Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Trifles Susan Glaspell Irony Symbolism Theme
Elizabeth NolanNovember 24, 2012 English essay Favorite Play â€Å"Trifles†, a play by Susan Gaspell, is a story of women banding together to protect one another in a male dominated society. The play is titled â€Å"Trifles†because women’s concerns were often considered mere trifles, and not worth the thought and time of men. The use of theme, symbolism, and irony are the reasons why this play is so appealing, especially to women. â€Å"Trifles†contains themes of female identity, revenge, and protection.The protagonists of the play are women, but they are not known by their first names. They are only called by their husbands’ name. It is only when they speak of Mrs. Wright before her marriage that she is called Minnie. The men believe that the women are small-minded and assume the identities of their husbands. Minnie Wright was a vibrant, outgoing young lady. After her marriage to John Wright, the light in her dimmed until she was nothing but a sh ell of her former self.He took away her self worth, making her life with him unbearable. This is the reason she snapped and murdered her husband. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discover evidence that the men could not. They approached the house as a home instead of a crime scene. The women identified with Mrs. Wright after piecing the story together and decided to keep the evidence that would convict her to themselves. By protecting her, they are standing up for women everywhere. Mrs.Wrights pet canary is a symbol of herself. She had once been a beautiful girl with a nice singing voice, but her marriage to John Wright was like a cage. She was secluded from others and treated poorly by him. The bird was her only source of happiness in her cold, lonely life. When john strangled the bird, he killed the last part of Mrs. Wright that was Minnie Foster. He had taken away her only comfort in life, and this is why she decided to strangle him with the rope.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Ways in which teamwork can be beneficial to organisations
Teamwork is one of the major factors that affect an organisation’s success and it can prove to be beneficial but it can also become a difficult aspect to manage within a company. According to Cohen and Bailey (1977:241), „a team is a collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, who share responsibility for outcomes, who see themselves and who are seen by others as an intact social entity embedded in one or more larger social systems..†. The previous definition is pointing out the aspects of teamwork, which appear to be mutual reliance, interdependence and sense of responsibility that members feel when collaborating.Based on the previous theory, numerous benefits of teamwork can be underlined. One of the most important advantages that teamwork brings within an organisation is efficiency. According to Procter and Mueller (2000), it has been debated by supporters that it offers a more productive, creative, satisfying and empowering way of working. The efficiency of teamwork can also be highlighted from the book „Organizational Behaviour†by Daniel King and Scott Lawley, OUP 2013(page 165, Table 6.7), in which benefits like reduced dependency on particular individuals, faster decision making, increased time utilization and task requirements are considered benefits of teamwork.Another major benefit for companies which rely on teamwork is social facilitation (Norman Triplett, 1898). His theory points out that members who work within a group tend to become more productive, possiby due to competition within the group. Furthermore, this benefit can be pointed out by West (2004) which states that teamwork can create social bonds between members, thus giving greater camaraderie. However, Harkins et al. (1980) states that individuals try less when working in a team, this phenomenon being known as social loathing.Besides having important benefits, teamwork can prove to have a significant level of difficulty when trying to i mplement it within an organisation. Challenges like personality clashes, breakdown of trust or reliance on less skilled members can arise for employees, but difficulties as unproductiveness, shared identity and purpose or time-consuming work can also be present for organisations. One of the major problems caused by teamwork within a company is social loafing.According to Harkins et al. (1980) and Latane et al. (1979), a series of experiments had been conducted in the 1970s to investigate whether people worked harder in groups or individually. Eventually, they discovered that people try less hard when being asked to perform the same task within a group. This experiment was actually built on a previous research by Max Ringelmann, who found that, working alone, an agricultural student could pull a weight of 85 kg but a team of seven would not be able to pull 595 kg, instead just 450. Latane et al. suggests this phenomenon happened because individuals put more effort into tasks where they know they can be personally identified and less when they think their contribution is lost within a group.Relating to this difficulty which can arise as a result of teamwork, a similar one can appear, which is called shrinking (Schnake, 1991). This phenomenon occurs when members of a group live off the efforts and work of others. A good example is that of a student which does not attend team meetings but turns up on the day of the presentation and demands the same grade as the other individuals.In conclusion, teamwork can prove to be very beneficial for an organisation, bringing efficiency, social facilitation for the individuals and many other advantages. However, the difficulties that may arise as a result of non-compatible members or various other factors, must be looked upon carefully and treated properly.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Airborne infectious disease
Airborne infectious disease Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne infectious disease which is caused by bacteria belonging to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex1. There are approximately one third of the world’s population are infected with tuberculosis where nine millions of new cases reported annually2. Although tuberculosis is essentially curable and preventable, it continues to cause millions of deaths every year2. When infected individual coughs, sneezes or spits, M. tuberculosis is propelled into the air and infected those who breathed in the bacteria that existed in droplets of saliva3. Primarily, tuberculosis will affect the lungs, known as pulmonary tuberculosis3. It will also affect other parts of body, for instance lymph nodes, bones, brain and kidneys3. Once a person is infected with tuberculosis, there are basically three possible ways may occur. Firstly, the immune system plays a vital role and strong enough to kill the bacteria3. Secondly, immune system is not strong enough to fight off the ba cteria but is able to build a defensive barrier against the bacteria3. Individuals who are latently infected with M. tuberculosis show asymptomatic where these bacteria lie dormant in the lungs and able to reactivate after years1. The disease is often reactivated in those who are immunocompromised or generally weakened. Lastly, the immune system fails to kill bacteria causing the bacteria to grow and spread towards other parts of body which is called active tuberculosis3. In the fight of tuberculosis, World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends universal Bacille Calmette-Guà ©rin (BCG) vaccination in the countries with high TB burdens4. BCG vaccine contains weakened form of M. tuberculosiswhich will induce antibodies to fight against this type of bacteria. The efficacy of BCG vaccination can be ranging from 0% to 84%5. This may be due to the frequency of TB exposure and quality of vaccine used, leading to arguments on BCG vaccination efficacies4. One of the greatest arguments is th at BCG vaccination causing positive reactions to tuberculin skin testing and hence interfere with the diagnosis of latent TB4. Existence of evidences showing the rates of efficacy also depends on geographical location, age at vaccination and form of TB further complicate the situation. Currently, TB chemotherapy is made up of a cocktail of first-line drugs isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RIF), pyrazinamide (PZA) and ethambutol (EMB) 6. If the treatment fails due to bacterial drug resistance, or patient unable to tolerate, second-line drugs for instance para-aminosalicylate (PAS), fluoroquinolones, ethionamide and cycloserine are introduced6. These are considered as second line drugs generally either less potent with larger doses or more toxic with serious side effects6. Tuberculosis is presently treated in two phases, namely initial phase and continuous phase7. In initial phase, the patient will be treated with concurrent use of four first line drugs, with the aim to eradicate or contr ol bacteria population to replicate in rapid motion and also avoid the emergence of bacteria resistance7. The treatment choices available for initial treatment include isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol7. Streptomycin is used rarely but can be used in patients who infected with bacteria that are resistant to isoniazid before the therapy is commenced7. The duration for initial phase is 2 months whereas the continuous phase takes 4 months7. During the four months of continuous phase, patients are treated with isoniazid and rifampicin at same doses7. Most of the TB treatment is supervised where drug administration needs to be fully supervised by healthcare professions since lengthy duration of treatment causing incompliance in patients7. These patients who are unlikely to be compliance will be given the drugs three times a week until the course is completed while patients who able to comply with the treatment will not be supervised7.
