the experiment, as they, with the potato cylinders, caused osmosis to occur. Water: Used to make certain concentrations of sugar solution. Cork borer: To cut the same shape potato pieces. Measuring cylinder: To measure out certain amounts of water and sugar solution. Labels: -To labels the test tubes so it is easier to identify the contents inside each test tube. Variables: In this investigation I had three different variables: The independent variable This is a factor that can be changed. The dependant variable What you measure and what is affected in the experiment. Fixed variable- The factors you keep the same. The independent variables: I changed the concentration of the sugar solution. I used; water, 0.5 molar sugar solution ,1 molar sugar solution, 1.5 molar sugar solution and finally 2 molar sugar solution. I also changed the types of potato used (sweet potato and normal potato) The dependant variables: I measured the mass of the sweet potatoes and potatoes before placing in the solutions and after. This is something that is affected during the course of the experiment. Fixed variable: All the potatoes and sweet potatoes I used were that same in mass (0.64g). The volume of each solution in each test tube was also the same (20ml). In addition I kept the potato and sweet potatoes in the solutions for the same length of time (40 minutes) Fair test: It is only by carrying out a fair test that I can be sure that it is what I have changed (independent variable) that is affecting what I measured (dependent variable). In order to get accurate results I needed to ensure that my test was fair. Therefore in this experiment I controlled: The volume of solution in each beaker The mass of the potatoes and sweet potatoes at the start of the experiment The length of time the potatoes and sweet potatoes were left in the solution. I ensured that the potato and sweet potato cylinders were put in the solutions and taken out of the solutions at the same time. Method: Firstly get 2 test tube racks and place 5 test tubes on each rack label one test tube rack sweet potato and label the other rack potato Get some sticky labels and label each test tube with the solution it is going to contain (water, 0.5 molar, 1 molar, 1.5 molar, 2 molar,). Do this for the test tubes on both racks. Using the measuring cylinder measure out 20ml of 1 molar sugar and pour into the test tube labelled 1 molar. Then measure out 20 ml of 2 molar sugar solution and pour in to the test tube marked 2 molar. After measure out 20 ml of water and pour in to the test tube marked water Next make the different concentrations of sugar solution. (1 molar and 2 molar are already provided). -To make 0.5 molar: use the measuring cylinder to measure out 5 ml of 1 molar sugar solution and 15ml of water. Mix these together and pour into the test tube labelled 0.5 molar. To make 1.5 molar: use the measuring cylinder to measure out 15 ml of 1 molar sugar solution and 5ml of water. Mix these together and pour into the test tube labelled 1.5 molar. (Do the above 5 points for all the test tubes on both racks. By the end of point 6 you should have two test tube racks one labelled potato and the other labelled sweet potato, each rack must hold 5 test tubes, each test tube must be labelled with the solution that it holds e.g. water, 1 molarà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc.) Afterwards, get a healthy potato; make sure the skin is peeled. Using the cork borer cut out 5 potato cylinders. Using the electronic balance, weigh all the potato cylinders. They should all weigh around 0.64g. If they dont then alter them accordingly using a chopping bored and knife and place to a side. Remember to record the masses. Subsequently, get a healthy sweet potato. Once again make sure the skin has been peeled. Using the cork borer cut out 5 potato cylinders. Using the electronic balance, weigh all the sweet potato cylinders. They should all weigh around 0.64g. If they dont then alter them accordingly using a knife and a chopping bored. Remember to record the masses. Then both the sweet potato and normal potato must be put in to the solutions, each test tube must contain either 1 potato cylinder or 1 sweet potato cylinder. Make sure all the cylinders of potatoes and sweet potatoes are dropped into the solutions at the same time (ask help from classmates if needed). The timer should also be started now. (Leave the solutions in this state for 4o min) After 40 min, the potatoes and sweet potatoes must be removed from their solutions. Again, they should all be taken out at the same time (again ask for help if needed). Make sure the potato cylinders do not get mixed up; ensure that you know which cylinder came from which solution. Dry each cylinder and measure its mass one by one. Ensure that the masses are recorded once again. (All the above was repeated 2 more times to increase the reliability in my results) Diagram: Observations: During the experiment I noticed that some of the potato and sweet potato cylinders in higher concentrations of sugar started to float. In the 1.5 and 2 molar sugar solutions the potato has higher water potential that the sugar solution so water molecules from the potato cells would have moved into the sugar solution, this made the potato cylinders float to the top of the solution rather than stay at the bottom of the beaker because it became lighter. This happened after approximately 10 -15 minutes. After approximately 20 minutes the potato cell in 1 molar sugar solution started to float as well. This is because as the potato cells are losing water molecules, they gradually become lighter. The potato in water did not float, nor were there any visible changes. All the above applies to both the sweet potato and normal potato. A difference I noticed between the two types of potato was that while the potato in the 0.5 molar solution floated a slightly, the sweet potato in the 0.5 molar solution did not float at all, it remained still, similar to the potato cylinders in water. I also noticed that the potato cylinders floated higher than the sweet potato cylinders. Calculations: Below are the calculations I did to work our various aspect of the results: Percentage change in mass = Change in mass x 100 Original mass Averages = All three masses in one category added The number of different masses Change in mass = New Mass Original Mass Analysis: Both the graphs show negative correlation between the concentration of the sugar in the solution and the mass of the potato chip at the end of the experiment. It is clear from the graphs that osmosis has taken place. Potato: For the potato cylinder put in water (0% sugar) the potatoes mass has increased 21.87% form 0.64 grams to 0.73 grams, this shows that because water has a higher water potential than the potato cylinder, water molecules have moved from the water into the potato causing its weight to increase. When this happens the