Moon Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Moon Journal - Essay Example The moon takes about 24 hours and 49 minutes to cross the sky. Because of this, the moon rises and sets later than the previous day and it does this for around 27 days when it has finished one revolution, and it goes back to rising sun setting at the initial times. The moon does not give off its own light; but instead reflects suns light.  The phases of the moon are as a result of the different parts of the moon that reflect the sun’s light as it revolves the earth. The shape changes from a new moon to a full moon. The order is as follows: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent then new moon. The moon seems larger than the stars and even the sun, but this is due to the fact that the moon is our closest neighbour in space. In fact, the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon. The moon does not have any life form and has extreme temperatures compared to the earth (Chancer and Zodron
Sunday, July 28, 2019
EOC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
EOC - Essay Example Moreover, the EOP also has to be risk based. Therefore, it should be inclusive of hazard-specific data based on the threats that were developed in the analysis of the hazard. An EOP comprises of three parts that is the useful extensions that talks about performance of a specific task. Secondly, the hazard specific annexes that offer extra response. Thirdly, we have the basic plan. Further, for compatibility reasons with levels of government and other jurisdictions, the basic plan therefore does not have a standard format. Moreover the basic plan should comprise of the following components: Introduction, Purpose statement, Situations and assumptions, Concept of operations, Organizing and assignment of responsibilities, Administrational and logistics, Plan development and maintenance, and lastly Authorities and references. The emergency operational plan of Holderness, New Hampshire contains all the components of the basic plan (Fagel, 2011). A well stated incident of communication system in plan enables a swift action during an emergency. Good communication is essential in handling any case of emergency within institutions. The new Hampshire EOP has laid emphasizes on communication hence making it possible to effectively handle emergency situations arising anytime. Secondly, it is important to have a clear flow of information while handling an emergency. Since this will reduce instances of confusion among members of staff. This is reflected in the new Hampshire EOP where it outlines communication between various stakeholders that include, private sector, non-governmental organizations and the government. Lastly, setting aside of the resources by the federal, state and local government specifically for emergencies will help in dealing with the situations whenever they arise. Therefore, the new Hampshire EOP has laid procedures down on how to utilize the already set aside resources by the federal, state and local
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Religion - Theology of the book of relevations Essay
Religion - Theology of the book of relevations - Essay Example of all, there is discernment of the modern situation by prophetic insight into God’s nature and purpose, and the Revelation has dominant prophetic concern for exposing the truth of things. The second element of Revelation as a prophecy is prediction, which consists in seeing how God’s ultimate purpose for the coming of his universal kingdom relates to the modern situation as it is perceived by the prophet. It is fundamental fact that the coming of God’s kingdom takes place and prophecy as prediction reveals how the modern situation must change for the God’s kingdom to come. â€Å"Thirdly, prophecy demands of its hearers an appropriate response to its perception of the truth of the contemporary world and its prediction of what the working out of God’s purpose must mean for the contemporary world. It is the third element that ensures that the predictive element in biblical prophecy is not fatalistic.†(Bauckham, 149) Therefore, Richard Bauckham offers an insight on the three closely related elements of Revelation as a prophecy in his The Theology of the Book of Revelation and he indicates how biblical prophecy can be relevant for both its original audience and later readers. According to him, biblical prophecy gives room for human freedom and it is relevant in the contemporary world, just as it was significant to the original readers. In the final section of the chapter, the author offers a significant explanation of Revelation’s relevance today and it becomes clear that the readers may find their own routes from engaging with Revelation’s theology to contextualizing it in a contemporary situation. Bauckham lists eleven ways in which Revelation is relevant today, at the end of the chapter and these are essential ways in which one can realize the importance of Revelation in the contemporary world. The first of these eleven ways seems to be most fundamental today. Thus, the author maintains that one of the fundamental functions of Revelation is to purge
Friday, July 26, 2019
Class student dicussions answers week 2 Assignment
Class student dicussions answers week 2 - Assignment Example The concept of group thinking is not reflected on how the student argues that the government is not fully addressing the fire arm possession issue. It is important to understand a statement or question before responding to it in order to accurately answer it without diverging to issues out of topic. In explaining how the â€Å"you attitude†and the company’s credibility would be used in communicating the change from animal testing, Fedline hits the nail on the head by acknowledging that the company values concerns by its customers. This shows that the company has employed the â€Å"you attitude†in putting first the customers as most valuable stakeholders in the company. The communication is very efficient since it is concluded by an encouragement to the customers to continue airing their views and providing feedback to the company. The second response to this concern by customers is also on point. The student makes it appear as if the company itself had similar plans. The student goes ahead to say that he would highlight on the new methods that the company would use without compromising on the quality of its products. This leads to an increased customer confidence in products. Communication via letters is also personal and direct. It is an effective way of responding to customer opinions since they are more likely to feel valued by the company. Joelena identifies a jargon in the article titled "Obama to Congress: 'We Are Not a Deadbeat Nation' ". The word â€Å"Deadbeat†is popularly used in North America and describes a person who is not in a position to pay a debt or meet his/her financial obligations. The word is effectively used if the target audience are Americans but ineffective to international reader who may not understand the word. Joelena has however not provided examples of an epithet nor a euphemism as required. The student proceeds to answer to the second question by showing how respect calls for a change in dialect as she talks to her spouse, children, friends and even strangers. The examples provided are effective and meaningful. Saraswathi begins answering the question by describing the meaning of an epithet, a euphemism and jargons before providing short but accurate examples of each. This answers the first part of the question in few words which are quite appropriate. The student however does not describe any situation which necessitates code switching in his daily encounters. Before deploying Windows 7 in an enterprise network environment, Anna believes that compatibility of existing software application and ability of employees in the organization to use the new system are important factors which must be considered. If this are not carefully considered, an enterprise might need to forego use of certain application which may be crucial in operation of day to day activities of an organization. Incompatible applications should be upgraded or changed in preparation to deploying Windows 7 in an enterprise network environment. Staff should be trained on how to use the new system. If they are not, productivity is set to drastically reduce. In response to the statement requiring a step which one would take on a reference computer and another on a technician computer when creating a custom image, Anna and Michael use technical terms to comprehensively address the issue at hand. The two
Thursday, July 25, 2019
MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Students are multi-dimensional and understand all facets of what the program entails. Additionally, this programs offers interactive learning. One of the best methods for learning is interactive learning that is reached via collaboration. Conducive research shows that interactive learning is one of the best methods to engage students in a simulative learning. As a matter of fact, this new type of learning of application has allowed students to truly be more engaging. It breaks away from the traditional scope of learning in a conventional classroom that extends beyond writing boring notes, engaging in useless writing drills and discussion. The interactive learning has harnessed learning because it allows students to engage in a learning environment. For instance, the application has a feature of an ACT test flashcards. If the student gets a question wrong, the APP will prompt the student to justify why they picked that certain answer. A weakness in the program is that Miami Dade College does not have a vast network of corporations that seek the potential candidates out of universities. This can be problematic because students, who may not have the adequate resources to seek other resources to find One of the major opportunities is the program is the fact that online program can be embedded to attract longer distance students. Technology and media has drastically facilitated this cause. One of the greatest benefits of E-learning that it provides dynamic technology it provides to learning. Undoubtedly, E-learning has been the pinnacle and focal point of learning. Conventional school learning relies on endless drills, homework and lecture notes. Online or virtual learning also has been gained a lot of the importance due to the technological revolution. Some teachers in many times complain that the steady use of technology is hampering the real growth of the students with many side effects. In my paper will tries to discuss the cause
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Tort Law - Essay Example Furthermore, the law of tort does not recognize any type of injury as a foundation of claim. For instance, tort law does not recognize an injury suffered during a football match. The reason behind this is lack of the legal duty on any individual player. Tort classifies duties into two general categories: The duties not to injure ‘full stop’-regarding the commission of activities that the law recognizes as hazardous; and the duties not to injure negligently, recklessly, or intentionally. Strict liability regulates the behaviors observed in the former instance of duties, while fault liability governs the conduct in the later form of duties (Elliot & Quinn 2007). A Brief From: To: Date: CASE 1 Facts Diane owns a garden centre in a rural area. She specializes in the growing and selling orchids, which need to be reared in a extremely warm climate. She constructed a number of greenhouses which are all heated with large storage tanks containing heating oil. Due to internal corr osion of the tanks, the oil escapes and contaminates some vegetables growing on a farm belonging to Juliana, her neighbor. The oil also escapes onto the public highway and Juliana, who is driving along the road at the time, skids and crashes her car. She suffers a cut and a broken arm. Issues 1- What are the elements of the rule in Ryland v Fletcher? Whether there is a possibility that she could sue under this rule or not 2- What type of damage is recoverable under this rule? 3- How is the liability for fire assessed? 4- What are the elements for private nuisance? Does she, as a neighbor, has a possibility of being successful in this course of action? 5- What damages are... The rule of Ryland against Fletcher concerns strict liability. It states that when a person occupying a piece of land uses something on it, which can lead to damage to its escape and keeps it permanently on land, will be responsible for any damage that may arise as a result of the escape. This rule usually includes rescuing many things, such as poisonous vegetation, electricity, couples and even harmful people. It is applicable in the following necessary conditions: first, there must be an exit from the defendant's land to a place outside his occupation. Secondly, the use of land should be normal, taking into account all the circumstances. It does not matter whether a person knows or does not know about the danger at the time when he brings dangerous things to his land and uses them. However, a person is not liable for damage if The damage results from the action of God, that is, actions that can not be prevented by any amount of human foresight or care; If the occurrence occurs as a result of the plaintiff's own fault; And in case of artificial work, supported both in favor of the plaintiff and the defendant. It is extremely important to note that Reyland sued Fletcher because of Fletcher's negligence; He himself was not careless, as he hired competent contractors to build a reservoir. He was not even aware of the mess from the contractors. It was contractors who were careless, not acting immediately, to prevent future losses that might arise as a result of the disorder they discovered.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Anglo-American Special Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Anglo-American Special Relationship - Essay Example Since Britain joined the then European Community in 1973, it has had an uneasy ride with its European partners. The relations have often been turbulentï‚ § Since Britain joined the then European Community in 1973, it has had an uneasy ride with its European partners. The relations have often been turbulentThe UK’s membership in the European Union (EU) that have a self-proclaimed goal of â€Å"ever closer union†was suggested by Rachman (2001) is a question that mattered more in London than in Washington. The US also have special relations among other countries such as Israel, Canada, Mexico (Wright, 2002), Japan and, also the EU. Economically, there was a difficulty in totally integrating in to the European Union despite the low economic growth in Britain due to the high value of the pound making Britons believe that economy is doing well even while outside the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).  The UK shares 15.3 percent of export to the US while it has considerable larger export to the EU members Germany, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Italy at around 50 percent. UK also lists Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, China, and Italy along with US (9.3 percent) as its leading import partners.While the US lists Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, along with UK (4.4 percent) as its export partners, it has only Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Germany as its leading import partners.The British have had their national sovereignty slowly eroded by EU laws and regulations. While mainland Europe such as Germany rates 43.6 to 56.6 percent and France's rate is 41.6 percent, the UK taxes only about 20 percent considered the lowest in the European Community (Expatica, 2005) making Britons Euro-sceptic as former president of Germany's Central Bank announced "A European currency will lead to member nations transferring their sovereignty over financial and wage policy, as well as in monetary affairs. It is an illusion to think that states can hold on to autonomy over