cell becomes turgid (hard and swollen).For the potatoes in all the other solutions (1 molar, 0.5 molar, 1.5 molar and 2 molar) the mass of the potatoes decreased. This shows that water molecules have moved out of the potato cell into the sugar solutions. When a cell loses water in such a way the cell become flaccid, which is the opposite of turgid. Sweet potato: For the sweet potato cylinder that was placed in water the mass increased as expected. This happened because water moved from the solution into the sweet potato. For all the other molarities, except the sweet potato placed in 0.5 molar solution, the changes were the same as for the potato. For the sweet potato placed in 0.5 molar solution the mass increased from 0.64 grams to 0.65 grams. There was a 0.01 gram increase in the mass of the sweet potato by the end of the experiment. This suggests that my prediction was correct: I expected sweet potatoes to have a lower water potential than normal potatoes because they are sweet and therefore must have contain sugar. Hence for the sweet potato chips I predicted that at first the mass of the sweet potato will increase but, as the concentration of sugar in the solution increases past the isotonic point the mass of the potato cylinders will decrease. There was a 0.01 gram increase in the mass of the sweet potato by the end of the experiment. 0.01g is extremely close to 0g. On the graph, if you look at this point, it is clear that the range bar is in between 1.56% and 0%. If there had been a 0% chang e in mass, it would mean that a state of equilibrium had been reached. This is a point where the concentration of water inside the sweet potato cell is the same as the concentration of water in the solution which the sweet potato is in. my results imply that the reason the mass of the sweet potato in the 0.5 molar sugar solution increased in because the water potential of the sweet potato was slightly lower than that of the water. As a result water molecules moved in to the sweet potato cell. The sweet potato in 1.5 molar sugar solution decreased weight because the concentration of sugar in the solution had increased passed the isotonic point (equilibrium). Conclusion: My graphs show that osmosis has taken place. There was a negative correlation between the concentration of sugar in the solution and the mass of the potato or sweet potato cell at the end of the experiment. Over all the results that I obtained have answered my aim; varying the concentration of the sugar does have an affect on the mass of the vegetable and the additional sugar in sweet potato does have an effect on its mass when compared with normal potatoes. With the results I have obtained I can conclude that the higher the concentration of sugar in the solution, the more mass the potato looses. The graph also shows that the opposite happened when the concentration of water in the solution is higher. So I can conclude this by saying: the higher that concentration of water in the solution the more mass the potato gains. This applies for both the potato and sweet potato. However because of the additional sugar in the sweet potato, the mass of the sweet potato will only decrease after the concentration of sugar in the solution increases past the isotonic point (point of equilibrium). To make full sense of the conclusion, a recap on osmosis and the affect on cells are required. When there is a high concentration of water in the solution and a plant cell with low concentration of water into water, the water would move into the plant cell by osmosis. Osmosis is defined as the movement of water molecules through a semi- permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until a state of equilibrium is reached. Equilibrium is reached once enough water has moved to balance the solute concentration on both sides of the membrane. Osmosis occurs across a partially permeable membrane whenever there is a difference between the water concentrations on the two sides of the membrane. When this happens to the cells they will either become turgid if water flows into them, or flaccid if water flows out of them. The results that I have obtained in this experiment support the prediction that I made using scientific theory and my preliminary experiment. Evaluation: Overall I was please with the results that I gained as they agreed with what I have already learned about osmosis. I believe I have gained reliable results, which supports the scientific theory. After making changes to my main experiment from the preliminary experiment I faced no difficulties. The equipment that I used was suitable, I managed to collect adequate data and the investigation that I organised was effective, as can be seen from my results. I was able to get enough results to come to a strong and explanative conclusion. I believe that my results were reasonably accurate as I did the experiment 3 times and found that the repeated results were mostly very close together. With these results I was able to construct two, very accurate and informative graphs. My results were free from any major anomalies that did not fit the regular pattern. However there were one or two very minor anomalies that could have been caused by the following: Some limitations or experimental errors could have occurred during the investigation, which I did not realise and could have led to some miscalculations in my results. The main limitation could have been the change in temperature of the room during the experiment. High temperatures could have altered the rate at which osmosis takes place. Another potential problem in the investigation may be tampering, as the investigation was carried out in a lab which is in constant use. This could have resulted in students playing with the apparatus, which could have affected the out come of my results. Also when drying the potato chips after the allotted time it was inevitable that they would have excess water on them, and so we dabbed them with paper towels to remove it. However, in doing this we could have removed water that was not excess, and altered our results. To make my investigation more reliable and accurate I could make some improvements. Firstly I could use a wider and more precise rage of sugar concentrations. If I did this I would have a wider range of results to work with so it would be more accurate and I would be able to come to a more secure conclusion. Another improvement I would make if repeating the experiment is to dry all the potato cylinders the same. I used paper towels to dry the potato cylinders, which caused variation between the potatoes as sum where dried more thorough and for longer than others which affects their mass, and those potato cylinders that have not been dried as much as others will have more excess water and therefore a greater mass. In the future I would develop a method to dry the potatoes in a way that is fair. Further investigations may be to investigate using lengths or shapes of potatoes, to see affect of osmosis upon them. I could do a comparative study, where I see the effects of osmosis on potatoes which have been altered to do specific breeding, e.g. grow in a hot climate, etc. I could do a study into surface area or the effects of temperature upon osmosis, to identify the best temperature in which osmosis occurs. I could also investigate the affects of osmosis on different vegetables such as aubergine, turnip, carrots.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Sociology Observation of Two Advertisements Essay -- Sociology Essays