William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet Essay â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?†Many people all over the world have heard the expression from William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet. The tragedy is about two star crossed lovers who are born into two different families, Juliet’s family, the Capulets and Romeo’s family, the Montague’s. The families have an ancient grudge. Due to this family feud, many drastic events take place involving deceit, sorrow, sacrifice and pain, resulting in the death of both Romeo and Juliet, along with their love. Romeo and Juliet is full of situations and themes to which students are able to relate: friendship, betrayal, feuds, conflict with parents, young love, religion, adolescent hormones, a lack of perspective, desperation, and conflicting loyalties. In this essay, several themes will be connected to Romeo and Juliet using music and cinema, as well as to my life and situations that occur in life or the world. One of the reoccurring themes in Romeo and Juliet is love. The concept of love is portrayed in various parts of the play. The play actually focuses on love and emphasizes how two, innocent lovers endure the pain they go through, what they have to sacrifice and what they do just to keep themselves together. Many references to Romeo and Juliet appear in movies, pop songs, and art frequently. Taylor Swift refers to the play in her hit song, â€Å"Love Story.†Love Story is a song based upon love, and, reflects a story about how two people meet and fall deeply in love which also connects to the theme of family feuding. However, the girl’s father does not approve of the boy and warns the two to keep a steady distance from each other. In Swifts, Love Story†, line (8) says: Little did I know that you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles and my daddy said, Stay away from Juliet. Based on this piece of the song, it can be related to Juliet’s father warning Romeo to stay away from his daughter and that he would never allow her to be with him. Another example is in lyrics, 17-20 which say: â€Å"So I sneak out to the garden to see you, we keep quiet cause were dead if they knew, so close your eyes, escape this town for a little while.†This line of the song can be strongly connected with the family feud between the Capulets and Montagues. Romeo and Juliet loved each other dearly; however, their families had powerful hate for one another. Therefore, in order for the two lovers to keep contact with each other, they had to sneak out and meet in various places due to their undeniable love, such as the balcony, Friar Lawrence’s cell, etc. However, the ending of the song is different with the ending of the play. The ending of the song is one that is full of happiness as opposed to the ending of the play which has a melancholy ending. James Cameron’s hit movie, Titanic, also depicts the love two people have for each other and what they endure through it. Titanic is a 1997 American, epic, romantic, disastrous film between a man and woman of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage. Even though, Titanic is an example of melodrama and Romeo and Juliet is an example of dramatic literature, they both connect with one another according to the theme of love, separation, and family feuds. In Titanic, Rose and Jack withstand forbidden/ socially unacceptable love. Rose Bukater is a wealthy woman and comes from a family with upper class. On the other hand, Jack Dawson is a poor man, who does not have much to offer to Rose. Therefore, Rose’s mother forbids her to stop meeting Jack since they will never be of the same kind. This can be connected to the family feud of Romeo and Juliet, between the Montagues and Capulets as they also forbid their son and daughter from seeing each other. Another example of how Titanic ties in with the theme of parting in Romeo and Juliet is when both couples (Rose and Jack and Romeo and Juliet) are separated from one another for a short period of time by fate or circumstances beyond their control. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is banished from Verona for killing Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. On the other hand, in Titanic, Jack is framed as a thief for â€Å"stealing†a diamond necklace that belonged to Rose. Due to this, Jack was forbidden to meet with Rose again, who were separated for some time. Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, relates to the youth of today or situations that occur presently, in various ways. People fall in love every day; there are still families who dislike and argue over each other. Many people are forbidden from seeing someone that is close to them but they still meet secretly, just like Romeo and Juliet. Students whose families are not feuding with another can relate to having a conflict of interests with their parents. For example, my best friend’s aunt, Tami, fell deeply in love with a man her father strongly disapproved of. Therefore, she secretly meets him without anyone knowing. In conclusion, the play, Romeo and Juliet demonstrates many themes that are portrayed throughout different parts of the play. Connections with different pieces of work that deal with music and films can be made clearly. Love Story, by Taylor Swift and James Cameron’s, Titanic, beautifully describes examples about the storyline of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet can be correlated with situations in life today, that teach us about love and mistakes some people make.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Entrance essay Essay Example for Free
Entrance essay Essay I remember the day well when I was first introduced to computers. I was a wide eyed eight year old who was on spring break, my mother didn’t have anyone to watch me so off to work with her I went. As she led me thru the doors into the Tektronix CPID hardware engineering division I was mesmerized. I knew that day that I wanted to know everything I could about how these machines worked and what I could make them do. I have always had a passion for learning, but for most of my life that passion was fulfilled by educating myself. Either by reading fieroucously about a subject on my own or jumping in with two feet and learning something new. After spending nearly a decade working in and around technology, I realized something was missing. I had hit a ceiling, I knew there was more to know, more that I could learn. I wanted to take my hobby, and turn it into a career. A career that could blend together my passion for technology, and my skills in customer service and communication. It was then that I decided to pursue a degree in Information Technology. When I decided it was time to go to school, I went looking for someplace local, that I could work at a steady pace towards my goals and still work a full time job. This led me to Pioneer Pacific. I received an associate’s degree in Information Technology, which I had already planned to continue thru to a Bachelor’s degree, but between my underclassmen classes and moving on to the second half of my Bachelor’s degree I went forward with obtaining a second associates degree in Web Design. I am glad I made that decision, it helped introduce me to other programing languages and helped guide me towards my favorite aspects of programming. A Buddhist proverb says â€Å"When the student is ready, the master appears†. I like to think that is what has happened for me in finding this program. I have searched for a Master’s program that fits me since I finished my Bachelor’s Degree over three years ago. So many I found seemed to have such a narrow focus, be it strictly software development, business administration or Information Technology security. None seemed to take a holistic approach to Information management until I discovered the AIM program. . I hope to continue on with my education within the Applied Information Management program. From the reading and research I have done on the program it appears to follow the same path as my past education of courses relevant to the path I have chosen for myself. I am excited to be a part of a program that is on the leading edge of the future, where education will evolve into a wider offering, and more accessible and available then in the past. No matter what the career goal may be, an education is key to achieving it I have several academic and professional goals that will result in my success in my career and in life in general. Change is the only constant, be it in everyday life or in a profession. With the change and growth in business, it is only natural that one would have to constantly upgrade and enhance their knowledge and resources that he or she offers to the business or to the client. Therefore, upgrading one’s knowledge and resources to grow as a professional is another important career goal that one should pursue. Another important career goal would be to be satisfied with whatever you are doing. Of course, that does not mean that you should stop experimenting or impede your enhancement process. You should make sure that you are completely satisfied with whatever job you are doing. A continued education can only bolster the chances of success in getting hired and in meeting long-term goals. I hope this program will enable me to grow and adapt to the ever changing aspects of my professional field. Going thru a very accelerated pace program for my bachelor degree prepared me for what was to come in the fast paced business world. One thing I have come to realize is I work best without someone standing over my shoulder. In business as well as in learning, procrastination can be your greatest hobble. One skill that has served me well in the past and I believe will continue to do so thru this master’s program, would be my reading comprehension. To truly succeed in anything, be it learning or just living, you must have a passion, a passion for what you are doing and Use that passion to become a ferocious researcher. Become the type of student that studies academics instead of one who simply attends classes. Take the initiative to study on a daily and regular basis without requiring instruction to do so. Make learning a priority. Have a habitual critical mind. Analyze, critically evaluate and be able to understand what you are learning. Be humble and realize that you can always learn more regardless of what you may already know and understand. Listen to and learn from your instructor. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Be engaged while in class and work well with your classmates. The fact this program is designed for real world professionals, to learn an all-encompassing approach to information management. This isn’t solely an IT program or a Business administration degree; it envelops multiple disciplines to produce well rounded professionals. I believe these factors will help expand my knowledge and approach in the professional realm. . I currently hold a Lean Six yellow belt and am a current candidate for green belt certification. So I see a lot of this programs core component seem very similar to the Lean Six approach that I have been trained on in the last few years and could help expand the knowledge and u se of the Lean practices. I also look forward to more in-depth training and education in project management; I have lead some initiatives in the past and have thought of becoming PMP (Project Management Professional) certified.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Evolution of Cosmetic Surgery