This observation assignment has been very interesting, in that it has made me more aware of advertisements. The two that I chose are Gentleman's Quarterly (GQ) and Vogue, both from September 2014. The ads that I chose are a representative cross-section of the typical ads you would find in these magazines. We will start with Vogue. In Vogue #1, (an ad for Ruddenberry of London) there seems to be outdoor party of some sort going on. There is a man pouring tea with a fake smile. There's another male on seated on a horse, next to a younger female wearing a Mardi Gras mask. At the bottom is a young girl wearing the kind of wig that Thomas Jefferson wore. Most of the characters seem to be younger middle-age characters, and they would seem to be rather wealthy. I can't really make a guess at the occupations, but the guy pouring tea looks like a lawyer of some sort. They seem to have placed the one child character to the bottom of the page, perhaps indicative of the importance of children in this society portrayed. It's also intriguing to note that although we can see the full face of one and almost two more male characters, there are no women showed with their full face: either their head is turned, or their wearing a mask. It would seem that the men are the more important of the sexes in th is ad. This ad is meant to play towards the wealthier crowd, and it is probably meant to make one think of England. There are no other races portrayed in here except for Caucasian, so Ruddenberry is betting on the white crowd to buy their clothes. Vogue #2 (an ad for Kenar, once more a clothing company) portrays the "perfect" family from the 1950's. They all have fake smiles, and this picture of the model family is one ... ...e a musician and the rest of the character's occupations are not clearly defined. This ad is designed to make people feel uncool, so that they go out and buy this fragrance to feel cool. Jazz is very cool right now, and this ad shows that jazzy people wear this fragrance. The two characters in the foreground confused me. They don't seem to fit with the rest of the ad. From these six ads that I've selected, it's obvious that the two magazines I chose were primarily marketed for white consumers. Unless an ad is overly offensive or stereotypical, I don't think many people would get too upset looking at ads. The majority of my two magazines were ads, and most of those were one model standing there, looking beautiful. These ads were a little more interesting, and this observation will cause me to never look at magazine advertising the same again.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The History and Importance of Personal Hygiene Essay -- Health, Wellne
Personal hygiene is a major part of your everyday life. It includes brushing your teeth, taking a shower, applying deodorant, wearing clean clothes, cooking your food properly, and washing your hands when necessary. There are many different types of hygiene and different ways of doing them. The types of hygiene are food and cooking hygiene, medical hygiene, and personal hygiene, there is even such a thing as excessive hygiene. Excessive hygiene may cause allergic diseases. Some parts of the body like the ear canal, or inside of the vagina are mostly better left alone for the body's own cleaning systems. Also, excessive application of soaps, creams, and ointments can adversely affect certain of the body's natural processes. For example, soaps and ointments can reduce the skins natural protective oils, and some substances can be absorbed and, even in trace amounts, disturb natural hormonal balances. The ear canals are an example of a self cleaning part of your body. So they have a per fectly functioning cleaning system of their own, and don't normally need assistance. Actually, attempt...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Solve a Problem
Solve a Problem Paper Laura Cud university to Phoenix PHALLI Creative Minds and Critical Thinking Jansen Buckler August 07, 2013 The concept of creativity in processing a strategic plan was not implemented in a professional scenario of consolidating two warehouses together; a consolidation that creates a centralized operation to maintain transparency for customer satisfaction. The creative process has two broad applications to open the thought process of being creative: solving problems and resolving controversial Issues (Ruggeri, 2009).More to the point the terms problem and issue noticeably overlap; both terms refer o an unpleasant condition that challenges the resourcefulness to provide a satisfactory remedy to an explosive problem. Although the term Issue divides personnel against each other, both sides have created barriers against the opposing party. By evaluating the four stages of creativity will gain an understanding to have a productive project while maintain transparency t o the customer. The tour stages to creative process that should have applied to a consolidation project begin with (a) searching for challenges (Ruggeri, 2009).Frequently challenges are presented with issues that create an evidential dilemma. Problems that include longer than expected customer wait time due to multiple warehouses to execute a response of materiel issue to the customer. To meet this challenges In an original yet effective way management must (b) express the problem or issue to identify the problematic areas for consolidating the warehouses. Recognizing the problems within an issue will yield a plausible solution.Furthermore having to transport materiel issue documents between building causing double and sometime triple handling of materiel hard copy issue documents. Only after the (c) investigating to problem or issue will management discover the pertain Information necessary to deal effectively with customer dissatisfaction of having to wait long periods of time to receive materiel, especially under urgent conditions. The investigating stage allows the process to be mapped out to see where fresh Ideas can be Implemented and old processed might be evicted bring about a new and improved management of hard copy documents.These fresh concepts will be the source of (d) producing ideas that generates credible consideration to decide what action to take In order to mitigate the current customer wait times. Although there are two obstacles to overcome: the unwitting tendency to limit Ideas regarding familiar habits and creating barriers to the â€Å"unknown†to change (Ruggeri, 2009). The Ana in our project tell short in this stage, as a team on this consolidation project we taunt ourselves tempting to hold tight to the current processes. It seemed that the new processes were alien and the creativity within this project fell short.Because we fought the inevitable the turn-around time of the projects cradle to grave life line went from a two mon th expected closure to a six month lingering of barriers to change. Understanding the techniques used to break down the barriers of change and have a successful consolidation closed the fourth stage of creative processes. The techniques used in this consolidation challenge were trim-fold, stake holders that included the employees, management, and customers. Both employees and management was observant to the change that was occurring.Both parties were involved in his or her internal reveries causing them to miss the bulk of what was causing the change to occur. The customers were frustrated by observing the constraints in receiving materiel and watching the installation fall apart due to miss-communication between employee and management. Management was looking for the imperfection in the current processes and provided training to the employees before the change was executed. All three parties saw imperfections of their own and learned how to handle those changes when they searched f or their causes.Management had to be sensitive to the implications of this consolidation and recognize the controversy from the change. To properly investigate the currently problem, management must first identify the problems that need to be solved. Management had to search out the facts behind the change; they would use eye witness testimony from the customer (Ruggeri, 2009). This testimony will give the customer a chance to vent their frustrations. Expert opinions from other entities that have consolidated their processes to see were their problematic issues were and what worked smoothly.Conduct surveys with the employees who would experience the change in the processes and how that will affect daily production. Finally management shall review their own experiences to see where in the problem lays on their end. By taking in all these prospective will allow management to have a 360 degree view of the problem and possible solutions to resolve the constraints in the consolidation pr oject. Questions to be answered before the consolidation can be implemented: * What will the new management hierarchy look like? How will the new processes fall into the old processes of issuing materiel? * Will we still use hard copy documents? * How will the customers be affected by this change? * How will the customer overcome their current frustrations? To better understand the problem behind this consolidation project, the stakeholders were on the verge of experiencing a change that had a variable of unknowns. Yes, the consolidation would reduce the turn-around time for the customers to receive their materiel, and the use of hard copy documents prolonged the issues rates.There were several advantages for technology and computerized documents to expedite the materiel issues. Although the hierarchy would change moving employees into a centralized location, the employees would see a minimal impact because the management system was not going to change Just the location. The new pro cesses would fall into the old process nicely due to the computerized issue documents and the track-ability of the eateries will show a positive chain of custody with an exchange of hands.The Old nard copy documents cause constrains Witt the loss to paperwork and past issue to materiel. Currently there are no hard-copy documents they were resolved when the documents became electronic. The customers will experience a bottle neck effect during the consolidation but once the materiel is moved into the new building it will have a stronger turn-around time. The customer will overcome their frustration by keeping an open like of communication and give a advance notice of intent with urgent items that need to be expedited.At the conclusion of this project it was noticed that the Seems were customer constraints and the lost of materiel transparency during the move. And the Jewels were that communication between the stakeholders kept the material movement seamless, as well as the advances in technology. Ultimately this project was a success, although if we would have used the creative process within our implantation we would not have experience the various constraints. References Ruggeri, V. R. (2009). The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought (9th deed. ). New York, NY: Pearson Longhand.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Being on Time in the Military
In the military there are set standards, most of which are pretty simply accomplished. All soldiers are expected to meet these standards on a daily basis, as being in the Army is a 24 hours a day, 7 days week job. One of these standards that holds great importance is accountability, as well as being on time. Failure to meet these standards can and will result in some quite extensively negative consequences. Soldier’s are responsible for reporting to their squad leaders. This allows the NCO and the rest of the chain of command to ensure that they are at the right place at the right time. Without proper accountability it is impossible to know if, for instance, a soldier is injured or missing. Having proper accountability can prevent much confusion, frustration, and even dangers among the unit. If someone has not reported to their squad leader, they may assume that that person is missing, injured, or simply AWOL. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. First formation tells the chain of command who is where. If the enlisted in charge can not give a list of who is where at that time, it can cause issue down the chain. This formation lets the higher command know who is available to be assigned to additional details, and who is currently on a detail. It ensures that everyone who is supposed to be there is showing up on time for work, earning their paycheck. The work call formation can be just as important as morning formation. When someone doesn’t show up, it can cause complications for the current mission(s) and the unit. The responsibilities of that person will have to fall upon the others in the unit, creating frustrated and tired soldiers. If a soldier does not show up at the mandated time and place, it will then be the chain of command’s responsibility to implement corrective training that matches the offence. If the soldier can not be at the right time and place, it gives the impression that they are not dependable. Having a soldier in your ranks who you can not count on or trust can have a chain