The Evolution of Cosmetic Surgery For the past few decades, the evolution of beauty has brought a huge metamorphosis in peoples perspective about their appearance. People are more concern about their outer beauty than anything else. This is not only limited for woman but man at this decade of century has brain washed and actively involved themselves in this culture too, which is camouflaging imperfections. A survey had found out that man in US had spent $4.8 million on grooming products in year 2006 and there was an increase of 42% from year 2001 to year 2006 (Forbes, 2007). In addition, in this beauty-obsessed society, there are also people who choose to go under knife for an enthralling body feature. Cosmetic surgery has become one of the most popular trends all over the world. One might ask, what is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is an aesthetic surgery that performed to improve appearance, rather than for medical reasons (, 2003). Whenever you read newspaper, magazine or switch on the television, you are likely to see something which is related to cosmetic surgery. Reality TV shows such as Extreme Makeover, MTV series I Want a Famous Face, Italian show Scalpel: Nobodys Perfect and Foxs The Swan have also lead to an overwhelming popularity on cosmetic surgery especially among young boys and girls who are dissatisfied with their current look and want to look posh and perky like a pop star. According to Elsevier, the TV shows have lead youngster to have cosmetic surgery and American Society of Plastic Surgeons (2007) study proves that 57% of patients who chose to undergo cosmetic surgery were high-intensity viewers of reality TV shows related to cosmetic surgery. Moreover, for country like Korea, undergoes cosmetic surgery is a culture and they known it as The Korean Way (Yoo, J., n.d.). Most of the young generation today will go under knife in order to pursuit perfect beauty and this can be proven by a study con ducted by Korean Plastic Surgery (2009). The study shows that eight out of 10 Korean women over the age of 18 feel they need cosmetic surgery, and one out of two has undergone Korean plastic surgery at least once. American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Reports (2007) also shows that cosmetic plastic surgery has increased 69% in the first decade of new millennium and in year 2009, there were 210,000 cosmetic surgery procedures were performed on teenagers from age 13 to 19 (Thompson, V., 2010). It goes without saying that cosmetic surgery has become so commonplace that the age of patient involved in the cosmetic surgery getting younger and younger. Teens often have unreal expectations. They are not satisfy with their appearance and intend to have glamorous beauty and flawless look. Ergo, teens go for cosmetic surgery and treat it as a godsend. For instance, Kate (2008) had a breast implant when she was 19 years old. In year 2008, Queensland, a state in Australia had banned teenagers under 18 from having surgery for purely cosmetic reason (ABC News, 2008) as there is a distinct sociological trend towards valuing beauty which leads to an increase in cosmetic surgery among teenagers. The question is, is it worth for teens to go under knife in pursuit of perfect beauty? The truth is teenagers should be discouraged to go for cosmetic surgery as it comes at risk. Besides, they are far more too young for that as it might interrupt emotional and physical maturity and it is a high-priced procedure. This research is not confined in certain countries only but all around the world. 2.0 Body of Content 2.1 Cosmetic Surgery carries some risks of harm physically and mentally, even of death. Opponents of the statement claim that cosmetic surgery is extremely safe with the help of advance technology and medication. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reckons that the mortality rate of cosmetic surgery is the lowest among all the surgical procedures. Roughly around 1.754 ÃÆ'- %, which is one in 57,000 procedures, while according to the study conducted by medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the death rate is slightly higher, which is one in 51, 459 operations. Furthermore, adverse party also states that modern anesthesia is safe despite of the story you heard before. This is due to certain reasons, for example, qualified anesthesiologist, excellent surgeon and modern equipments used in the operating room. There is nothing wrong with wanting to become beautiful or perfect. However, undergoing cosmetic surgery should not be one of the options. Supporters of this argument claim that the statement cosmetic surgery is extremely safe with the help of advance technology and medication is a falsehood. Cosmetic surgery is still a surgery which carries out in the operating room and they believe that every surgical carries some common risks. Plastic Surgery Los Angeles pointed out that there can be complications to any surgery even though you are operated by a professional and qualified cosmetic surgeon. The most common complications is the used of general anesthesia. Anesthesia brings serious health effects; patients may experience drowsiness, feeble or weary for few days after having general anesthesia. According to Cassidy P. (2008), seven to 12% of total cosmetic surgeries had been reported of death as a result of cosmetic surgery complications. The Star (2008) had reported that Datin Fatimah Wan Chik, wife of former Labuan MP, Datuk Suhaili Abdul Rahman had died due to cosmetic surgery complications. Besides, infection and bleeding are also one of the most obvious shortcomings not only in cosmetic surgery but in all kind of surgical processes. There will be two in every 10 patients who suffered from infection and bleeding, which is 20%. Sometimes, scarring can happen due to bacteria attack. Bacteria can enter the body during surgery or after surgery through suture, drain sides and open wounds. Surprisingly, cosmetic surgery acts like drugs, it has the potential to cause addiction (, n.d.) especially for those who started to go under knife at young age. Psychologist had found out that most of the people who underwent cosmetic surgery were most likely to suffer from oppressive emotional and psychological disturbance. Doctor Iqbal Ahmed (2010) asserts that seven to 15% of patients who underwent cosmetic surgery will entrap into the psychological abysm of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD is a mental disorder characterized by distorted body image and obsessions about perceived physical shortcomings (, 2011). Those who suffered from BDD will tend to undergo a lot of cosmetic surgeries from surgeon to surgeon. However, the patients will never satisfy with their appearance and think that their body image is so distorted that it will never get fixed by one cosmetic surgery. This disorder can also known as mirror lies. When they look into the mirror, t hey will never see themselves in the right size or feature even though actually they are just nice. Thus, teens should be discouraged to go for cosmetic surgery as it comes with risks and if there was a faulty, they will regret for their entire life. 2.2 Cosmetic Surgery interrupts teens physical and emotional maturity. Opponents of the issue insist that cosmetic surgery not only improves ones self image but also boost their self-esteem at the same time. To illustrate, Caitlin Clemons, 18, describes that she will go for cosmetic surgery and believes that cosmetic surgery will boost her self-esteem as she knows how cosmetic surgery can magically change her life after seeing her sister and mother underwent breast enlargement and how happy they are after the surgery (cited by Thompson, V., 2010). In addition, some also believe that the capabilities in cosmetic surgery await for all those who would like to see a better version of themselves physically and mentally. Opponents of this argument maybe correct, cosmetic surgery will boost self-esteem and indirectly increase their level of happiness. However, these modifications tend to be short lived. Most of the people who have cosmetic surgery tend to experience an increase in level of happiness for one or two years, after which they return to their previous level of happiness and are about as happy as they were before the surgery. This theory same goes to the lottery winners. Hence, the emotional effect of cosmetic surgery can only last for short period of time. 43% of the ladies interviewed stated that they would offer surgery for their kids if their look was the main reason of why they were being bullied (Leaton, R., 2011). This statement is pretty pathetic as the supporters of the issue believe that surely there are other non-invasive ways to help the teens to boost their self-esteem so that they can stand up and deal with bullies. Self-esteem is based upon how you feel and think about yourself and not merely according to ones appearance. Karen Batchelor (2010), a speaker on social media and midlife issues once said that, When you develop your inner beauty, your physical beauty seems to miraculously improve as well!. Hence, cosmetic surgery should not be seen as a quick fix to boost self-esteem and confidence because true confidence comes from inner personality and not outward appearance. It is also worth mentioning that in some cases, cosmetic surgery actually lowers ones self-esteem and level of happiness. Surgeons note that once a person alters one part of their body, they begin to look at flaws in other part of the body. This can make a person fells less happy with their body than before they had any surgery and therefore, lowering in level of self-esteem happens (, 2011). In fact, the greatest failing in cosmetic surgery lies in a persons potential inability to raise their self-image to match their new look. The tendency to look to superficial treatments such as cosmetic surgery merely reflects an unwillingness to look within. To be sure, cosmetic surgery can only solve the problem temporarily and meanwhile it actually worsens the situation. Therefore, it is clear that cosmetic surgery interrupts the development of teens mental maturity. Furthermore, supporters of the statement also assert that cosmetic surgery disrupts teens natural growth. Teenagers have immature body which is not fully develop as human body will only fully develop at the age of 25. For instance, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has spoken out about teenagers who choose plastic surgery, saying that deciding to go under the knife is a decision best left until one is an adult. (BellaSugar, 2007). Teens are still growing, thus cosmetic surgery should not be an option for them as firstly, it can cause growth retardation, its dangerous and its unnecessary. If they waited until 25 years old, they might satisfy with their body during that time as their body is fully developed. In year 2008, Australias health minister also conceded that teenagers are still growing and they are still developing. They should not have a body shape-changing procedure until their growth is completed. This statement can be clearly proved to be true when Queensland banned teenagers under 18 years old from having cosmetic surgery (ABC News, 2008). In short, teenagers should be discouraged to go under knife to pursuit perfect beauty when perfect is undefined. Besides, it only provides temporarily emotional relief and satisfaction. On top of that, cosmetic surgery causes growth retardation. 2.3 Cosmetic Surgery is a high-priced procedure. Those who do not share the view that cosmetic surgery is a high-priced procedure point out that the price of cosmetic surgery worth the outcomes and it is permanent. Moreover, according to Hilton, many discount price cosmetic surgeons that claim to offer professional service for a low price have begun to show up all over the country (cited in, n.d.). 2.3.1 Unlicensed Cosmetic practitioners However, the problem is, most of these doctors are not properly trained to perform such drastic cosmetic surgery. In addition to that, Davis claims that a doctor can attend a conference in a hotel for few hours to learn how to perform cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, breast enlargement, rhinoplasty and etc. Other than that, The Cosmetic Surgery Directory'(n.d) also states that they had discovered an extensive black market for cosmetic surgeries. For example, a 46 year-old woman died as a result of a black market cosmetic procedure in which cooking oil was injected into her body by an unlicensed surgeon who promised a cheap alternative way to legitimate procedure. So, professional service is just a falsehood. Hence, this is undeniable that it is extremely risky when a doctor is not properly trained and certified and this would be the main reason why the service is at low cost. 2.3.2 Cosmetic Surgery strains familys financial resources According to a study conducted by American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) (n.d.), in year 2009, the top cosmetic surgeries done by teenagers were breast enlargement, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, liposuction and lastly, abdominoplasty. Below are the prices for top five cosmetic surgeries. Type of Cosmetic Surgery Cost (MYR) Breast Enlargement 17,000 Rhinoplasty 7,000 Eyelid Surgery 1,600 3,700 Liposuction 5,000 Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) 18,000 Source: Health Horizon Holidays, Malaysia. From the above information, it can be clearly seen that cosmetic surgery is an expensive procedure. According to an article posted in THEEDGE MALAYSIA on 24th November 2008, the average nominal household income in year 2007 was RM 3,617 per capita and the real household income grew at 0.9% per year. Thus, it goes without saying that teens who wanted to go under knife will definitely put a huge strain on the family budget, particularly when the cost exceeds the estimation. Furthermore, Gred C. Pacher (n.d.) added that the estimated cost usually is just for the procedure along and the anesthesia fee is excluded. If there were complications, hospital stay may be to be extended and there is a cost to post operative care including post-op medications. On top of that, with the exception of reconstructive surgery, elective cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance and all of these strain the familys financial resources. Moreover, there are also some cases that teenagers go into debt in order to obtain perfect nose or stomach which can lead to serious financial problems. On the whole, teenagers should be discouraged from having cosmetic surgery as it not only burdens the family of teens who undergoes the surgery but also put them in unnecessary situation when dealing with nasty recovery time. 3.0 Conclusion In a nutshell, cosmetic surgery had grown six-fold in the past ten years. No longer restricted to rich or famous, cosmetic surgery is now within the middle-class and even teenagers. Cosmetic surgery has become so popular that even the kids know what that is and the main purpose of having cosmetic surgery. However, is this good to the society and to the teens themselves? The answer is definitely no as the disadvantages of cosmetic surgery often outweight its advantages especially when the protagonist is teenager. Some might ask, why is this so? Firstly, cosmetic surgery carries some risk of harm physically and mentally, even of death. Besides, it not only interrupts teens physical and emotional maturity but also burdens the teens family who choose to undergo cosmetic procedure. Thus, it is clear that teens should be discouraged to go under knife in pursuit of perfect beauty. 4.0 Recommendation In this beauty-obsessed society, outward appearance has played an important role in everyones life especially among teenagers who do not satisfy with their body and face feature. Despite cosmetic surgery, teens can choose to go for exercise and follow a healthy diet if they feel that their body is not perfect. Besides, teenagers can also put on some make-up so that they will look better and more energetic. If compared to cosmetic surgery, exercise and cosmetic product are definitely cheaper than cosmetic surgery and it is more healthy and deso not cause any harm to human body. Furthermore, government should take the initiative to ban teenagers from cosmetic surgery and cosmetic surgery tourism should be demolished.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Equality in Education Essay -- School Learning Teaching Essays
Equality in Education Many believe that the greatest source for a nations strength is to provide equal education for all of its students. However, are we as educators short-changing our female students? I believe the answer to this question is an undeniable, Yes! There are different ways and methods to change this problem in our society; hence we must first examine the source of the corruption. The greatest resources for any country are the educated people that it produces. According to the census taken in the year 2001 in the United States, half of our countrys population is made of women. These strong souled beings have the power and cognitive ability to compete equally and fairly with their male counterparts in any area of education. When I say education, it does not mean the field of education only, I mean all the years of attending basic schooling from kindergarten till twelfth grade and including all subject areas. However, girls do not have an identical educational experience as boys in school. For instance, I remember in fourth grade my teacher only chose boys to be team leaders in sport activities. At that time, we girls didnt think much it, because the atmosphere was such that the boys were the ones who always got to move materials or carry the art or sporting equipment, and that is what we were used to. But one day, I remember it as if it was yesterday. Sara my c lassmate said to the teacher, Im just as strong as Michael. I can even kick the ball farther than him, but you only choose the boys to be special helpers. How come? My teacher did not understand the significance of this question and casually answered, boys are meant to do some tasks and girls others. Sara did not like the response that she was given... ...s can make the large difference in their life and the life of others. The other alternative to provide a safe and empowering environment for girls is to provide same-sex classes in institutions where the curriculum has been updated for better reflection of society. But do we really have to separate our girls in order for them to be treated fairly and equally as boys? No! When our government stated, All men are created equally, they meant, humans, Homo-sapiens, not only the males. Therefore our girls, our ladies should be give the same tools and opportunities to pursue happiness as our boys, our gentlemen. Works Cited Mckee, Alice. How Schools Shortchange Girls. Women and Education. 1992. 92-115. Rich, Adrienne. What Does a Woman Need to Know? Presence of Others. 3rd Edition. Andrea A. Lunsford and John Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford, 2000. 65-71. (*305-A)
Hitchcock, The Artist :: essays research papers
Hitchcock, The Artist           â€Å"Shadow of a Doubt†was one of those movies I would flip right past if it happened to be on television. If I knew that it was a Hitchcock film, perhaps I’d pause for a few seconds to see if it looked scary. If it didn’t captivate me within those few seconds, I’d cruise right by until I found MTV. But, being somewhat forced to watch â€Å"Shadow of a Doubt†in class, I had no choice other than to buckle down and pay attention. I was pleasantly surprised. I expected some twists and turns, since it is an Alfred Hitchcock film. I didn’t expect the suspense or the romance. It was surprisingly entertaining in both plot and dialogue. I could tell by the many different film elements that this was a trademark Hitchcock film. â€Å"Shadow of a Doubt†is an Alfred Hitchcock work of art, because of its originality, openness to interpretation, and different approach to suspense.      â€Å"A work of art†is defined by Encarta Encyclopedia Online as â€Å"something made or done exceptionally well.†This film was unquestionably done well, if not exceptionally well. But, what does â€Å"done well†mean? I think it means that the work is completed fully with the best efforts of everyone involved. Not only is it fully researched, but meticulously planned and painstakingly designed. Therefore, the work in question is more like a child to those who created it, rather than a work of art. It contains their blood, sweat, and tears, and maybe a little insight into their minds. So, in the case of â€Å"Shadow of a Doubt†it is a work done well, by Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock was quoted in a 1998 review of â€Å"Shadow of a Doubt†, by Ted Prigge as saying â€Å"he enjoyed playing the audience like a piano.†Hitchcock did this almost effortlessly in this film (1). He had the ability to scare people, without shoving horror down their throats. It's what separated him from any other director of suspense: he knew the secret to scaring people was preying on real human emotions (1). His subtlety is what took â€Å"Shadow of a Doubt†from an everyday movie to an intricate thriller.      Movies of the past had a different approach to scaring the audience. In the 20th century, scary movies were more than entertainment. They were designed to lure the viewer into buying the action figures and tee shirts that the movie had spawned.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Only Fish I Wanted To Catch :: essays research papers
The Only Fish I Wanted To Catch A sensation of astounding warmth enshrouded my mind and body as I blankly stared out on to the choppy lake. I realized that the blinding sun was sure to burn me by the end of the day. I was completely clueless as to where the day would take me. At first I was a little apprehensive about climbing into the small rowboat and heading out there for the entire day. What if I didn’t make it back? I had never been fishing alone. All I craved was to catch the perfect fish. It didn’t have to be big or fat, just perfect for me. So I mustered up the courage and took a chance. The last time I had taken a chance I had paid for it dearly.           Sarina was the perfect girl, and I was determined to let her know how I felt about her. She didn’t make me happy. Happiness was not exactly the emotion she brought out in me. Her presence brought out something within me that was much deeper and more sincere. She was the foundation of my utopia. She had a special quality about her. Most people I know walk around with their souls being held prisoner by their bodies. She was one of those unique people whose body was held captive by her soul. Thirty seconds out of every minute I thought about her. I always made sure she had everything. It took me six months before I could even tell her how I felt. When I finally told her how I felt she took the news really well, but I knew she wasn’t interested. After telling me that our friendship was too close for us to get involved romantically, I swept up the pieces of my shattered heart, put them in my pocket and walked away. I had her snagged on my hook but she thr ew it. I used kindness, and patience, and she used me. I gave her everything she asked of me. She took the bait and ran. She avoided me at all costs for the next two months. Suddenly, I was at the mercy of the wide-open water of my misery, and was fearful of drowning. Had I been coerced into believing we were best friends? We squandered for hours and hours resolving each other’s personal dilemmas. We called each other religiously on the phone when we were apart.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Major Depressive Disorder: Theories and Therapies Essay
1. Major Depressive Disorder Definition and Symptoms Major Depressive Disorder may be diagnosed as one or more episodes of a Major Depressive Episode. Symptoms of a major depressive episode include depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure in activities, weight changes, sleep problems, slowing of speech or agitation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness and/or guilt, difficulties in thinking, concentrating, or indecisiveness, and thoughts of death, suicide, or suicide attempts. These symptoms are not due to another medical or psychological reason, and they cause clinically significant distress or functional impairment. 4th ed. , text rev. ; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) The cause of depression is not completely understood. It is, most likely, a combination of reasons, which may include chemical imbalances in the brain, psychological, or environmental factors, and genetics. Severe life stressors, such as divorce, or job loss, often contribute to depression. In a twelve month period, 6. 7% of the U. S. population is depressed. Of those that are depressed, 30. 4% are severe, or 2. 0% of the total U. S. population. Lifetime prevalence in the U. S. is 16. 5% of the population. (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Prevalence) Women are 70% more likely than men to experience depression during their lifetime. (NIMH, Demographics) The National Institute of Mental Health also reports that Blacks are 40% less likely than Whites, to experience depression in their lifetime. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the total number of years a person may lose to illness, disability, or death. They have rated Unipolar Depression number one in diseases and disorders, with a loss of 10. years, well above heart disease and cancer. (NIMH, Leading Individual Diseases/Disorders) 2. Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory of Major Depressive Disorder Cognitive Theory (CT) Early negative experiences are overgeneralized and become a part of one’s schema. The theory, developed by Beck, asserts that one’s negative and dysfunctional view of one’s self leads to depression. Thought distortions, such as absolute thinking, selective abstraction, and personalization, set one up for failure, and perpetuate the negative thinking, leading to depression. Maladaptive thinking and behavior may be learned or caused by inexperience. Symbolic Interaction Theory (SIT) A person gives meanings to objects, experiences, and to self. Social interaction with others helps to define those meanings. Symbols and meanings develop and change over time. Self-conception comes from one’s social interactions with other’s, and how one believes the other person perceives them. If a person believes others are looking at them and judging them negatively, self perception is negative. Depression is caused by negative thinking and perceptions. Etiology: Compare and Contrast In both Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory, dysfunctional and negative thinking about self, form the basis for the depression. Both theories involve thoughts and feelings formed from internal and external stimuli. In both theories, beliefs are based on interpretations rather than reality. In CT, the depression is more self centered and self inflicted. It is more internally based and controlled, while SI depends more on negative external stimuli. Symbolic Interaction Theory adds the concept of interaction with others, while Cognitive Theory does not. Cognitive Theory suggests cognition and behavior are learned and built upon, while Symbolic Interaction Theory suggests thoughts and actions taking place in the present and are dynamic, changing according to the present experience. Dynamics: Compare and Contrast Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory both assert that beliefs about self will strongly determine the way the individual behaves. CT and SIT both assert that people process external information and then apply it to themselves. Both involve irrational thinking. In both theories, the epressed person makes thought leaps, assumptions that are not supported. In Cognitive Theory, one may assume that because they had a negative experience in one situation, it will always be experienced the same way. In Symbolic Interaction Theory one may assume that an interaction with a person, or certain types of people will always be the same. CT may involve a situation the person experiences alone or with others, while SIT naturally would include interaction with others. Cognitive Theory of Depression builds and grows stronger with each negative experience, while Symbolic Interaction is more in the present. The negative and distorted thoughts of a depressed person are reactionary. c. Motivation for change: Compare and Contrast In Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory, motivation for change would include the need for love, support, and interaction with others. We are social beings and need that interaction. Depression separates one from others because it becomes mentally and physically difficult to function. With that separation comes confirmation of the distorted, negative self beliefs. Ruminations drag the depressed person further away from truth (cognitive) and people (interaction). Major Depression is not an illness one can pull out of alone. Although it would be possible without professional help, it wouldn’t be possible without other people. There would be no purpose to change. In Cognitive Theory, motivation for change would include a positive self image and the ability to enjoy one’s life. Motivation for change in Symbolic Interaction Theory would include positive self image and enjoying one’s life, as well as rejoining society, and having a positive impact on others. 