reaction of negative effects. Distrust in itself can lead to negative feelings toward each other. These negative feelings can spread, and cause soldiers to become hostile and possibly violent with others. In garrison, these issues can be more easily solved. However, when overseas the soldiers will be together far more often, and will need to count on each other to have their backs and possibly save their lives. Trust is a very important attribute to have within the unit. If someone is always late, undependable, and can’t be trusted, how are the other soldiers supposed to count on that person to have their back overseas? A unit cannot act as a team without this necessary dependency on each other. In instances such as missing movement, harsher consequences will follow. Article 87 from UCMJ states that â€Å"Any person subject to this chapter who through neglect or design misses the movement of a ship, aircraft, or unit with which he is required in the course of duty to move shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. †This means that if a soldier knowingly, either by neglect to prepare or by intent misses a movement, they will go to trial by court marshal. If a movement is missed, it opens up a whole world of problems for the rest of the unit. If the soldier can not be found in time, they may need to come up with a replacement to that person’s job. When no replacement can be found, the working unit will be left one man short. Again, that persons responsiblities will fall on everybody else. In an overseas environment where stress and depression rates are higher, this is not a good thing. It is my opinion that someone who misses movement is essentially abandoning their buddies. Each and every soldier in the Army is trained to be punctual and responsible. We are taught from the first day at basic training to be 15 minutes early to each and every formation. It is a basic soldiering skill, that does not require much skill or thinking at all. Being on Time in the Military In the military there are set standards, most of which are pretty simply accomplished. All soldiers are expected to meet these standards on a daily basis, as being in the Army is a 24 hours a day, 7 days week job. One of these standards that holds great importance is accountability, as well as being on time. Failure to meet these standards can and will result in some quite extensively negative consequences. Soldier’s are responsible for reporting to their squad leaders. This allows the NCO and the rest of the chain of command to ensure that they are at the right place at the right time. Without proper accountability it is impossible to know if, for instance, a soldier is injured or missing. Having proper accountability can prevent much confusion, frustration, and even dangers among the unit. If someone has not reported to their squad leader, they may assume that that person is missing, injured, or simply AWOL. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. First formation tells the chain of command who is where. If the enlisted in charge can not give a list of who is where at that time, it can cause issue down the chain. This formation lets the higher command know who is available to be assigned to additional details, and who is currently on a detail. It ensures that everyone who is supposed to be there is showing up on time for work, earning their paycheck. The work call formation can be just as important as morning formation. When someone doesn’t show up, it can cause complications for the current mission(s) and the unit. The responsibilities of that person will have to fall upon the others in the unit, creating frustrated and tired soldiers. If a soldier does not show up at the mandated time and place, it will then be the chain of command’s responsibility to implement corrective training that matches the offence. If the soldier can not be at the right time and place, it gives the impression that they are not dependable. Having a soldier in your ranks who you can not count on or trust can have a chain reaction of negative effects. Distrust in itself can lead to negative feelings toward each other. These negative feelings can spread, and cause soldiers to become hostile and possibly violent with others. In garrison, these issues can be more easily solved. However, when overseas the soldiers will be together far more often, and will need to count on each other to have their backs and possibly save their lives. Trust is a very important attribute to have within the unit. If someone is always late, undependable, and can’t be trusted, how are the other soldiers supposed to count on that person to have their back overseas? A unit cannot act as a team without this necessary dependency on each other. In instances such as missing movement, harsher consequences will follow. Article 87 from UCMJ states that â€Å"Any person subject to this chapter who through neglect or design misses the movement of a ship, aircraft, or unit with which he is required in the course of duty to move shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. †This means that if a soldier knowingly, either by neglect to prepare or by intent misses a movement, they will go to trial by court marshal. If a movement is missed, it opens up a whole world of problems for the rest of the unit. If the soldier can not be found in time, they may need to come up with a replacement to that person’s job. When no replacement can be found, the working unit will be left one man short. Again, that persons responsiblities will fall on everybody else. In an overseas environment where stress and depression rates are higher, this is not a good thing. It is my opinion that someone who misses movement is essentially abandoning their buddies. Each and every soldier in the Army is trained to be punctual and responsible. We are taught from the first day at basic training to be 15 minutes early to each and every formation. It is a basic soldiering skill, that does not require much skill or thinking at all.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
E-Business Evolution