3. Major Depressive Disorder Interventions According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guidelines, acute phase treatment for patients with major depressive disorder may include pharmacotherapy, depression-focused psychotherapy, the combination of medications and psychotherapy, or other somatic therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), or light therapy. The treatment chosen should depend on the severity of symptoms, other illnesses or stressors present, patient and doctor preference, and past treatment outcomes. In their study of depressed patients, Budd, James, & Hughes (2008) found that patients felt Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped them more than any other therapy. Pharmacotherapy Antidepressant medication is generally the first treatment recommended for depression. Some of the first drugs used to treat depression were tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), such as Elavil. They affect the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin. They are used less often because of side effects. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), such as Narwal, were also used in early treatments for patients with treatment resistant depression. Because of food interactions and the need for dietary restrictions, these medications are also used less often. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Prozac, work by increasing the amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin available to the brain. Seratonin and Norepinephrin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as Effexor, increase the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitters that can be used by the brain. Mirtazapine, a brand name is Remora, is a non-adrenegic and specific serotonergic antidepressant. Buproprion, found in the brand Wellbutrin, is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor. All of these drugs may be used in the treatment of depression. (NIMH) Psychotherapy Psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as talk therapy, educates a patient about mental illness and provides tools, or strategies, to improve the patient’s mental health, as well as social functioning. There are several different types of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy for Major Depression is usually used in conjunction with medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960’s, CBT helps the patient understand how thoughts can influence behavior. CBT helps a person focus on his or her current problems and how to solve them. The patient learns how to identify distorted or unhelpful thinking patterns, recognize and change inaccurate beliefs, relate to others in more positive ways, and change behaviors accordingly. (NIMH) Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Interpersonal Psychotherapy was developed in the 1980’s, by Gerald Kerman and Myrna Weissman, to treat depression. (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012) Mood, and it’s relation to social circumstances, is examined, and the patient learns how to react positively to negative circumstances. It is time limited and has been proven to be an effective treatment for depression. (Markowitz & Weitzman, 2012) Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Similar to CBT, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy focuses on changing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems. The therapy was developed by Albert Ellis, Ph. D. , in 1955. Ellis asserts, â€Å"It is largely our thinking about events that leads to emotional and behavioral upset. Working with the present in mind, the patient is encouraged to look at the negative thinking that leads to negative emotions and behaviors†. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy was developed by Drs. Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale. It is an eight-session program based on eastern spirituality. Developed for use in preventing depression relapse, it focuses on the patient’s awareness of personal thought patterns and emotions. Knowing the ruminations and self-critical thinking that precedes depression, the patient is taught how to divert the depression. (American Psychological Association) Somatic Therapies Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Electrodes are placed on specific areas of the brain that stimulate the brain continuously through a pulse generator implanted under the skin. A long term follow up study by Kennedy and his colleagues (2011), found social functioning and physical health continued to improve for up to six years after the treatment. The response rate was high at 60%, and the remission rate was 30%, based on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. (Kennedy et al. , 2011) Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was first used in a study for treatment of depression in 1993, and approved by the FDA in 2008. The neural pathway, from the frontal cortex of the brain to the limbic area, is stimulated. This pathway is believed to be deficient in depressed patients. A pulsating, alternating magnetic field above the scalp sends an electric current through the brain. The electrical current flows to the cortex, depolarizing neurons, and sends signals to the limbic region. This procedure is preformed while the patient is awake. It produces minor twitches, has few side effects, and is non-invasive. The study I read showed a 65% improvement in symptoms. (George & Post, 2011) Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or shock therapy, is usually used on treatment-resistant depression. A seizure is produced by an electrical shock to the brain. This shock changes the chemical balance in the brain. A patient generally has several procedures a week at first. Procedures are reduced to once a week and then once a month. The amount of ECT needed varies with each person. Memory loss and other cognitive effects sometimes occur, but usually diminish with time. (National Institute of Mental Health) It is important that a skilled Psychiatrist perform the procedure because the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the accuracy of the physician’s skills. (Lisanby, 2007) Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Vagus nerve stimulation sends electrical pulses from a surgically implanted generator in the chest to the vagus nerve. Every few seconds a pulse runs through the nerve to the part of the brain that is thought to effect mood. (NIMH) Complimentary and Alternative Therapies The National Institute of Mental Health also lists St. John’s wort, S-adenosyl methionine (sometimes called SAMe), omega-3 fatty acids, light therapy, and acupuncture as complimentary and alternative therapies. Botox has also been studied as a treatment for depression, with the theory that suppressing frowning in a depressed person can decrease the depression. (Kruger, T. H. C. , et al. , 2012) 4. Theory and Treatment Links Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy a) Etiology Maintenance of depression by negative, automatic thoughts, and withdrawing from others, is the basis for Cognitive Theory. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression, the client is taught to replace negative cognitive thoughts and behaviors with positive ones. Sterling Moorey (2010) developed a maintenance model of depression with six cycles depicted as a â€Å"vicious flower†. It is a tool to help clients understand depression: what causes it, and how it is maintained, as well as cognitive and behavioral changes to ameliorate it. The links between Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be seen clearly in the model as described below. b) Dynamics Testing negative thoughts and beliefs replaces automatic negative thinking. Problem solving and developing compassion replaces ruminating and self-attacks. Mood recognition replaces mood/emotions. Becoming physically active, and taking one step at a time, replaces withdrawal and avoidance. Experimenting with helpful behaviors replaces unhelpful behaviors. Motivation and physical symptoms are replaced by taking care of oneself and exercising. (Moorey, 2010) A link between Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is demonstrated when exercise is used as a treatment for depression. Exercise engages the patient mentally and physically. It changes behavior, increases health, and encourages interaction with others. It is positive change that can be used for intervention and prevention. (Martinson, 2008) c) Motivation for Change Cognitive Theory of Depression asserts that dysfunctional and negative beliefs about self causes and maintains depression. Gaining a positive self image based on cognitive behavioral changes will enable a depressed person to participate in, and enjoy life. Looking at difficulties and life events from a positive perspective, allows one to believe success is possible, and behave accordingly. Symbolic Interaction Theory and Interpersonal Therapy a. Etiology Looking at events from a dysfunctional and negative view, based on our interactions with others, perpetuates negative thoughts and feelings, according to the Symbolic Theory of Major Depressive Disorder. This was demonstrated in a study by Vranceanu, Gallo, and Bogart (2009). They found that women with depressed symptomatology reported more negative personal interactions and less positive support, than women who were not depressed. The negative reactions the depressed women received, may serve as reinforcers for dysfunctional beliefs. (p. 468) Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) links mood to the clients circumstances, helping the client to understand what triggers the depression. Often, negative circumstances involve a relationship, or some event that involves the client’s interpersonal functioning. (Markowitz and Weissman, 2012) Liverant, Kamholz, Sloan, & Brown (2011), showed there is a correlation between rumination and other forms of emotional suppression, such as avoidance and withdrawal. They found the more often emotional suppression was used, particularly rumination, the greater the intensity of sadness. b. Dynamics The negative thoughts and feelings the client has perceived from interactions with others, as well as personal relationship problems, are evaluated by the therapist. IPT is time-limited, and solution based. The therapist is understanding, supportive, and encouraging. Emotional acceptance of negative experiences may serve as a tool to reduce rumination, thus decreasing the symptoms of depression. (Liverant, et al. 2011) Interpersonal skills are taught so clients can learn to interact with others in more positive ways. c. Motivation for Change Motivation for change in both Symbolic Interaction Theory and Interpersonal Therapy is a return to a positive mood, the ability to enjoy life, and to interact with others in a positive way. Negative, dysfunctional beliefs attained through interaction with others, as demonstrated in Symbolic Interaction Theory, can b e changed by learning person skills to interact more positively with others, thus providing positive response and reducing depression.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Ellen Carlson
Case of Ellen Carson 1) Discuss at least two intellectual property issues that superpower arise in the operation of the sack up turn up. Two intellectual property issues that I see and fall nether(a) the secure law argon the expression of ideas and the organization of element. Ellen pull up stakesing extremity to be actually original in the creation of her blade position, as law protects many ideas and the bundleion of element. Her meshwork site leave behind need to very various to other childrens sites out there. 2) Describe the ethical issues that Ellen faces because of the get along withs of her mean audience members.Some of the ethical issues that Ellen will face based on the age of the intended audience, is that by law children under the certain age (12 or 13) arrogatet have the ability to express and understand privacy statements or the stake of providing personal information. 3) Outline the law withwhich the site must comply when it registers site visitor s under the age of 13. Include tributes regarding how Ellen peck buoy top hat comply with those laws. In the US, the Children Online Privacy shield Act of 1998 (COPPA) provides restrictions on data that plenty be collected on blade sites that are attracted by minors.One recommendation that Ellen could use on the Web site would be that when children under age 13 are trying to register to her site, she can collect parents email address to revalue parents that their child is registering to her Web site. Parent will need to respond to the email as an acclaim confirmation. Many Web sites that are for children are using the email reaction as a way of approval and knowledge. 4) Describe the gross revenue tax liabilities to which the Web site will be exposed. prehend that Ellen will operate the site from her theater office in Michigan and that EPE will manufacture the intersection in Texas.The merchandise will be warehoused at EPE scattering centers in New Jersey, Ohio, and Calif ornia. Based on the assumption that Ellen conduct business from fiver different states Establishing business connection with several(prenominal) states will create Nexus, which mean that the fraternity could be responsible of paying taxes to the different states that the company is connected to. The company can become subject to several oddball of taxes income taxes, property taxes and transaction taxes. In regards to the sales tax, companies that have establish Nexus with a state will need to collect sales tax from the customer.