E-Business Evolution By: Scott Pitcher BIS 375 October 22, 2012 Prof. Alanzo White ? E-Business Since the dawn of the Internet business have been finding more was to utilize the Internet in a way to reach consumers that would otherwise not have known of the company products. In the 1990’s e-business came to the Internet it was unlike the conventional way of conducting business, for example before when the consumer wanted to order something out of a catalog he or she would pick the item then call the business and tell customer service what he or she wanted.The next step would be going down and checking the product that was purchased and then taking it home. Well things have changed since the days of ordering by phone and then going and picking up the purchased item. Now in the present time he or she can order products via the Internet. Within a couple of clicks of the mouse and a credit card the product can be ordered and shipped without ever leaving the comfort of his or her h ome. In a brief discussion this paper will explain the evolution of e-business.E-Business Evolution As the Internet has evolved so has e-business over the last 15 years e-business has developed from ecommerce to e-business. With e-business companies or business are able to do business not only locally but also conduct business out of the state and the United States. In today’s business companies are looking for new ways to reach consumers, consumers that would otherwise not be able to go to the place of business to make his or her purchase.With the evolution of e-business companies like Wal-Mart, Sears, Target, and other companies that list their business and information on the Internet are striving to reach new customers and offer more services to the customers that choose to shop at the business website. The ability to reach new customers is not only for the business but also for the consumer. Now the consumer can shop on line to find the best deals for the product that he or she is looking for. Now Consumers can review websites and compare pricing for products before making a purchase.To be compare and contrast with the way shopping for the consumer was before e-business was to take time to go to the place of business and look at the product that the company was displaying on shelf’s and on hangers. Walking around the retail shops and waiting in long lines and dealing with traffic or other sources of public transportation. With the use of e-business the consumer no longer needs to go to the place of business and make the necessary purchase via the Internet. Supply Chain ManagementA business cannot operate if it does not have a product to sell to its customer that is in stock. It is the same for a store that the consumer walks into just as if he or she would be purchasing it from the Internet. Even though there are similarities between e-commerce and e-business taking purchase orders and having stock and even in some cases shipping the product. With e-commerce stoking its shelf’s are different from e-business. E-commerce use a manager or an employee to take inventory of the item that are in stock and orders the items that are running low on.This order is then submitted and now the retail store will have to wait till the items arrive before the store inventory is brought back to its par-levels. With e-business the company that is doing business through the use of the internet has a networking system that automatically sends the order being placed by the consumer to the distributor so it can be shipped right from the distributor to the consumer without ever coming in contact with the business that is doing the advertisement on the Internet.Even with the ability to sell products without even carrying the item in stock means that the information being shared through the inner networking system has to be as reliable in order for the suppliers to control their product inventory and for manufactures to adjust to the amoun t of material that will be needed for each participating business that sells the manufacturer’s product. If the information that is being shared is not accurate it causes either a product shortage or an overstock in the manufactures inventory. ConclusionSince the dawning of the Internet and the demand for faster customer service the way we use to consider shopping and even conducting business has been rapidly increased, having many different options on selling and buying products and material has made it easier for both sides. The consumer can make purchases from not only his or hers computer at their homes but also with the use of mobile devices and software applications make purchases while on the go. For business they will not need to build so many store locations which will reduce the company over head.References Papazoglou, M. P. , Ribbers, P. (2006). E-Business: Organizational and technical foundations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Some Limitations of E-Commerce. (2011). Ro se India Technologies PVT, LTD. Retrieved on October 22, 2012, from http://www. roseindia. net/tutorial/ecommerce/limitations-of-Ecommerce. html Wagner. C. M, Sweeney. E. (2010). E-Business in Supply Chain Management, Dublin Institute of Technology Retrieved on October 22, 2012 from http://arrow. dit. ie/
Pepsi Story
Founded in 1893, Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink that is a product of the firm â€Å"PepsiCo. †It the sass and sass it was the leading soft drink company in the market. From then to now a lot has changed in terms of market scenario as well as product development. The current market scenario comprises of two main market leaders in the soft drink industry, namely, Pepsi and Coca-Cola (Coke). In addition to these other competitors include Thumbs up, Lima, etc. Pepsi faces heavy competition in the Indian market that is so diverse in terms of cultures, traditions, tastes and references.Narrowing the research to the city of Pun specifically, within India, it can be noticed that the consumer preference is more for Pepsi or Coke over the others. Since Pun is largely a student hub, it contains a lot of the younger generation population. Thus with the research conducted through this study, Pepsi will be able to study how it could get an upper hand over its competitors in the potential and booming market of Pun in terms of brand awareness and consumer preference. Need of the Study The need of the study conducted is highlighted below Will help with competitor analysis.Will help the company to get an idea about consumer tastes and preference. Will help the company get an upper hand over its competitors. Will help the company to gain market dominance. Will ensure brand loyalty. As it can be studied trot the above graph which is based on the responses received from the target market of this study, Coke and Pepsi have a neck to neck competition with Coke leading as compared to the other companies including Pepsi. Thus the main need of this study is for Pepsi to analyze ways in which it could replace Coke to e the market dominator in Pun.It must focus on the branding, pricing and packaging parameters mainly in order to improve or introduce newer products into the market and that is exactly the kind of information this study would provide the firm with. Scope of the Stu dy Scope of the study includes- Parameters such as competitor analysis, branding and packaging analysis. It focuses on carbonated soft drinks. Does not include water and alcoholic beverages. Limited to the city of Pun. Research conducted of behalf of Pepsi. Includes bottled as well as can soft drinks.Limited to age group of about fifteen to forty five years. Included . Methods of Data Collection There are two methods of data collection- 1. Primary 2. Secondary Primary Both males and females Data was collected through the use of questionnaire. First hand information was made available by distributing questionnaires to 50 people in the target market. Secondary It refers to collection of data that already exists and is within reach of everyone else as well. For the purpose of this study secondary data methods such as the internet and various articles were used. Statistical Tools UBar Graph Pie Charts Questionnaire Company Profile Pepsi is a product of the company PepsiCo that is an Ame rican multinational company that has its base in New York. It was founded in 1965, after the merger of Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito Lay. The CEO of the firm is a dynamic Indian lady named Indri Garnishment's Annoy, who has held her position since 2006. PepsiCo owns various firms, namely- Frito Lay Tropical Quaker Oats Storage Various products introduced include Diet Pepsi Lipton Ice Tea 7 up Mountain Dew Miranda Lays Doris These are a few products amongst many others.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Impact of the Stamp Act on the American Revolution
The Impact of the Stamp Act on the American Revolution The Stamp Act was essentially a tax on all printed materials and commercial documents. This also included newspapers, pamphlets, bills, legal documents, licenses, almanacs, dice, and playing cards. These materials had to carry a special stamp which needed to be purchased. This tax, along with the Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act, made up the Intolerable Acts.The Stamp Act was created to help cover the 10,000 soldiers left in the colonies after the French and Indian War. The war had put Britain over ? 130,000,000 by 1764. It was created by George Grenville and went into effect on November 1, 1765. This was the first direct tax imposed on the colonists by the British. When news of the Stamp Act reached the colonies in May, the Virginia House of Burgesses stayed in session to pass a set of resolutions protesting the tax.More newspapers throughout the col onies circulated Virginia’s Resolves. As it made its way around the colonies, resolutions grew more numerous and radical. Massachusetts’s legislature circulated a call for a unified response. In October 1765, 27 delegates from 9 colonies met in New York City. This group came to be known as the Stamp Act Congress. On October 19th, the congress adopted 14 resolutions. These resolutions were then forwarded on to the King and the Parliament. It was repealed on March 18, 1766.This was the same day the Declaratory Act passes. This act gave Parliament the right to make any law for the colonies. Unrest in the colonies died down after the Stamp Act was repealed, but the committees that it had created remained. These committees included the Committees of Correpondence, Sons of Liberty, and the boycotts were refined and used later to protest future British taxes. These acts along with the issue of taxation without representation led to the American Revolution.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Women's roles in society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Women's roles in society - Research Paper Example The development of feminist’s movements and the increased awareness about the capabilities of women forced male communities to accept the identity of women in a more liberal manner. In liberal societies, today’s women enjoy the same freedom as that of men; they can work in any professions they like and engage in any activities they like. For example, Canada is the fourth country in the world to legalize gay and lesbian marriage (Dube). In other words, Canada has not shown any discrimination while legalizing same sex marriage; along gay marriage, lesbian marriage was also legalized in Canada. At the same time, it should be noted that in countries like Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to drive their vehicles. BBC (17 June 2011) has reported that a women was arrested in Saudi Arabia in May 2011, for uploading a video of herself driving a vehicle. â€Å"Manal al-Sherif was accused of "besmirching the kingdom's reputation abroad and stirring up public opinion", but was released after 10 days having promised not to drive again†(Saudi Arabia women drive cars in protest at ban). From the above two incidents it is evident that the roles of women in liberal societies are changing rapidly whereas in traditional societies, it remains the same. Thompson (2010) has mentioned that â€Å"jobs for women were largely limited to work as household servants during ancient times†(Thompson). Dr. Benson et al, (2010) have pointed out that â€Å"women in some cultures have been denied access to education or there may be no education system due to circumstances in their country†(Dr. Benson et al, p.359). Lack of education or denial of educational opportunities forced women in totalitarian countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan etc to limit their activities within the boundaries of their house. The over influence of religion over social life is the major reason for the underdevelopment of women life in these countries. It should be noted th at even in communist China, the role of women has been changed drastically over the last few decades. Africa is a region which is famous for totalitarian or autocratic administrations. Even the African women enjoy much more freedom than the women in fundamental Muslim societies. The leadership roles women have played in the development of various African societies cannot be underestimated. The contributions of women towards the social, economic, political and educational developments of African societies cannot also be gainsaid. In fact, traditional African society attached no importance to gender issues because every individual had a role to play both in the family as well as in the larger society (Afisi, p.230) It is evident from the above discussions that the major obstacle which prevents women from development is not politics, but religion or religious beliefs. Western countries are more aware of the changing roles of women in society and they are ready to make necessary changes in their social life. As stated earlier, women in western countries can engage in all activities in which their male counterparts engaged in. For example, it should be noted that many biggest organizations like Pepsi are currently run by women CEO’s. Such things were unimaginable around thirty or forty years before. The capabilities of women in handling pressure and undertaking risky jobs are well accepted by the western societies. However, the conditions of the women in third world are not like that in the western world. In third world, women are still considered as second class citizens. â€Å"They are denied even some of the fundamental rights and privileges which are so essential for the preservation of human dignityâ€