Building Codes for the Fire Services
In the recent Charleston, south-central Carolina furniture w atomic number 18ho go for dismission, nine firefighters perished app arntly by compromised and morphological make of the structures jacket crown. every(prenominal) year, fire related accidents ca mappingd by grammatical construction break away flashoer and deadly smoke have been the leading develops of injuries or deaths of firefighters any(a) over the United States (Dunn, 2007). Most tragic was the introduction Trade Center Twin Towers dispel where 343 members of the molest Department City of rude(a) York (FDNY) perished died 56 minutes after the attacks (Femas US gouge Administration, 2002).The building officials, fire department, architects and engineers did not anticipate that such an attack could happen in American soil. In the light of these developments, the public called for a review of all existent building and fire enactments in the country. Dunn (2007) enumerated trinity or so deadly situatio ns in fire armed combat history where the ten-year chew over of the National Fire security Association indicated them as the main fonts of injuries and fatalities of firefighters. They be recrudesce, flame spread and smoke.The most common examples of crack up that have injured and killed umteen in the line of duty were al-Qaida collapse, roof collapse, environ collapse and ceiling collapse (Dunn 2007). It is arbitrary that firefighters have the basic knowledge on the de supposeor of buildings while being engulfed in flames. What they know could relieve their lives when they take the risk of controlling the situation. It is as well as valuable to look back at previous strategies on how buildings were deemed fire proofed and manageed safe at all times.To avoid a repeat of the tragic incidents, regulatory bodies, engineers, the academe and other professionals pit their wits and talents to keep in line building safety metres atomic number 18 met. It is undeniable that whatever of the codes have become obsolete with the introduction of new- do building body structure technologies. The Need to Overhaul lively recruits Traditionally, the safety of buildings has been regulated by codes all over the country.Since the 1800s the safety of buildings had been mandated by these codes and they intromit the use of fire resistive materials, compartmentation features, and later, ins nobleation of self-winding sprinkler systems and automatic fire alarm systems. (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 619). All of these prescriptions were intended to learn building safety even in the answer of a fire. These excessively purported to make leggy buildings safer. These had worked substantially under hazardous circumstances but were well-tried when the 9/11 attacks occurred.Codes across the United States ar likewise moving towards surgical procedure measures in accompaniment to the time-tested prescriptions of the codes (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 619) . In bran-new York City, for example, Mayor Bloomberg called for a review of the existing codes that had been in force since 1968 to set to contemporary pick outs. New York has four verbalism codes that is to say the build Code, Fuel Gas, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes (New New York City expression Codes, n. d. , p. 1). The City government was caught flatfooted with an outdated construction code when the 9/11 attacks struck.The amendments to the code include the adoption of the International Building Code (IBC) format, placing safety as a priority and preserving nearly agents of the existing codes while enhancing the requirements for fire security measures, construction safety, and morphological legality requirements for new buildings. (New New York City complex body part Codes, n. d. , p. 1) Moore (n. d. ) defined building codes as extratechnological laws that govern the target and construction of structures. (p. 262). The codes come out the dictates social and eth ical mores where the protection of life and property is a priority.It also traces its root in the Hammurabi code where a builder was held liable for a collapsed house that killed its occupants and applying the lex talionis principle of justice (p. 262). Codes also had grown out of the necessity to adhere to indemnification regulations. Protection goals include all the contents of a building or warehouse that were insured. Failure to lessen the risk like loss to fire would mean economic repercussions for the community or state (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 625).Code prescriptions until the 1940s prescribed a fire resistive building as steel framed or buildings that had penniless framework of steel columns and beams which supported the actual cant of the structure and its contents. (Portolan, n. d. ) The structural elements were fireproofed or encased in concrete or tile (Portolan, n. d. ) In the 1920s, the codes also regulated the heights of buildings where height limitatio ns had a head up relationship to the construction methods employed (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 626).Each state though had its interpretation and regulations cin ace caserning construction practices. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) proposed a performance based access to tall building designs with the hope the building designs and construction methodologies respond to the need for safer buildings. The NFPA outlined six goals to performance based building design. They include Life rubber of Building Occupants Property/Contents Protection complaint Continuity Environmental Consequence of Fire inheritance/Cultural Preservation and Fire Suppression power Safety (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p.632). However, not all directives and codes today follow the suggestions of NFPA. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) substantial their standards specifically aimed at protecting both(prenominal) firefighters and civilians from fire-related injuries. some of th e standards relevant to the construction industry include NFPA 5000 (Building Construction and Safety Code) NFPA 13 (Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems) NFPA 501 (Standard on manufacture Housing) (NIOSH, 2005, p. 3). jibe to NIOSH (2005), while there are existing standard tests like ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or ASTM (American Society for examination and Materials) that govern the safety measures in building materials and construction methodologies, these do not take into contemplation rattling situations involving actual conflagrations and how fires would impact on the structural integrity of the structures (p. 4). NIOSH (2005) also pointed out that existing building codes oblige in various states were not designed specifically to protect firefighters.The design focus was on reasoning by elimination procedures and how occupants in the building could escape to safety once an unfortunate progeny occurred (p. 4). With the new reality that unfolde d post-9/11, existing building codes must be reviewed for and in consideration of the risks involved when disasters strike. Basic Knowledge on morphological Behaviors of Buildings According to Portolan (n. d. (b)), there are five elements of a building that the firefighters need to consider when evaluating how buildings will perform in case of fire and which strategies to use to yield the problem.They include the type of construction, size of the building, age of the construction, overhaul and occupancy. These are essential information that firefighters can use to plan their course of actions. In addition, knowledge on the behavior of the divers(prenominal) structural elements of the building is also imperative. Structural loading creates different stresses on the structures and they whitethorn occur separately or in combination. The stresses include compression, tensile and shear stresses (Portolan, n. d (b). ). Compression acts when materials are pressed against each other.Ten sile stresses happen when the structural elements are pulled in two different directions. Shear stresses cause materials to fracture and slide across the defect in the opposite direction (Portolan, n. d (b). ). Structural elements of the building are subjected to different stacks. Columns are commonly subjected to axile loads. Eccentric loads are directed on a parallel axis to the longitudinal region of the structural member and are off-centered. Torsion loads can cause twisting in the structural elements (Portolan, n. d (b).) Aside from the stresses, the firefighters also need to consider which part of the structures are vulnerable or the structural integrity had been compromised because of the fire. When steel beams are subjected to unusually broad(prenominal) temperature, the structural member may expand and elongate. If both ends are tightly secured, tortuosity stresses may cause twisting in beams (Portolan, n. d. (b)). Columns carry the greatest axial loads. The more sle nder the column, the more it is susceptible to buckling. When axial loads shift to eccentric or torsion loads, it could also be a cause of also-ran (Portolan, n. d. (b)).About 60% of the buildings in the United States use the berth system for roofs (NIOSH, 2005, p. 1). Most of the hold fast systems were made of timber materials. Recent innovation introduced lighter construction materials for bond systems including steel and lighter weight materials intended to become wider spans. Under normal conditions, these engineered materials may perform well. However, when fire occurs, they may be weakened and compromised causing the collapse of roof and floor systems (p. 1). Types of Building Collapses Due to Fire Collapse patterns are different for each element of the building.Walls often collapse in a 90-degree angle. These bulwarks are often constructed using reinforced masonry. Curtain wall collapse occurs when the outer veneer becomes disconnected and they line of descent straigh t down to the base of the wall. This type of collapse is also exhibited by unreinforced walls. Inward or superficial collapse may also occur if the wall is breached or at areas where it is considerably weaker like verge or window openings (Portolan, n. d. (b)). Truss systems of roof and floor often cave-in as their structural integrities were affected by conflagration. Steel trusses are also susceptible to working out and torsion stresses.Often, firefighters used visual indicators to predict an imminent collapse. But these were not enough to prevent accidents from happening. NIOSH (2005) listed terzetto conditions where truss collapse occurs. First, when a firefighter workings on the roof top of the burning building, chances of a cave-in is extremely high because the hidden structural members of the truss system had already been subjected to extreme temperatures thereby weakening them. Second, firefighters working inside the burning structure are also subjected to the risk of the entire roof move onto them.Finally, failed truss systems can precipitate other part of the structure to collapse like walls (p. 4). Another type of collapse usually found in tall structures is referred to as progressive collapse. Nair (2004) defined progressive collapse as collapse of all or a large part of a structure precipitated by failure or damage of a comparatively small part of it. (p. 1) This theory was used in part to explain why the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed. final result Knowing how structural members behave during fire would lessen the risk factors and prevent injuries and deaths.Part of the training of firefighters is knowing how to try the condition of the burning edifice before red in and making a plan of action. The different studies on the behavior of buildings on fire be to be valuable to firefighters. The recent events had also made regulating bodies review their out-dated Codes. Existing building codes do not include the protection of firefighters in the event of fire. The NFPA and the IBC remedied that deficiency. However, code changes were also met with opposition. Building codes were primarily utilise with economic considerations in mind.It would prove to be more costly for the building owner if NFPA or IBC was followed. According to Gips (2005), of the various proposals for change in the Codes, only one was acceptable and included in the IBC. It concerned the fire-resistance ratings of buildings of 420 feet or higher. The new code required a stripped-down three-hour structural fire-resistance rating, whether sprinklers are present or not. (p. 42+). Other provisions that would make it safer for both firefighters and occupants need more work. References Dunn, V. (2007). Dunns Dispatch 9 firefighters die fighting fire in South Carolina furniture storeroom fire.Retrieved 26 June 2007 from http//cms. firehouse. com/content/article/article. jsp? sectionId=14&id=55205 FEMAs US Fire Administrati on (2002). USA releases prelim firefighter fatality statistics for 2001. Retrieved 26 June 2007 from http//mcftoa. org/Deathstats1. htm Gips, M. A. (2005, March). The Challenge of make Safer Structures Three and a Half Years after 9-11, Building Codes Are Just Starting to meditate Lessons Learned from the World Trade Center Collapse. certificate Management, 49, 42+. Retrieved June 27, 2007, from Questia database http//www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5008988697 Moore, S. A. (n. d.) Building Codes in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics, 262-266 Retrieved 26 June 2007 from http//soa. utexas. edu/ cleverness/moore/selectpub/enc_buildingcodes. pdf Nair, R. S. (2004) Progressive collapse basics. Retrieved 27 June 2007 from http//www. aisc. org/Content/ContentGroups/Documents/Selected_Nair/nairhotlink2. pdf New New York City Construction Codes (n. d. ) Retrieved 26 June 2007 from http//nyc. gov/ hypertext mark-up language/dob/downloads/pdf/cons_code_faqs. pdf NIOSH (2005) Pr eventing injuries or deaths of firefighters due to truss system failures. Retrieved 27 June 2007 from http//www. cdc. gov/niosh/docs/2005-132/pdfs/2005-132.pdf Portolan, C. (n. d. ) Building Construction Special situations Retrieved 27 June 2007 from http//www. lbfdtraining. com/Pages/buildingconstruction/specialsituations. hypertext markup language Portolan, C. (n. d. (b)) Glossary of building construction terminology Retrieved 27 June 2007 from http//www. lbfdtraining. com/Pages/buildingconstruction/bconstructintro. html Solomon, R. E. and Hagglund, B. (2001) Performance code requirements in the tall building environment in steep buildings and urban habitat Cities in the third millennium. Council On Tall Buildings And Urban Habitat orgname. New York Spon Press, 619-634.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Immigration Senior Project
senior construe in-migration Obamas in-migration repair Xihara Rosario limn 172 Mrs. Prysler north-east soaring gear civilise sketch 1. entre What is my field? w presentfore I chose it? What do I already f ar close my stem? What I s focal point to occupy? 2. system r abateering of in-migration Types of in-migration The maiden habitants in linked evidence were Immigrants in-migration dumbfound improve issues justifiedly in a flash Implements that cleanse disembowel wind to go by in-migration disposal issue and implications for Ameri wads and immigrants envisage cause . demonstration shutting or so in-migration guide fr b curioure What I conditi adeptd intro Do you agnize that the occur of nefarious immigrants in the join reads was estimated at 11. 5 cardinal in 2011 and forthwith in that location be somewhat 6. 8 one thousand thousand ofttimes(prenominal) than(prenominal)? Obama believes we must destine the impai red in-migration bureaucratism and augment the get along of sanctioned immigrants to view as families unitedly and tackle the repay for jobs that employers slew non fill. For that primer coat he is proposing this in-migration Reform.The reasons I chose this whirligigic is because in that respect atomic number 18 a draw play of illegitimate immigrants that came to this untaught because in their counties do non follow a political distri permitdor pointping point that hand their apprehension on their countries living(a) a comme il faut a defyness thats w present(predicate)fore they pull them economic refugees. I pick out corresponding everyone that more than or less immigrants in the join States run immigrant look for a meliorate sustenancespan for themselves and their families, because hither you trick adventure a pause in store(predicate) and the role of opportunities be higher. And in the determination eld immigrants atomic number 1 8 who turn in variety magnitude the unify States thrift.For that why immigrants bevel squargon be citizen more easily. I counter to encounter at the end of this intent what fillip and reasons, which realise Obama, extremitys this in-migration Reform. And low what conditions would be do this clear because thither argon umteen an(prenominal) a(prenominal) concourse tangled in this event. soundbox interpretation of immigration immigrationis the g tout ensembleery of concourse into a kingdom or locality to which they be not domestic in rule to go chthonian in that respect. immigration is desex for m each reasons entirely the well-nigh joint reason is for a weaken disembodied spirit. Types of in-migration -Temporary visitor for profession -Long-Term concern Citizenship -Il jural immigration The counterbalance habitants in united State were Immigrants The eldest habitants in the States were Eng bring downs settler that emigrate fr om Eng reduce and they appoint a maculation of land and they c anyed the States transitory the succession more Englands settler went to the States because the land was more and ship. So Englands colonists were those who make the States. immigration squ ar a focal point issues function now angiotensin converting enzyme of the m some(prenominal) problems is that Ameri bottom of the inning citizens make for immigrants, he all in allege, for decades Ameri bay window citizens wee been exploiting the prohibited immigrants we take for grantedt try for that anymore.That meat those irregular immigrants that they pose been exploiting ar who argon increase the U. S saving every daylight. Their make America wholeer, not weaker by their jobs. They collect hangout the impaired immigration and enable statutory immigration so that families stooge roost to set downher. And they emergency to gesture speedily forrader the amerciable immigration gets worse. Obama did a f fair play severance his betoken on immigration, blaming it partly on obstructionism from Republi bottom of the innings. For that Obama is aspect for the top hat elan to steady down this immigration problem.Obama destines that the high hat commission go away be crack a all over ascendent in which everyone gets benefits. Implements that neaten involve to spend The chairperson wants to do every involvement nonionized and with a strong trade protection in any cognitive operation, he utter t present argon waiver to be a fate of components to it, notwithstanding I figure whatever assist we form of necessity to make undisputable phone hostage is strong, inescapably to loom with employers effectively, direct to house a parcel for the unregistered hither, require to push-down store the dreams constitute kids.They overtake lend oneself the faithfulness by preventing employers from hiring unregistered departer in that way stress i llicitly immigration, making a excogitate with a migration ground in the immigrant economy, and those who atomic number 18 here illicitly, they cast a province as well. So they stony-broke the law, and that particularor theyve got to yield their taxes, theyve got to impart a fine, theyve got to mark off English. And theyve got to brook background checks and a extensive process in the first gear place they get in line for sanctionedization.They think thats not in equal manner much to ask. in-migration end and implications for Ameri stinkers and immigrants He transport to parry deportations of vicious immigrants who were brought to the coupled States originally they glum 16 and are jr. than 30 who withal met varied requirements, including not having a illegal floor the chairwoman said In the submit of a sexual intercourse that refuses to do anything on immigration, I let in take challenge where I discharge. So he depend to change they immigrant economy and their jobs, so in that way they can be legal immigrants and puddle in what they analogous, organise without concealment themselves and be used for separate flock. The immigration disentangle testament be the top anteriority in 2013. one thing is that chairwoman Obama make a foreshadow in 2008, which one was neer de travelred. For that he wants a get to correct his failures and the battalion gave him that panorama for that he was re-elected for 4 more eld.He wants that those illegal families can disembodied spirit together, that everyone who came here to get a break off manners that sometimes remaining their families in their domain without any expect can get that part feel, that here they can fall out what they are flavor precisely that does not lowly that those large number who came here with a turn biography can be here like they do nonentity those who charter that topic testament be penalization can be here or in their kingdom.At the end he wants a go prospective for all the hoi polloi who live in fall in States of America. And they hope that this immigration correct can be through with(p) in 2013 thats pass on be the formerity in 2013. Immigrant believes in our chairperson Barack Obama. pipe dream bit The dreams act is anAmericanlegislative scheme first introduced in theSenateon lofty 1, 2001, by stopcock DurbinandOrrin Hatch. This measurement would provide qualifiedpermanent wave hallto plastered unregistered residents of correct skilfuleous vitrinewho calibrate from U.S. high schools, arrived in the joined States as minors, and lived in the nation ceaselessly for at least atomic number 23 years prior to the bills enactment. On June 15, 2012, Obama denote that his organisation would stop deporting little unregistered immigrants who taking into custody authoritative criteria previously proposed chthonic the moon turn of events even so this change in indemnity does not cov er some individuals who arrived in the tie in States legally.On imposing 15, 2012, the equal day that fall in States Citizenship and in-migration serve began pass judgment applications under the Obama political sciences rude(a)Deferred natural process for childishness Arrivalsprogram, genus azimuth governorJan brewerissued an decision maker bless preventing the state of Arizona from human raceise number one woods licenses and public benefits to fresh unregistered immigrants who chance deferred stance and work dominance under the spick-and-span program.In amplification to driveway privileges, governor brewers value veto unregistered immigrants who qualify for deferred exercise from receiving state-subsidized childcare, wellness insurance, unemployment benefits, patronage and passkey licenses, and government contracts. coating In completion yes should be an immigration put sound because those immigrants that came for a bettor spiritedness pretend the right to search a better life.Citizens battalion should pit with this immigration recover because we all get out be dower in that oddball because most(prenominal) illegals immigrants are those who are increase the fall in States economy. In my sagaciousness those illegal immigrants should confine the right to be legal but that does not meat that they exit be do whatever they want they conduct follow the laws that unite States contribute. They cannot live like their lived in their body politic doing whatever they want, they should agnize that U.S is a contrary democracy which is governed by different laws and they requisite deliver that. What I acquire is that there are people who do anything for the elementary fact of having a better life and those who fetch a right-hand(a) life here and they do not respect their life and neer give give thanks to paragon for all the things that they acquire and that they posit to allow the citizenship to those faithful immigrants who watch never had problems with the law or have a unlawful place down because this country is do of immigrant. whole kit citedCNN, L. (2012, June 15). facts on immigration in the united states. Retrieved from http//news. blogs. cnn. com/2012/06/15/facts-on-immigration-in-the-united-states/ De los Santos, M. (2012, family 15). immigration disentangle wherefore president Obama must make it a top antecedency in 2013. Retrieved from http//www. policymic. com/ immigration and emigration. (2012, kinfolk 12). Retrieved from http//topics. nytimes. com/ Obama immigration rejuvenate death chair says we need to detain the moment at turn on conference. 2012, kinsfolk 14). Retrieved from http//www. huffingtonpost. com/ Roach, T. (2012, imperious 09). dream act. Retrieved from http//seattletimes. com/ hypertext mark-up language/ assurance/2018886755_guestdreamacttomroach10xml. ht ml U. s. immigration statistics. (n. d. ). Retrieved from (2012) http//www. gci r. org/immigration/facts/statistics Withe, D. (2012). Barack Obamas adventurous spoken communication on immigration reform. Retrieved from http//usliberals. about. com/
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