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Social work Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Social work - Personal Statement Example My discussion topics slowly by slowly changed and all my talk began to be around the issues that the society encounters. The quest to serve brought a lot of detachment from friends and family. At times I encountered very moving issues that I kept thinking about till late in the night, losing sleep in the process. As a result, the level of productivity began to dwindle. This was enough evidence of leading a stressed life. To counter this, I found it necessary to separate personal life from work related issues. This was made possible by adhering to work schedule and exiting work when time was up. At first it felt like I was neglecting some needy members of the society but with time I adjusted. Creating time for family and friends also helped to separate work from personal life and increase productivity. According to Kossek & Lautsch (2008), creating a proper work-life balance increases the overall productivity of workers. Having many friends is always something that many people want and crave for. Having that one friend who you can rely on at all times is even more important. As a social worker in a relationship, I have always had someone with whom I can share challenging issues. This has been an added advantage and a way to prevent accumulation of stress. According to Merelo GuervoÌ s (2002), sharing disturbing issues with someone who is ready to listen prevents the possibility of the issues to be stressful. Sharing problems is to some extent a way of solving problems. This relationship has aided the performance at work, since it helps to develop a feeling that there is someone who trusts in you and one who can always be there to help whenever faced with challenges. As much as having many friends has a lot of benefits, it also has its negative implications. This is especially where some friends are out to take advantage of
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Obesrvation of baskball game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Obesrvation of baskball game - Essay Example Niels Giffey Defensive Rebound. Foul on Kenny Kaminski. DeAndre Daniels made Free Throw. DeAndre Daniels missed Free Throw. Adreian Payne Defensive Rebound. Adreian Payne missed Jumper. Niels Giffey Defensive Rebound. Ryan Boatright missed Three Point Jumper. Gary Harris made Layup. Assisted by Keith (Bonesteel, 2014). Appling. Phillip Nolan Offensive Rebound. Connecticut Turnover at the official time out. Branden Dawson missed Jumper. Niels Giffey made Jumper. Assisted by Shabazz Napier. Denzel Valentine made Three Point Jumper. Assisted by Matt Costello then the first half ended .The second half; Jump Ball won by Connecticut. Foul on Keith Appling. Shabazz Napier missed Three Point Jumper. Gary Harris made Jumper. Adreian Payne made Three Point Jumper. Assisted by Gary Harris. Adreian Payne made Jumper. Assisted by Denzel Valentine before Connecticut’s time out. Shabazz Napier made Three Point Jumper. Phillip Nolan made Layup. Assisted by Ryan Boatright. After Michigan’s time out Ryan Boatright made Three Point Jumper. Assisted by Phillip Nolan and the game ended (Bonesteel,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Single Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Single Market - Essay Example The focus in this paper is on Single Market, also known as the Internal Market, a very well-known European Union project with an objective to mold Europe into a single economy and create free trade within the union. This influential project encompasses European Customs Union, the single currency and other policies which are proposed to unite the economy of EU into a single unit. It was in 1957 when the Treaty of Rome was established to provide the conditions for the economic community which includes progress of internal market, single agricultural policy and the structure of the institutions of European Community. The Treaty of Rome introduced the concept of qualified majority of voting. The Treaty of Rome set out four freedoms in Europe which include freedom of movement of goods, to provide services, of capital and of people. It was in 1968 when European Customs Union was created to further establish the provisions of the treaty. The creation of this treaty marked the end of the NTB s or non-tariff barriers. After the creation of this treaty, there was a clash between laissez-faire and interventionist as well as between regulated capitalism and neo-liberalism. In order to further take step in creating a single market, the European community created a policy of harmonisation to reconcile the differences in national regulatory practices and to create more common rules. However, this policy did not fully succeed because of complexity of the processes including Non-Tariff Barriers, the decision rule of the majority and lastly, it posted low political interest from the member states. (â€Å"The Single Market†). This common market or harmonisation was created by the Treaty of Rome in order to eliminate trade barriers and to ensure economic progress among the member states. The achievement of the full implementation of the policy did not succeed largely because of the selection of detailed legislative harmonisation (â€Å"European Parliament†). Since the member states wanted to have everything voted unanimously, harmonisation became very difficult to achieve. The European Court of Justice and Mutual Recognition In order to develop the purpose of creating a unified market in Europe, a crucial step was made by the European Court of Justice. The principle of mutual recognition was created to guarantee the free movement of goods and services. However, this principle does not require all members of the union to have a unified legislation. Both goods and services cannot be banned from sale on the territory of another member states except if there overriding of general interest such as health, consumer protection and protection of the environment (â€Å"The Mutual Recognition†). Aside from this very simple provision, it must be noted that the rules of the member state of origin of the goods and services must prevail. This is considered a practical and influential tool for an economic integration without sacrificing the local, regio nal and national tradition ( â€Å"The Mutual Recognition†). Though there is a move to integrate the market into a single market, the community still wanted to retain the diversity of the products and services offered by the member states. This crucial step promoted common reciprocity of standards than harmonisation policy. It is said that member states can only call upon national restrictions, traditions, customs and control free trade in areas considered not mutually equivalent (â€Å"The Single Market†). Neoliberalism and the European Union According to Hermann (n.d.),
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